I have a very large text file. It seems that 99.9% of characters /text plain
are normal but one Unicode character tells you that it will encode if it writes
without Unicode. How do _I find this one or more Unicode characters_?

if you are able to list the characters, you want to accept as "normal", you can
search with a regular expression for any other character using a [^...] pattern
for a "negated" or complement character set, e.g. the pattern:
[^0-9a-zA-Z !"#$%&'()*+,./:;<=>?@\[\\]\^_`\{\|\}\-]

should match any character except of basic Latin letters, numbers, a space and
the listed diacritics and symbols (some of them are escaped in the pattern as
they are metacharacters with special meaning in regular expressions).
The list can of sourse be adjusted for specific needs.


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