I don't know how difficult this would be to implement, but it would be *very*
useful for me!!

Currently, when a bookmark is placed in a file, and I jump back to that
bookmark, the bookmark is placed in the center of the screen.

However, I often bookmark the function name, or block of code, that I'm working
in, and leave it at the top of the window.  I then continue working further down
in the function.  I would really be grateful if the bookmarks would remember
where (on the screen) they were located when the bookmark was set, and then
restore to that position when I jump back again...

In other words, if the bookmark was at the top of the screen when it was placed,
that is where it would be restored when I return to the bookmark; but if the
cursor was at screen line 20 when the bookmark was placed, again that is how the
screen would be restored when I return.

I use bookmarks *_alot_* in my working day, so this would make pspad
work much more smoothly for me!!!

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