The meeting minutes for the July 26th GNOME Foundation board
meeting is now published. Refer here:

Other past board meetings are archived here:

-- text of the latest minutes follows --

= Minutes for Meeting of July 26th, 2011 =

== Next Meeting ==

  August 8-9, 2011 at The Desktop Summit

== Attending ==

 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Brian Cameron
 * Emily Chen
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Germán Póo-Caamaño
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Ryan Lortie
 * Shaun McCance
 * Stormy Peters

=== Regrets ===

 * Bastien Nocera
 * Karen Sandler

=== Missing ===

== Recurring Items ==

 * Review past action items.
 * Did each person update their action items?
 * Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published to
   foundation-announce and foundation-list.
 * Make sure to use gobby server for better minute taking. 

== New Items ==

 * GUADEC 2012 Bids
   * Board members are still reviewing and voting.
   * The board will make the final decision at the board meeting at GUADEC.

 * Friends of GNOME
  * Debated what the next campaign could be about, things like a11y,
    servers, hackfests

 * Events
   * Desktop Summit
    * Enlightenment member sponsorship for Desktop Summit - approved
    * Rooms available on Monday and Tuesday for the board meetings.
    * If we want to sell tshirts and merchandise, we need to print them soon.
      * We have design.
      * Need to know how many. (Stormy to look up numbers from before.)
   * GObject-Introspection Hackfest
     * Karen is looking for additional sponsors.
   * Boston Summit
     * Still need local volunteer. Could it be someone remote if they went
       out early? 
     * ACTION: Karen - Will talk to Walter about making arrangements for a
               Boston Summit location.
     * ACTION: Ryan - Will talk to some Boston locals to try and find

 * Quarterly Report Plans - Update
   * Target to finish before the Desktop Summit.
   * ACTION: Ryan - Will contact event organizers to put together content
             for the Events section of the Q2 report.
     * GNOME.Asia, ATK, Open Help, IM, Contacts & Social Hackfest and
       release parties.

 * Decide on Officers
   * Decide at Desktop Summit

== Completed Actions ==

 * Andreas - Will help Emily publish the quarterly report.
 * Emily - Get the Q1 reports published.
== Status of action items ==

