Re: [fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2017-01-01 Thread Zakero
On Wed, Dec 28, 2016 at 10:31 PM, Andy Bradford 

> Thus said Zakero on Thu, 22 Dec 2016 16:07:52 +0400:
> > A   few   weeks   ago,   Andy   asked   me   to   try   to   reproduce
> > this   problem   with  older   versions   of   fossil.  The   check-in
> > "41c2220934de8cb8d90126d5083df3e95e961b8c" is where  the problem first
> > appears. This also mirrors the findings  in the "Merge failed with SQL
> > error" email in the fossil-users  mailing list that states the problem
> > seems related to the "merge-renames" branch.
> It looks like Richard found some time to fix this:
> I've  updated the  test  case  (which was  failing  due  to some  output
> changes, but which are actually correct). Please try building the latest
> on trunk  to see  if it will  correctly merge your  branch. I  would try
> myself, but  I deleted the  copy of your  repository that I  was testing
> against.
> Thanks,
> Andy
> --
> TAI64 timestamp: 40005864051a
I can confirm that Dr. Hipp's change has fixed the issue that I was
encountering. :-)

Thank you Dr. Hipp and Andy for looking into this and getting it resolved.

fossil-dev mailing list

Re: [fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2016-12-28 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Zakero on Thu, 22 Dec 2016 16:07:52 +0400:

> A   few   weeks   ago,   Andy   asked   me   to   try   to   reproduce
> this   problem   with  older   versions   of   fossil.  The   check-in
> "41c2220934de8cb8d90126d5083df3e95e961b8c" is where  the problem first
> appears. This also mirrors the findings  in the "Merge failed with SQL
> error" email in the fossil-users  mailing list that states the problem
> seems related to the "merge-renames" branch.

It looks like Richard found some time to fix this:

I've  updated the  test  case  (which was  failing  due  to some  output
changes, but which are actually correct). Please try building the latest
on trunk  to see  if it will  correctly merge your  branch. I  would try
myself, but  I deleted the  copy of your  repository that I  was testing


TAI64 timestamp: 40005864051a

fossil-dev mailing list

Re: [fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2016-12-22 Thread Zakero
A few weeks ago, Andy asked me to try to reproduce this problem with older
versions of fossil.  The check-in
"41c2220934de8cb8d90126d5083df3e95e961b8c" is where the problem first
appears.  This also mirrors the findings in the "Merge failed with SQL
error" email in the fossil-users mailing list that states the problem seems
related to the "merge-renames" branch.

