Hi Philip,

On Thu, 2019-06-06 at 11:20 -0700, Philip Chimento via foundation-list
> [SNIP]
> It's public knowledge that you've disagreed with decisions made by
> the currently sitting board of directors. Different points of view,
> disagreement, and debate within the board are normal, healthy, and
> expected, but I believe that so are collaboration, respect, and trust
> while engaging in debate.
> On several occasions you've insinuated publicly that the current
> directors are untrustworthy or involved in something shady, without
> making any overt accusations that could be responded to factually. 
> https://gitlab.gnome.org/Teams/Board/issues/60 is an example of this.
> I can't speak for any of the other candidates, but I would find an
> atmosphere where people operate out of distrust, if it existed on the
> board, detrimental to a good working relationship.
> If elected to the board, how would you help to build trust and
> collaborative working relationships among the directors, and
> encourage healthy debate?

I did not mean to express distrust when asking for more transparency.

I am really not proud of some of the things that I said in that ticket.
But I also maintain that its handling by the Board has been far from
optimal and remains insufficient to this day[1].

I do not think that issue #60 is at all comparable with the work on the
Board. Issue #60 is all about the Board being in the position where it
holds all the information but it did not share this information in a
timely and efficient manner. On the other hand, when working inside the
Board everyone has access to the same information, creating an
environment where healthy discussions become much easier.

Furthermore, I can only stress, that I do not see any trust issues
between individuals here. This is a matter of transparency and other
concerns about the Boards handling of issue #60. Looking at the other
questions to candidates, I am not the only one with such concerns. I am
really happy to see that many candidates have brought in ideas on how
the Board can become more transparent and approachable. I am sure that
such an improved approachability will help to prevent situations like
issue #60.
I am looking forward to working with you and other Directors to
implement these ideas.


[1] Against Alexandre's explicit request his statement from the
following meeting has never been published verbatim.

PS: To anyone who might try to read issue #60, please be advised that
there are plenty of references to events that happened years ago and in
private situations. I am happy to answer questions about this, but will
likely not be able to share all details.

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