 * Andreas - Will look into the possibility of a Desktop Summit design
             where the façade is more neutral.
 * Andreas - Will blog a Desktop Summit status report.
 * Andreas - Will discuss with Ryan Lortie providing support contracts
             for GTK+.
 * Andreas - To verify meeting times for the Desktop Summit.  That August
             9th is a good date for the board and AGM meetings and August
             10th for the Advisory Board meeting.  Will confirm on board
             list, then the advisory board list.
 * Andreas - To start work on next 2011 Annual Report ASAP (due start
             FY2012). Taken over from Paul.
 * Bastien - To discuss the use of badges (a-la Creative Commons,
             page colors, or PSN badges).
 * Bastien - To talk to Olav Vitters about using bugzilla to track Friends
             of GNOME post card sending.
 * Bastien - To get _a_ WebOS/Palm contact from Lennart Poettering.
 * Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible collaboration in
             working directly with GNOME.
 * Bastien - Will reach out to Dave Richards from the City of Largo to plan
             for a hackfest there.
 * Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if they
             can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
 * Bastien - To make sure that the "IM, Contacts & Social Hackfest" gets
             added to
 * Bastien - To put together a proposal for how technical issues could be
             mediated within the community.
 * Bastien - Will touch base with the appropriate people in Red Hat to see
             if the RHN entitlements can be approved.
 * Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James Vasile
           from legal is working with Brian on this.
 * Brian - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to use
           the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the
           archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use
           the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with
           them.  Taken over from Jorge.
 * Brian - Will follow up with the lawyers to discuss what would be
           involved to provide liability protection like what the
           Conservancy provides and to see if they have any perspective
           about whether the GNOME Foundation should allow GNOME projects
           to join Conservancy.
 * Brian - Will touch base with the GIMP organizers to find out their
           plans for the GIMP money.
 * Brian & Og - To coordinate a fund raising meeting with the GStreamer,
                a11y, GIMP, and Banshee teams.  Will draft an agenda.
 * Brian - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana Harihareswara to
           sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC.
 * Emily - Get the 2011 Q2 report started.
 * Emmanuele - Will take over Friends of GNOME tasks.
 * Germán - To discuss with GNOME Hispano about them handling GNOME
            Foundation money in Euros (€).
 * Germán - To track if the new method of boletos generates more or less
            money from Brazil.
 * Germán - Will assist with the GNOME 3 as a Foundation goal task and to
            help in getting the GNOME 3 as a Foundation Goal survey
            topics together. (Handing over to someone else).
 * Germán - Will finish the Financial section of the quarterly report.
 * Germán - Will talk to membership committee to see if we can do something
            to help remind people to renew memberships to avoid people
            losing the ability to vote.
 * Germán - To send link to previous year's GUADEC's budgets to guadec-list.
 * Germán - Will touch base with the GObject-Introspection Hackfest and
            make sure that people attending also attend the Desktop Summit
            if possible.
 * Karen - Will compose a press release by the end of the week.
 * Karen - Will take over discussions to take over ownership of some GNOME
           related domains.
 * Karen - Will follow up with LojaGeek.
 * Karen - Will contact people to try and push forward the organization
           of Boston Summit.
   * Emailed boston-social, talked to Walter Bender, emailed Jonathan
 * Karen - Will follow up with Debian about their usage of the GNOME logo.
   * Emailed with Stefano Zacchiroli, left it that GNOME needs to decide
     whether it wants to permit this new combined logo use.
 * Karen - Will follow up with cedwards regarding CiviCRM contract.
     * After some tracking down of the status of the communications,
       cedwards sent email to get discussions with Claudian moving again.
 * Karen - Will email Marina to let her know that the board has approved
           funds for the next year of the Women's Outreach fund, ccing
     * emailed on 7/13
 * Karen - Will follow up with LojaGeek again.
 * Karen - Will follow up with Stefano to discuss use of combined
           Debian/GNOME mark and caution stopping further use until
           agreement is settled on.
     * emailed and talked on phone
 * Karen - Will update the contact information in the webpage to add
           information with respect to fraudulent checks.
     * contacts page edited.
 * Og - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are expected to
        sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct.
     * As per Paul's recommendation, I have emailed Vincent to ask him what
       his idea is for doing this.
     * Still have not heard back from Vincent Untz.
     * Still on ToDo.
 * Og - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
   * Still on ToDo.
 * Paul - Will work with Gil Forcada from and gnome-marketing to
          define the best way for organizations like to
          participate in the GNOME community. Not many replies from the
          community. Diego Urrelo will draft something more concrete for
          gnome-marketing to determine the best name and process for
          managing this. There was a discussion on the mailing list and a
          few good ideas, Diego will wrap them up and send them again for
          further comments.
 * Paul - Will follow-up with Board to read the Advisory Board fees for small
          businesses proposal, ask for feedback and set a date to vote by.
 * Paul - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
 * Paul - To review Justin's email about updating trademark agreements and
          email the marketing team for feedback.
 * Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
 * Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information into GnuCash.
 * Shaun - Will lead the GNOME Foundation IRC meetings.
 * Stormy - Take care of GnuCash automation.  Taken over from Paul & Behdad.
 * All board members - To review and comment Brian's April 14th proposal
                       regarding better organizing earmarked fundraising.
 * All board members - Review the received bids for GUADEC 2012.
 * Unowned - To find a way to automate the process of exporting results from
             internal review process and email it to the board. 

=== New Action Items ===

 * Karen - Will talk to Walter about making arrangements for a Boston Summit 
 * Ryan - Will talk to some Boston locals to try and find volunteers.
 * Shaun - Will contact event organizers to put together content for the
   Events section of the Q2 report.
   * GNOME.Asia, ATK, Open Help, IM, Contacts & Social Hackfest and release 

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Karen Sandler, the GNOME Foundation ED, has set up a new blog.

 * Event Planning
   * Desktop Summit
     * Do not forget to register if you plan to attend.
     * The board approved splitting travel costs for Philippe Caseiro and
       Cedric Bail from the Enlightenment project to attend the Desktop
       Summit with KDE e.V.
    * Reviewing GUADEC 2012 bids
    * GObject-Introspection Hackfest (August 10-15 in Berlin, Germany)

 * Legal
   * Discussion about improving the GNOME trademark policy, and clarifying
     with Debian how the GNOME trademark should be used.

 * The GNOME Foundation Q1 report is published.

 * The GNOME Foundation will reimburse Baptiste Mille-Mathias for new
   supplies for the GNOME Foundation Event Box.

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