Hi Mike,
The current 1.1 release of FOSSology uses the bsam algorithm described here:  

The next version, 1.2, will include an additional license analysis method 
called nomos, which is primarily a pattern matching algorithm with MANY rules.

And finally, there is a new algorithm under development for version 1.3 which 
we believe will be faster and more accurate than either of the previous 2 
methods.  It is discussed here http://fossology.org/f1.


Hi fossologists,

Is there a high-level description of the algorithm used to compare the set of 
licenses with the files in an upload? - Or better, a high-level description of 
the algorithm you want it to be, i.e. what you currently regard as the best 
solution? I've skimmed the develop docs without coming across this?


Mike Kinghan,
Test Lead, Symbian
+44(0)776 5222 793

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