Re: Boston Summit 2013?

2013-04-28 Thread Richard Stallman
They are open source based startups. They call themselves open source

They probably do that because they support the open source philosophy.
By saying open source they encourage others to think that way too.

Conversely, the way to encourage others to think about free/libre
software and freedom is by saying free software.  Others will say
what they wish; we should say free and libre.

If people from open source software projects want to join us at a GNOME
event to learn more about GNOME, we should welcome them.

Of course.  We welcome those people's participation, whether it be
using GNOME, learning about GNOME, promoting GNOME, or contributing to
GNOME.  We accept support from those companies too.

But we do have to take care to avoid a possible way things can go
wrong: that they might influence the discussion around GNOME such that
GNOME too seems to be aligned with open source.  It is easy to avoid
this; it just requires that we pay attention.  Thus, I remind people
to pay attention.

Dr Richard Stallman
President, Free Software Foundation
51 Franklin St
Boston MA 02110
Skype: No way! That's nonfree (freedom-denying) software.
  Use Ekiga or an ordinary phone call

foundation-list mailing list

meeting board minutes..

2013-04-28 Thread Sriram Ramkrishna
The last meeting board minutes hasn't been posted since January 2013.  Can
someone post  minutes?  It's hard to judge what the board is doing if there
is no published documentation.  I'm sure you guys are doing a great job,
please let us know what it is! :-)

If minutes is an issue perhaps some of us could volunteer to take minutes?
 For sensitive things we can always drop off the line.
foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of January 22, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of  January 22th, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==

 * Tuesday, February 5th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Karen Sandler
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===

 * Bastien Nocera

=== Missing ===

 * Seif Lotfy

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Adboard meeting at FOSDEM
  * Good attendance: Red Hat, FSF, Debian, Google, SUSE (maybe),
Canonical (maybe)
  * Karen is planning the adboard dinner after the meeting
  * Agenda
   * User testing (with the design team attendance)
   * Travel/event sponsorship for adboard employees and volunteers for hackfests
* Sponsorship package for hackfests and GUADEC

 * 2013 Budget
  * Shaun have published a rough budget for 2013.
  * Needs discussion
   * Planning ahead for changes in the revenue of the foundation
   * Budget for the worst case scenario of losing an advisory member fee
   * We should check some of the pending adboard fees that were never
paid, and eventually write them off with the help of the accountant
   * Individual donations are higher than other years
* Campaigns help a lot
   * Can we reduce the banking fees?
   * Next steps
* The board needs to vote to approve
* Vote on the budget approval: +1 from Emmanuele, Joanie, Shaun,
Tobi, Andreas; missing votes: Bastien, Seif
* '''ACTION''': Andreas to send a mail to board-list to get the
last two votes on the 2013 budget

 * Status of a11y proposals
  * Karen is still waiting for an answer from Mozilla

 * Sysadmin
  * Sysadmin hiring update
   * Andrea Veri has been selected for the part-time sysadmin position
   * Karen and Andrea are working on the contract
   * Karen asked Andrea to contact the sysadmin team (and the board)
with the list of actions he wants to work on beforehand
  * CiviCRM
   * Karen will look into hiring a contractor once we have Andrea
ready for this work on our end

 * Openhatch outreach idea
  * Karen has not yet heard back
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to follow up with Openhatch to check if they
are waiting for the board's feedback

 * Status of fiscal services for GIMP
  * Toy Wilber agreement state
  * Waiting to hear back from GIMP team

 * Joining the W3C update
  * Karen has been following up with the W3C to present the Foundation

 * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
  * Nobody has yet committed to an event, sponsored by SUSE at their
Nuremberg offices

 * Decisions about GUADEC 2012 Profits update
  * The Foundation has received the money from the local committee
  * The Board authorized a donation to the GPUL and GHANDALF for EUR 500 each

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Travel sponsorship unresolved(?): Emily and Joaquim for FOSDEM;
Tobi and Fabio for speaking at events
  * Vote for reimbursement for Tobi: +1 Andreas, Shaun, Joanie, Emmanuele
  * Emily was approved
  * Vote for travel sponsorship for Joaquim for FOSDEM: -1 Andreas,
Emmanuele; Joanie abstains; +1 Tobi
  * To be continued on the mailing list

== Recurring Items ==

 * Review past action items.
 * Did each person update their action items?
 * Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published
to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
 * Make sure to use gobby server for better minute taking.

