I have to work on file that use the old MSDos character sets, german "Umlaute"
included: äöüÄÖÜß

It is possible to correctly show these characters using "Ansicht - OEM Zeichen
(DOS Zeichensatz)" (sorry, I dont know what the menu entry dispays exactly in
the english vesion), but there are two problems: 
1. the characters themselves look aweful and are hard to read. 
2. even worse, the characters are correctly displayed, but when I want to enter
such a character (with my german keyboard), completely different characters are
inserted into the text.

Would it be possibe to use some windows character set while editing and make the
necessary conversions from and to MSDOS when loading and saving the text? This
would solve both problems.

PSPad freeware editor https://www.pspad.com

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