On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 1:56 AM, Andy Bradford 

> Thus said Zakero on Sun, 16 Oct 2016 18:45:41 -0500:
> > Ran into an interesting problem yesterday when merging branches:
> >
> > vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> > 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735]:
> > constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.
> > fossil: UNIQUE constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.vid: {INSERT INTO
> > vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> > 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735}
> > Rolling back prior filesystem changes...
> I have been  working with Zakero on  this problem, but so  far have been
> unable to provide a suitable fix, mostly because I'm not sure which part
> of the code is  actually the cause of the problem; that  and and lack of
> familiarity with the merge algorithm (is there one?) and code.
> I  have finally  been  able to  reproduce this  problem  with a  minimal
> test-case. I will include the output below that can trigger the problem.
> I've  added some  additional uncommitted  debug code  to Fossil  to help
> understand what's  happening; basically just  output the fv  table after
> each modification to it. I believe  the problem happens because the same
> file is  attempted to  be added  to the  vfile table  due to  failure to
> detect that there was a rename.
> In the  debug, you'll notice that  Fossil first adds in  renames for fn,
> and there are none,  so there is no output. Then it  adds in renames for
> fnp (Pivot) and  there are some but  none that get added to  fv. Then it
> adds in renames for fnm (Merge) and  finally there is an entry in the fv
> table for  a change from  the name pivot (N)  to the merge  version (M).
> afile is recorded as renamed to Afile due to the merge.
> Next, Fossil  starts adding in files  from the checkout version  (V) and
> another row  is added  to the fv  table for the  rename. Should  it have
> updated the existing entry in fv? Or  should it be handled later on with
> the rest of the code that checks for various renames?
> Moving on...
> After adding  files from V, both  row 1 and  row 2 in fv  that represent
> changes to  Afile. Adding  in files from  P updates both  rows 1  and 2.
> Adding in files from  M doesn't alter row 1 or 2, but  does update row 3
> (un unrelated file). No further modifications  are made to fv and in the
> end, when Fossil  begins updating the vfile table, it  ends up trying to
> insert the same filename twice but for different reasons.
> I've tried what I thought would be  an appropriate fix, but there were a
> handful of  failures in merge5,  merge_renames and one in  merge_exe, so
> either it was  the wrong fix, or the tests  are biased towards incorrect
> behavior.
> Here is the enhanced merge debug output:
> $ /tmp/fossil merge --debug away
> N=3 0e060d1e500398f692088acff2981a1ea57b1bde
> P=19 ed49365cd035e7eaadf99ba315bf211e75a915b6
> M=21 48a07754f9c0bcbe0d4408e9a83c976ae74c8b85
> V=19 ed49365cd035e7eaadf99ba315bf211e75a915b6
> add_renames for fn
> add_renames for fnp
> N->M at 14> 4386173c7f: 2[afile] -> 0[]
> N->M at 14> 4386173c7f: 2[afile] -> 3[Afile]
> N->M summary 2[afile] -> 3[Afile]
> add_renames for fnm
>   1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = []
>  fnp = []
>  fnm = [Afile]
>  fnn = [afile]
> add files found in V
>   1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [afile]
>  fnp = []
>  fnm = [Afile]
>  fnn = [afile]
>   2: ridv=12   ridp=0ridm=0idv=9idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [Afile]
>  fnp = []
>  fnm = []
>  fnn = []
>   3: ridv=18   ridp=0ridm=0idv=10   idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [file]
>  fnp = []
>  fnm = []
>  fnn = []
> add files found in P
>   1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [afile]
>  fnp = [afile]
>  fnm = [Afile]
>  fnn = [afile]
>   2: ridv=12   ridp=0ridm=0idv=9idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [Afile]
>  fnp = [Afile]
>  fnm = []
>  fnn = []
>   3: ridv=18   ridp=0ridm=0idv=10   idp=0idm=0chnged=0
> isexe=0  islinkv=0 islinkm=0
>  fn  = [file]
>  fnp = [file]
>  fnm 

Re: [fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2016-11-11 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Zakero on Sun, 16 Oct 2016 18:45:41 -0500:

> Ran into an interesting problem yesterday when merging branches:
> vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735]: UNIQUE
> constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.
> fossil: UNIQUE constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.vid: {INSERT INTO
> vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735}
> Rolling back prior filesystem changes...

I have been  working with Zakero on  this problem, but so  far have been
unable to provide a suitable fix, mostly because I'm not sure which part
of the code is  actually the cause of the problem; that  and and lack of
familiarity with the merge algorithm (is there one?) and code.

I  have finally  been  able to  reproduce this  problem  with a  minimal
test-case. I will include the output below that can trigger the problem.

I've  added some  additional uncommitted  debug code  to Fossil  to help
understand what's  happening; basically just  output the fv  table after
each modification to it. I believe  the problem happens because the same
file is  attempted to  be added  to the  vfile table  due to  failure to
detect that there was a rename.

In the  debug, you'll notice that  Fossil first adds in  renames for fn,
and there are none,  so there is no output. Then it  adds in renames for
fnp (Pivot) and  there are some but  none that get added to  fv. Then it
adds in renames for fnm (Merge) and  finally there is an entry in the fv
table for  a change from  the name pivot (N)  to the merge  version (M).
afile is recorded as renamed to Afile due to the merge.

Next, Fossil  starts adding in files  from the checkout version  (V) and
another row  is added  to the fv  table for the  rename. Should  it have
updated the existing entry in fv? Or  should it be handled later on with
the rest of the code that checks for various renames?

Moving on...

After adding  files from V, both  row 1 and  row 2 in fv  that represent
changes to  Afile. Adding  in files from  P updates both  rows 1  and 2.
Adding in files from  M doesn't alter row 1 or 2, but  does update row 3
(un unrelated file). No further modifications  are made to fv and in the
end, when Fossil  begins updating the vfile table, it  ends up trying to
insert the same filename twice but for different reasons.