=== New Action Items ===
 * '''ACTION''': Andreas to send a mail to board-list to get the last
two votes on the 2013 budget
 * '''ACTION''': Karen to follow up with Openhatch to check if they
are waiting for the board's feedback

== Status of action items ==

 * All directors should discuss the first-response contact for emails
 * All directors should continue discussing the a11y team proposal on
the mailing list for the Accessibility FoG project
 * Andreas to update the employee handbook with the parental leave
policy (PRIVATE)
 * Andreas - To create a wiki page on the web services accounts holders.
 * Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
 * Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see if
they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
 * Bastien will research what the status of the Banshee Amazon revenue
is and report back to Bertrand Lorentz
 * Bastien and Karen to draft a call for bids and submit it to the
board list for the Accessibility FoG project
 * Emmanuele - Will audit the current donors and check that everybody
received their benefits.
 * Emmanuele to start a wiki page on the community feedback of GUADEC 2012
 * Joanie will send an email to both GNOME and KDE board lists to get
us all together on the discussion for a desktop collaboration summit.
 * Joanie, Seif to go through the board-list archives to categorize
the types  of contacts and come up with the various areas
 * Joanie to work with the A11y team to write proposals for using the
Mozilla and FoG money
 * Joanie to discuss with Dario (drf) from KDE and Ryan Lortie to

Minutes of the Board meeting of February 19, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of  February 19th, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==

 * Tuesday, March 3th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Seif Lotfy
 * Karen Sandler
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===

 * Emmanuele Bassi

=== Missing ===

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Problems with Gobby, lost historical minutes (they are still
available in the Wiki)
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas? Karen? to contact Andrea about reliability
of gobby, restore from backups, etc.

 * 2013 Budget
   * Needs vote to finalize (was +1 from Emmanuele, Joanie, Shaun,
Tobi, Andreas)
* +1 from Seif
* Abstain from Bastien
   * Passed with votes from previous meeting

 * Sysadmin status update
   * Andrea is very responsive, and working with the CivCRM
contractor, Stuart Gaston

 * CiviCRM status update
   * Should take up to 10 business days
   * Contractor offered training on the new tools, a number of Board
members and employees interested

 * Friends of GNOME status update
  * Google now matches donations from Google employees to the GNOME Foundation
  * '''ACTION''': Check status with Emmanuele for FoG

 * GUADEC status
  * Brochure not finalised yet, draft discussed today
  * Would be nice to take in advice from the AdBoard about giving away
discount vouchers to share around the sponsoring company (rather than
a limited number of entrance vouchers)

 * GNOME Asia status
  * Need entity in Korea to handle sponsorship, Karen contacted the
Linux Foundation about that
  * Call for Papers opening soon

 * Joining W3C status update
  * No updates from W3C
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to renew contact for W3C

 * Thanking ICAB for hosting GNOME DX hackfest
  * ICAB kindly provided us with a location for the DX hackfest in
Brussels. We should thank them somehow.
  * Framed poster was mentioned as an option, we have signed posters
from GUADEC in Den Haag
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to send the destination address to Rosanna
for shipment of a poster to ICAB

 * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
  * A number of attendees. Setting on dates still. And there is a location.
  * OpenSUSE would sponsor accomodation, location,

 * Flattr donations
  * It was suggested on marketing-list that we should try and
implement donations on
  * Flattr say that Software organisations cannot be charitable
organisations. We might be able to get an account, but it would not
be a non-profit account but still better than the standard one

