
= Minutes for Meeting of June 11th, 2013, 15:00 UTC =
== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, June 25th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Joanmarie Diggs
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Seif Lotfy (late)
 * Karen Sandler

=== Regrets ===
 * Shaun !McCance (leave early)

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * GUADEC 2013
  * Update on GUADEC 2013
   * Canonical is joining as silver sponsors
   * Intel declined, but they are still interested in sponsoring GNOME
  * GUADEC Travel Budget
   * Last meeting we allocated 30,000 EUR in travel for GUADEC. Was this enough?
   * We have room in the budget for extensions
   * '''ACTION''': Joanie, Karen to contact the travel committee if
they need more funding
  * Board and Adboard meetings at GUADEC
   * Adboard members have raised issues for a meeting before the
GUADEC start date!
   * New proposed date for the adboard meeting: August 5th
   * Board meeting would be on the 31st of July, instead of July 30th.
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to notify the new board members that there
could be a change in the board and adboard meeting dates
  * CfP for Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions and Lightning Talks (LT)
has been opened
  * We should open the bids process for GUADEC 2015
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to draft the call for bids for GUADEC 2015
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to schedule meeting with Strasbourg team during GUADEC

 * Montreal Summit
  * We are still on the lookout for a location. The local team have
been in contact with several organizations and things look bright.
  * Ryan contacted the Canonical office manager, but has received no reply yet
  * The local team has been scouting for a location

 * Travel report of GNOME.Asia and LinuxCon Japan from Karen
  * GNOME.Asia Well-organized, attendance was a bit lower than
expected, but very enthusiastic
  * Tobi was voted the best speaker of the event
  * Karen was able to talk to various adboard members during LinuxCon
  * Good feedback for the marketing team

 * Permission to use GNOME in short film.
  * Stephen van Vuuren e-mailed the board and asked for permission to
use GNOME as a prop in a short film.
  * It's not a copyright issue, more of a trademark one since
copyrights are freely licensed
  * Unless it's disparaging GNOME, usage should be granted through the
the license we use
  * '''VOTE''': Permission to use the GNOME trademark  in a short film
such that it is not disparaging to GNOME or its mark: +1 Seif,
Andreas, Joanie, Bastien, Emmanuele, Tobi
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to notify Stephen van Vuuren of the decisions
to grant him the permission to use the GNOME trademark in his short

 * Hardware donation announcement.
  * The GNOME Foundation recieved hardware donations in the form of 6
Chromebooks from Intel and a individual donor.
  * We should announce this on and other appropriate channels.
  * Karen drafted a PR, it's now being reviewed by Intel's PR department

 * There is a draft news item for the a11y of documents bid from Igalia

 * OSTree questions from Colin Walters.
  * Colin sent a series of questions to board-list after the OSTree
report during the adboard meeting
  * Is the gnome-ostree project an appropriate use of The GNOME brand?
  * GNOME server resources and administrator time?
  * Is gnome-ostree an official product of GNOME?
  * Licensing issues
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to answer Colin's questions on the ostree
usage of, and impact on, the GNOME branch

 * Annual Report update
  * Done
  * Andreas sent the draft to marketing-list for review
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to send the draft of the annual report to
the board list for review

 * Accounting Software fundraiser for Free Software organizations.
  * We are waiting for the end of the fund raising campaign

 * Collecting funds in Europe update
  * Karen drafted a MOU and Tobi is reviewing that

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * No new updates
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to pick up the discussion from the last email
exchange on CiviCRM

 * New board handover
  * A new board have been elected. How should the handover be handled?
  * New board is confirmed on June 18th
  * For the next meeting, June 25th, the new board members will be
invited but won't be able to vote
  * After July 1st, the old board members will be invited to the
meeting, but won't be able to vote
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact the new board members and invite
them to the June 25th board meeting

== Discussed on the mailing list ==
 * Etherpad status.
  * The Etherpad instance was acting weird during the last two
meetings and Andrea have been looking into it.
 * Exception to renewals during elections.
 * Board meeting dates

== Completed Actions ==
 * Andreas to contact the adboard members with the date of the meeting
at GUADEC for feedback
 * Andreas to contact the local team for securing the venue for the
board and adboard meetings at GUADEC
 * Andreas to contact Zeeshan to notify the travel sponsorship
approval for the Maps hackfest
 * Andreas to contact Ryan to coordinate with the local volunteers for
securing a venue in Montreál for the summit by August
 * Emmanuele to send an email reminding accepted speakers to confirm
presence, and to contact the travel committee for sponsorship
 * Joanie to contact travel committee about the allocated budget for
travel sponsorship

=== New Action Items ===
 * Andreas to send the draft of the annual report to the board list for review
 * Andreas to contact the new board members and invite them to the
June 25th board meeting
 * Joanie, Karen to contact the travel committee if they need more funding
 * Karen to notify the new board members that there could be a change
in the board and adboard meeting dates
 * Karen to pick up the discussion from the last email exchange on CiviCRM
 * Karen to answer Colin's questions on the ostree usage of, and
impact on, the GNOME branch
 * Karen to notify Stephen van Vuuren of the decisions to grant him
the permission to use the GNOME trademark in his short film
 * Karen to draft the call for bids for GUADEC 2015
 * Karen to schedule meeting with Strasbourg team during GUADEC

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