Please excuse the brief information about my idea. I wanted to know what you
thought first.

With the possibility to assign special paths to the fav tools, the effort for
PSPad is very low. No starting of programs is necessary, no catching of output,
no parser, or anything else.

More in detail. 

The user creates a VBScript that does whatever he wants, e.g. calling a
compiler, starting a user converter, or ...

In Fav-Tools the user opens the edit dialog for a Fav-Tool and enters a name for
the tool. If he then enters the path and starts with 2 colons, all other
settings are disabled. No parameters, no default directory, no log file, etc.
Only tool name and special path. The user clicks on OK.

When the user then starts the fav tool, all PSPad has to do is link to the menu
item of the script. No further action is necessary.

In other words: If the user double clicks the fav tool, it's the same as if he
had clicked the menu, e.g. "Scripts" / "Todo list" / "View todos", and the
script will be executed. 

Result: In the script the user can assign a shortcut. The user can now either
click the fav tool or press his shortcut. ==> In both cases the corresponding
menu item is started.

I hope I could explain it a bit. ;-)


PSPad freeware editor

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