 * Collecting funds in Europe
  * Gathering donations and sending gifts from US to Europe is
currently a costly operation.
  * There is a organization called Wau-Holland-Stiftung that might be
able to help collect funds for Europe specifically
  * Discussions are ongoing, need to gauge interest from our side
first. Cost would be a fixed percentage (capped at already specified
administrative costs).
  * Organisation is currently strongly associated with Wikileaks (tax
exemption removed and restored, accounts frozen, etc.)
  * In strong contact with the German tax office
  *  Shall we further explore this possibility?
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to carry on the discussion to explore the
offer from Wau-Hollan-Stiftung for collecting funds in Europe

 * Status of a11y proposals
   * Nothing has reached us yet
   * We have reached out to some people if they would like to be
independent experts to evaluate the bids.
   * '''ACTION''': Bastien will reach out to a couple of companies and
make sure that they are aware of the A11Y bid.

* Fabian asked for reimbursement reg. Dia GNOME
 * '''ACTION''': Rosanna to handle reimbursement to Fabian for Dia GNOME

foundation-list mailing list

Minutes of the Board meeting of March 5, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of  March 5th, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==

 * Tuesday, March 19th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs
 * Seif Lotfy

=== Regrets ===

 * Karen Sandler

=== Missing ===

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Events
  * Update on GUADEC
   * Conference website is still pending
   * CfP is blocking on that
   * Emmanuele is going to send the CfP for review to guadec-papers
  * Update on GNOME.Asia Summit
   * CfP is running, not many submissions but still some time to go
   * The CfP announcement hit, but it may not have hit PGO

 * GNOME Fest sponsorship
  * Julita Inca asked for sponsorship of 250 USD in order to host a
GNOME event in Lima, Peru.
  * 90 students, presentations
  * We don't have a specific place in the budget for this kind of events
  * It is not the first event of this kind that has been hosted by the
GNOME community in Lima
   * Went over budget last year
   * The foundation did not cover the excess expense
  * Should clarify the budgeted amount with Julita, to avoid going
over budget again
  * VOTE: 250 USD as requested: unanimous
  * VOTE: additional 250 USD in case of over budget: unanimous
  * ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to notify of the funds allocated
for the GNOME community event in Lima
  * ACTION: Andreas to contact Julita to obtain a revised budget for
the GNOME community event in Lima

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update

 * Relocation of GNOME Headquarters
  * Our current address is  Groton, MA 01450, ie, Rosanna's home address.
  * As she is moving to California, we need to make sure to move banks
etc. to there.
  * The Foundation is an entity based in California already.
  * Changes required
   * websites, letterheads
   * potentially, bank account
  * Move date is (tentatively) after mid-June

 * Friends of GNOME status update
  * ACTION: Emmanuele to send Zana the list of FoG donors that want a
gift from the Foundation
  * ACTION: Emmanuele to send hackers up for adoption the list of
donors that want a postcard

 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * There is still a lot of work from the boards side to approve travels.
  * Joanie suggested giving the travel committee a fixed budget.
  * The process used by the current committee is very complex
  * If we are going to allocate a fixed budget for the travel
committee we need to identify the portion of the event budget to
allocate for travel
   * This also applies to hackfests and events
  * Proposal: allocate the yearly budget in two blocks of six months
   * Quarterly and monthly are too granular
  * The travel committee is pretty much: Germán, Diego, Joanie, and Zana
  * Continue the discussion on the mailing list

 * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
  * Event is scheduled by mid/end of April
  * Needs to coordinate with the KDE eV for announcing it officially

 * Flattr donations update
  * It was suggested on marketing-list that we should try and
implement donations on

 * Collecting funds in Europe
  * Gathering donations and sending gifts from US to Europe is
currently a costly operation.
  * There is a organization called Wau-Holland-Stiftung that might be
able to help collect funds for Europe specifically that we have been
in contact with.

 * Status of a11y proposals
  * No updates
  * Karen should post a reminder that the end of the call for bids is
at the end of next week
  * ACTION: Bastien to contact Karen and send a reminder for the a11y
call for bids

 * GNOME 3 beginners book
  * Various GNOME developers have been asked for a review of the book
  * Potential for partnership and donations to the Foundation through royalties
  * Should we publish the book on our developer-related websites
   * mentions the older Foundations of GTK Development book
   * does not have a section for published books
   * or

 * Daylight saving time in the US and EU
  * Everybody should know what 15:00 UTC in their local time translates to
  * ACTION: Andreas to remind everyone on the board about the next
meeting at least an hour in advance

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Sysadmin status update from Andrea Veri.

