Le mercredi 28 février 2007, à 19:46, Vincent Untz a écrit :
> Hi,
> We had a meeting about Summer of Code yesterday in #soc. Here are the
> minutes. We'll have another meeting next week, probably same day + same
> time (Tuesday, 20:00 UTC) since there were still some topics we didn't
> have time to discuss.

Just a reminder about the next meeting: it's Tuesday (ie today/tomorrow,
20:00 UTC), and it will be held in #soc.

Right now, the agenda is:

 + organization of the SoC promotion from a GNOME perspective
 + collect ideas on SoC/WSOP-like programmes that could be proposed to
   the board
 + review of the instructions we've put online for students and
   potential mentors (http://live.gnome.org/SummerOfCode2007)
 + AOB

I'm sure I'm forgetting something, so don't hesitate to propose another
topic for discussion.


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