for free format set sections to 0,0,255
*> as inline comments works for me. 

In free format anywhere, in strict format when it start in section B

Free Format with 0,0,255 works fine (I suggest to add a label in the
specification telling the standards for fixed-form and free-form reference
format - or even better: adding two buttons for easily set the one or the other
(own entries or changes in the set cols can be done manually).
And another suggestion: Set OK as the default button, leading to ENTER leavin
the dialoge (currently [ALT]+[O] is needed).

*> works for me now, too. I was just confused by a bug: the strings are not
shown correctly on load.

Steps to reproduce:
- open colors.cbl, close all other files
- set the specification to 0,0,255
- close and reopen PSPad
- according to the string highligter a string is opened in line 20 and nowhere
closed (this only gets solved if you add a space in this line and remove it


PSPad freeware editor

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