 * Día GNOME 2012 fund request.
  * Fabio Duran Verdugo have had issues with receiving the payment for
Dia GNOME 2012.
  * According to our bank the money was wired on 12/19/12.

 * Regarding GNOME 3 book.
  * Jitesh Gawali from Packt Publishing contacted the board regarding
their new GNOME Developer Book.

== Completed Actions ==

 * Andreas to send the destination address to Rosanna for shipment
 * Karen to renew contact with W3C (contacted again, still awaiting response)
 * Karen to contact foundation-list to get 

Minutes of the Board meeting of March 19, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of March 19th, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==

 * Tuesday, April 2nd, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==

 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Karen Sandler
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===

 * Seif Lotfy

== Board Meeting Agenda ==

 * Events
  * Update on GUADEC
   * No new updates
   * Waiting for the call for sponsors from the GUADEC team
   * We should start contacting the advisory board members
   * CfP still waiting on the website going live
  * Update on GNOME.Asia Summit
   * New funding/sponsorships for the Asia summit
   * We should allocate the same budget for travel sponsorship that we
allocated last year
* Last year's budget: USD 15,000
* Our line for GNOME.Asia in the Foundation's budget is currently USD 10,000
* Travel budget, and incidental expenses
   * We may be able to get some of that funding back through sponsorship
   * We have some wiggle room in the budget
   * We are also under-budget in terms of hackfests
   * VOTE: +1 Joanie, Andreas, Bastien, Emmanuele, Shaun; Toby abstains
   * ACTION: Karen to notify the GNOME.Asia team about the budget
extension for the travel
  * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
   * Needs to coordinate with the KDE eV for announcing it officially
   * The wiki used to track the summit is hosted on fd.o, but the fd.o
wiki is also under heavy spam attack
   * OpenSUSE has moved the wiki on their infrastructure
   * Would be good to have interviews of the attendees to detail what
they are working on

 * Annual Report
  * Content is written, and is getting reviewed and edited
  * Waiting for the financial section (budget)

 * a11y proposals
  * Current status
  * Joanie raised concerns on the mailing list regarding who receives
the e-mails of the bids and possible conflict of interest, resulting
in Karen changing the call for bids to her address instead of the
board-list. Karen planned to ask all bidders if they agree to publish
their bid.
   * Joanie abstained from the process
  * We received one bid
  * Two options
   * 1. we review the bid we received
   * 2. we extend the bid proposal period
   * ACTION: Karen will contact the committee that she has formed for
this purpose, ccing the board to evaluate whether the bid we received
should be accepted or if we should extend the call for bids. Joannie
will abstain from the process and communication on this but will
receive all emails to board-list@.

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * Still waiting on the donation page

 * Mobile application for news related to GNOME
  * Geno Roupsky have created a application to read GNOME News.
  * Wants permission to use the name GNOME News and to use the logo
  * Needs discussion and vote.
  * ACTION: Karen to contact Geno Roupsky to explain the rules for
using the GNOME trademarks

 * Flattr donations update
  * It was suggested on marketing-list that we should try and
implement donations on
  * Karen has been in touch with the CEO of Flattr
  * Flattr amended their rules to allow not-for-profit software
companies to be charitable
  * Flattr they are processing our application

 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * Continue discussion from two weeks ago
  * Main concerns: process far too cumbersome, reimbursement and privacy issues
  * One option was to use an external (corporate) travel management
service for travel
   * It has already been explored in 2011, but the fees were an issue
  * May be worth asking the Linux Foundation for their process
  * ACTION: Zana to send the findings of the previous exploration for
a travel management service to the board
  * ACTION: Joanie will look over the form and see how to revise it to
eliminate the banking details issues
  * ACTION: Andreas to contact Diego to check switching the travel
reimbursement to a web form to increase privacy
  * ACTION: Karen to contact Linux Foundation to ask about their system

