Re: Access Violation [73926]

2020-07-08 Tema obsahu ppetree
Sorry... I was at 5.0.3 (377). Last time I checked it was the latest! LOL


PSPad freeware editor

Access Violation [73916]

2020-07-07 Tema obsahu ppetree
Sorry, I couldn't report this through your tool but I kept getting the alert()

How I got there:
Had several files open in a project, created a new file (unsaved) and pasted two
lines of xml code into it.  Saved the project without saving the XML file.
Switched to another project, I was prompted to save the xml file (I didn't) and
I was prompted to close the project (I did) and then got this:


If the image doesn't show up, you can snag it here


PSPad freeware editor

macro command - F3 (find+next) [70179]

2018-04-30 Tema obsahu ppetree
Is there a way to insert the F3 (find next) into a macro?  It doesn't get
recorded (for some reason) and I can't find a key or command reference I can
manually insert into a macro.



PSPad freeware editor

Re: regex question [70178]

2018-04-30 Tema obsahu ppetree
Thanks for that guys... searching backwards did work. :-))


PSPad freeware editor

regex question [70018]

2018-03-22 Tema obsahu ppetree
I have a file that is one very long line. Each section of the line starts with
_0:_ like this:

0: text 0: more text 0: still more text 0: error 0: console.log 0: more text

I want to replace the _0:_ with a newline _

I've turned on regex, tried searching for 0:, 

Regex problem with $ [56287]

2011-03-30 Tema obsahu ppetree
I'm doing a regex search for ","$ and I want to replace this with ","

I'm doing the search backwards
I have tried doing the search with ","\n
I have tried doing the search with ","\n\r
I have tried doing the search with ","\r
I have tried doing the search with ","\x0d
I have tried doing the search with ","\x0a
I have tried doing the search with ","\x0a\x0d

It finds ","$ (but nothing else
It will not replace ","$ with ","

Any ideas on how to do this?




PSPad freeware editor

Can't edit [47782]

2008-09-29 Tema obsahu ppetree
I just downloaded and installed version 4.5.3 and I can open the program and
create a new text file just fine.

However, when I open a php file I can move the cursor around, I can highlite
text but I can not enter new text or delete any old text.  No alpha-numeric
letters and the delete and backspaces keys do not work.

Of course I checked the file permission and they are NOT read only (in fact I
tried editing several files with the same results.

Any suggestions?




PSPad freeware editor