[ Oops, it seems I forgot to send those to the public lists at the end of July ]

     Minutes of the Board meeting 2005 July 27


   Owen Taylor (chairing)
   Daniel Veillard
   Murray Cumming
   Tim Ney
   Jody Goldberg
   Miguel de Icaza
   Luis Villa
   Federico Mena-Quintero


   Christian Schaller
   Jonathan Blandford
   Dave Neary

Actions completed:

   ACTION: Murray to schedule an advisory board phone call meeting in
           approximately 2 months
     - Done

  ACTION: Owen to publish the summarized financial number from GUADEC
     - Done


   ACTION: Dave to start looking for vendors to host the GNOME online shop
     - Ongoing

   ACTION: Dave to proceed to details stage of merchandizing agreement
     - Ongoing

   ACTION: Daniel to send request for proposal for specific topic to be
           worked on at the next Summit
     - ongoing
       proposal should go on the Wiki like last year, Luis to build that page

  ACTION: Murray to take the task to find documentation authors and get it 
     - Federico did the first step, we are making a proposal to a candidate,
       should be resolved before next meeting.

  ACTION: Owen to make the final announcement of the Trademark proposals
     - ongoing

  ACTION: Tim and Dave to draft a room requirement for GUADEC and get Christian
     - Christian and Tim looked at the space last week, ongoing

New Action:

  ACTION: Luis to start a wiki page for the agenda at the Gnome Summit


 * Preparing the advisory board meeting next week
   check the agenda

 * gnome-fr trademark
   We are not worried about this use of the logo but future use should
   follow the guideline published on-line:

 * next meeting on the 10th August
   Regrets from Murray


Daniel Veillard      | Red Hat Desktop team http://redhat.com/
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | libxml GNOME XML XSLT toolkit  http://xmlsoft.org/
http://veillard.com/ | Rpmfind RPM search engine http://rpmfind.net/
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