Edited a GNOME Journal <> article. Check out the latest
issue with its multimedia <> focus!

Published the GNOME Q4 2009 Quarterly
Thanks to all the teams that wrote things up - we have some great write-ups
about some awesome work.

Submitted the GNOME Google Adwords account for approval. I was bummed when
the automated response says it could take up to three months to get
approval. However, it was approved within a few days! We've been running ads
for Friends of GNOME and Women's Outreach for the past week or so. I've
played with the keywords and ads some and gotten some feedback from the
marketing list as well. Anyone with experience with Google Adwords would be

Conversations with several board members about how things are going for the
Board and how things are running with the GNOME Foundation.

Many one on one conversations with GNOME Advisory Board members. These were
mostly brief chats 20-30 minutes about how things were going for them and
how we could best work together. Discussed things like hackfests and GUADEC
as well.

Friends of GNOME <> update for December 2009 and
January 2010. We had a stellar 2009! In 2009, Friends of GNOME raised
$29,578 for GNOME! That is the same amount raised by 3 large companies. From
community contributions. It's enough for several hackfests and close to the
amount needed annually for a part time system administrator. In December we
raised $2,663, more than any other December. Spread the

Sent thank you's to people who donated money to GNOME. Sent a few postcards
out for the Adopt a Hacker program. Sent on addresses to others who also owe
thank you postcards.

GNOME Jobs. Heard about several GNOME jobs and asked people to post them on
the GNOME Jobs <> board.

Had 1:1 meeting with Rosanna. Still working with her to try to get her
workload balanced.

GNOME Board of Directors meeting.

Pinged a lot of people about a lot of things. Including GUADEC sponsorships.

Checked on getting a Euro account for the GNOME Foundation. Found one option
that is good for large amounts but has excessive wire fees for small

Attended the Women in Free
Software<>IRC meeting.

Attended a "Benchmarking Women Leadership" event put on by the White House
Project <>. I was expecting more data about the
new report but instead I met a lot of interesting people that may be able to
help with contacts for the GNOME Outreach Program for

Started planning a "Meet the Funders" event with other free software
projects. We'll invite people from Foundations and other funders to learn
more about free software projects.

This week:

   - Attending the FOSS Workshop <>.
   - Hoping to meet with Rosanna and a few more advisory board members.
   - Blogging about the GNOME Outreach Program for
   - Pinging lots of people about lots of things.
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