Had a million conversations (well maybe not that many), followed
threads and kept up (mostly) with email. Too many different things
going on for a short week.

Organized a GNOME Roadmap discussion.

Discussed copyright policy with team putting it together and adboard
member with feedback.

Discussed having a GNOME Mobile event at LinuxTag through WIPJam.

Talked to Zonker about GNOME 3 press roadmap.

Had some interchanges about GUADEC sponsors, logos, etc. I think all
agreements are worked out except one now.

Set up some meetings at LinuxTag.

Met 1:1 with Brian and Rosanna (separately).

Next week:

Get out board approved proposal for using the Nokia money for GNOME Mobile.
Put together presentation for LinuxTag.
Attend LinuxTag.
Write opening letter for annual report.
foundation-list mailing list

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