When I login to my FTP account, there is a default home directory.

example: /dir1/subdir1/

But when I leave "distance folder" empty in PSPad FTP settings, PSPad assumes
that the start directory is the root "/"...

When I enter the real location "/dir1/subdir1/" in "distance folder" then FTP
list is ok... I can open a file, example "test.htm" ... meanwhile I switch to
another FTP account...
then I want to save back "test.htm" : the FTP opens again BUT ... the contents
of the FTP windows are not refreshed.

Very strange, my file /dir1/subdir1/test.htm is saved well but not visible in
the FTP window.

If I set the start directory to "/dir1" instead of "/dir1/subdir1" then it
Only problem now is that after a connection the contents of "/dir1" are showed
instead of "/dir1/subdir1"/

I'm not sure but I think that there must be an extra test after connecting: when
no initial directory given, do not assume the "/" root as home folder.
Perhaps adding an extra PWD command and moving the result to this initial

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