 * Collecting funds in Europe
  * Gathering donations and sending gifts from US to Europe is
currently a costly operation.
  * There is a organization called Wau-Holland-Stiftung that might be
able to help collect funds for Europe specifically that we have been
in contact with.
  * ACTION: Karen to put together a memorandum of understanding with
our requirements for funds collection for Europe to send back to

== Discussed on the mailing list ==

 * Sysadmin status update from Andrea Veri.
 * OPW sponsorship program sponsorship levels and names of these.
Board voted in favor of Karens proposal. (needs url to public list)

== Completed Actions ==

 * Andreas to contact Julita to notify of the funds allocated for the
GNOME community event in Lima
 * Andreas to contact Julita to obtain a revised budget for the GNOME
community event in Lima

=== New Action Items ===

 * Andreas to remind everyone 

Minutes of the Board meeting of April 2, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of  April 2nd, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, April 16th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Seif Lotfy
 * Karen Sandler
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===

=== Missing ===

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * Events
  * Update on GUADEC
   * GUADEC 2013 progress.
   * Florian Nadge left RH but he made sure to have continuity in the
local organization
   * The website is live
   * CfP is ready to go live on the website and on the mailing lists
* The marketing team should pick it up on social media
   * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to publish the CfP for GUADEC 2013
   * When should we announce a call for bids for GUADEC 2015?
   * We should not detract from the current GUADEC
   * We could have informal talks with teams that want to submit a bid
during GUADEC 2013
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to raise the question on bids for GUADEC 2015
during the GUADEC committee meeting
   * Do we want to have some requirement?
* Past years we asked for a committment from the local team to
have a venue available prior to the bid
* Given the distance from GUADEC 2015, we could just ask for the
presence of an established local team
* Should we have a discussion for an intent to bid or an actual bid?
* To be discussed on the mailing list
  * Update on GNOME.Asia Summit
   * Everything seems to be on track
   * Speakers selection tried to encourage the local community to submit talks
   * Also, to keep down costs
  * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
   * Needs to coordinate with the KDE eV for announcing it officially
   * Nobody asked for travel assistance
   * Current attendance is around 10 people
   * The announcement should happen once the summit starts
   * Advertising idea: Karen to interview attendees on why they are
there and what they want to accomplish by the end of the event
  * GTK hackfest
   * [[Hackfests/GTK2013]]
   * travel assistance needed
   * budget covered for RH employees
   * ~2300 USD for flights + ~2200 USD for accommodation = 4500 USD
   * OLPC graciously donated office space for the hackfest in Cambridge
   * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to contact the travel committee for the
travel assistance for the GTK hackfest
  * Possible hackfests.
   * Since the number of hackfests have been low of late, should we
encourage teams to run more hackfests?
   * We still have plenty of room in the budget for hackfests
* Depending on costs we could still have around six hackfests
* Shaun is collecting names for a Docs hackfest in June
* Karen is thinking to have a dedicated Marketing hackfest
(instead of small meetings during other conferences)
* Andreas proposed an Applications hackfest - maybe before GUADEC?
* '''ACTION''': Tobias to e-mail foundation list and encourage
that individual teams to propose hackfests.
 * Annual Report
  * Design is still in the works
  * Articles are being written/edited
   * Financial status is in progress
 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * Sysadmin work is going well
  * Andrea has been very visible and open to his tasks and accomplishments
  * CiviCRM is still in flux
   * It's a big and complex system
   * We don't entirely know how to use it for tracking FoG
   * The Foundation's use case does not seem very much exotic
   * Karen is going to meet with Dan Lovo from CiviCRM to discuss the
CiviCRM featureset that we can use
 * Mobile application for news related to GNOME
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to contact Geno Roupsky to explain the rules
for using the GNOME tradema
 * Flattr donations update
  * We had some issues when setting up the account
  * We are ready to announce it
 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * