I have been having this issue for some time now and have just downloaded 2433
which stll presents the issue.

When you use
/color] [color=#A52A2A]"Drive:"[/color] [color=#0000ff]&[/color]
[color=#A52A2A]"\"[/color] [color=#0000ff]&[/color]
[color=#A52A2A]"Temp"[/color] in the vbscript script highlighter, the
highlight works as it should.

If I change the highlighter to a custom highlighter I am developing, I get
/color] [color=#A52A2A]"Drive:"[/color] [color=#0000ff]&[/color]
[color=#A52A2A]"\" & "Temp"[/color].

Note the *"\"* is treated as an escape character and if I add anything else
after the \ and before the quote then all works fine.

In vbscript the only escape required is the double quote. To display a " without
using chr(34) is to do it lile this:

wscript.echo """"

To put quotes around text you do this:

wscript.echo """This text would have a double quote at each end"""

The problem arrises when writing WSF files. In that case then the standard \
rule applies.

I believe this could be accounted for since wsf and other html based files using
vbs would have a construct such as

<script language="vbscript">

The code explorer being used is ftVBS.

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