I've tried what I thought would be  an appropriate fix, but there were a
handful of  failures in merge5,  merge_renames and one in  merge_exe, so
either it was  the wrong fix, or the tests  are biased towards incorrect

Here is the enhanced merge debug output:

$ /tmp/fossil merge --debug away
N=3 0e060d1e500398f692088acff2981a1ea57b1bde
P=19 ed49365cd035e7eaadf99ba315bf211e75a915b6
M=21 48a07754f9c0bcbe0d4408e9a83c976ae74c8b85
V=19 ed49365cd035e7eaadf99ba315bf211e75a915b6

add_renames for fn

add_renames for fnp
N->M at 14> 4386173c7f: 2[afile] -> 0[]
N->M at 14> 4386173c7f: 2[afile] -> 3[Afile]
N->M summary 2[afile] -> 3[Afile]

add_renames for fnm
  1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = []
 fnp = []
 fnm = [Afile]
 fnn = [afile]

add files found in V
  1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [afile]
 fnp = []
 fnm = [Afile]
 fnn = [afile]
  2: ridv=12   ridp=0ridm=0idv=9idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [Afile]
 fnp = []
 fnm = []
 fnn = []
  3: ridv=18   ridp=0ridm=0idv=10   idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [file]
 fnp = []
 fnm = []
 fnn = []

add files found in P
  1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [afile]
 fnp = [afile]
 fnm = [Afile]
 fnn = [afile]
  2: ridv=12   ridp=0ridm=0idv=9idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [Afile]
 fnp = [Afile]
 fnm = []
 fnn = []
  3: ridv=18   ridp=0ridm=0idv=10   idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [file]
 fnp = [file]
 fnm = []
 fnn = []

add files found in M
  1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0idv=0idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [afile]
 fnp = [afile]
 fnm = [Afile]
 fnn = [afile]
  2: ridv=12   ridp=0ridm=0idv=9idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [Afile]
 fnp = [Afile]
 fnm = []
 fnn = []
  3: ridv=18   ridp=0ridm=0idv=10   idp=0idm=0chnged=0 isexe=0  
islinkv=0 islinkm=0
 fn  = [file]
 fnp = [file]
 fnm = [file]
 fnn = []

compute file version ids for P and M
  1: ridv=0ridp=0ridm=0i

Re: [fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2016-10-16 Thread Andy Bradford
Thus said Zakero on Sun, 16 Oct 2016 18:45:41 -0500:

> vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735]: UNIQUE
> constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.
> fossil: UNIQUE constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.vid: {INSERT INTO
> vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
> 21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735}
> Rolling back prior filesystem changes...

Can you provide steps to reproduce  this, or otherwise provide a link to
the Fossil so that it can be attempted by others?

From the error, it seems to be  a problem with your local checkout. What
happens if  you clone again from  the original source, and  then attempt
the merge?


TAI64 timestamp: 40005804421e

fossil-dev mailing list

[fossil-dev] SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: abort at 41

2016-10-16 Thread Zakero
Greetings Everyone!

Ran into an interesting problem yesterday when merging branches:

vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735]: UNIQUE
constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.
fossil: UNIQUE constraint failed: vfile.pathname, vfile.vid: {INSERT INTO
vfile(vid,chnged,deleted,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname)  SELECT
21178,3,0,rid,mrid,isexe,islink,pathname FROM vfile WHERE id=4735}
Rolling back prior filesystem changes...

This was using Fossil 1.35 from the download page on the website.  I also
downloaded the source from the latest check-in at the time (  And the problem
still exists.  I also tried rebuilding the repository and no luck.

There have been similar messages on the mailing lists in the past, but I
did not see any resolutions:

I am using Linux, openSuSE Tumbleweed 64-bt, the output of "fossil version
-v" is:

This is fossil version 1.36 [b2d51b1b22] 2016-10-16 01:21:34 UTC
Compiled on Oct 16 2016 18:18:00 using gcc-6.2.1 20160830 [gcc-6-branch
revision 239856] (64-bit)
SQLite 3.15.0 2016-10-14 10:20:30 707875582f
Schema version 2015-01-24
zlib 1.2.8, loaded 1.2.8
SSL (OpenSSL 1.0.2j-fips  26 Sep 2016)

Does anyone have any suggestions or tips?

Thanks in advance for any help :-)

fossil-dev mailing list