Por si alguien no lo hubiera recibido:


IBM had an unequivocal response to the onslaught of Fast400 this 
week: put it in your box and you're way out of line. In last 
week's iNEWSWire (see: 
=14442 ), we reported the relaunch of Fast400, a 
software tool that optimises interactive capacity in iSeries boxes 
without the need for expensive interactive cards. But in a 
statement issued to us this week, an IBM Rochester spokesperson 
said: "IBM believes Fast400 modifies IBM Licensed Internal Code 
which is a violation of IBM's license agreements with its 
customers pursuant to which the customer agrees not to modify 
Licensed Internal Code.

"When it comes to IBM's warranty and service, running Fast400 on a 
system (with its modification of Licensed Internal Code) 
constitutes an 'alteration' under the Multiple Supplier System 
Bulletin. In such case, IBM requires that customers notify IBM of 
any such alteration and that the machine be inspected, at 
customer's expense, prior to any IBM warranty or maintenance 
actions... After inspection, IBM will continue to make IBM 
warranty or maintenance service available for the unaltered 
portion of the machine." The spokesperson continued that in order 
for warranty and maintenance services to operate, "the Licensed 
Internal Code must be restored to its unaltered state". 

Isle of Man-based SSG (Software Solutions Group) launched the 
latest version of Fast400 on behalf of its anonymous developers 
last week, and reported that interest around the world had been 
huge already. SSG says Fast400 will increase the workload capacity 
of iSeries boxes so that users do not need to pay IBM for 
interactive cards that could cost them many thousands of pounds, 
just to release their machines' full capacity. 

Despite saying that patched programs such as Fast400 "can cause 
all sorts of problems, intended and unintended, that will affect 
correct operation of a system", IBM says that it will issue PTFs 
to address current and future unauthorised enablement of unpaid-
for capacity which it will " require to be applied in service 
situations." Big Blue also said it will "make adjustments to 
OS/400 to address unauthorized enablement of unpaid for capacity, 
whether it be interactive, processor, DASD, etc."

But according to Colin Wells, director of sales and marketing for 
SSG, Fast400 -- which is available for £600 per machine per year -
- has been specifically designed to overcome present and future 
code that IBM puts into OS/400 to scupper its operation. 

Graham Hope, senior iSeries account manager at iSeries ERP 
specialists, Geac, confirms that Fast400 is a major problem for 
IBM in terms of revenue stream. He points out that the fact IBM 
moved so quickly to bring out a PTF to block the software when it 
first came out around 18 months ago demonstrates the company's 
desire to put a stop to Fast400. "It is a problem for IBM because 
the interactive feature continues to represent a substantial 
cost," he says. "There's still a lot of 50/50 based traffic out 
there... that hasn't transitioned to a true client/server 
scenario, hence IBM is making a lot of money out of the 
interactive feature."

Hope reports that several of his customers have been asking about 
installing Fast400 in their box and adds that, at £100,000 a pop, 
"not having to pay to use the interactive feature is a big bonus 
for anyone". He adds: "It's a question of who gets there first and 
ultimately whether IBM can stop this thing working on their 

--Fenella Quinn, Industry Reporter.

 Vicente García Valero
 Departamento de sistemas
 Cerámica SALONI S.A.

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