Python execute [77757]

2022-11-06 Tema obsahu AskMe
How to run my Python program directly from the editor? About the same as html files can be viewed and executed as in the browser immediately from the editor, it would be desirable for Python files after editing to be able to execute the code by pressing just one button. To display the progress of

Re: Python execute [77758]

2022-11-06 Tema obsahu Ilya
Settings -> Highlighters Settings -> Python. Tab External applications. In the Application entry type the python.exe's path in quotes and "%File%": "C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\pythonw.exe" "%File%" Then click on Add and OK F9 runs an External Application Instead of

Re: 64 Bit Crashes [77759]

2022-11-06 Tema obsahu Jan Fiala
Hello You are right, 32b version is more stable, even the sources are same. -- PSPad freeware editor

Re: Python execute [77761]

2022-11-06 Tema obsahu AskMe
Thank you! You have written a comprehensive recipe, and I am glad that everything is so well thought out in the editor. -- PSPad freeware editor

NUL (0x00) character v batch souboru [77760]

2022-11-06 Tema obsahu lazna
Mám rozsáhlý soubor shell scriptu pro windows uložený v CP65001 No-BOM který mi najednou začal dělat různé brikule. Začal jsem zkoumat co se děje, a začal jsem na různých místech zvláštní znaky. Jeden čínský a jeden "oztazník ve vertikálním čtverečku" (ty jsem bohužel smazal bez zjištění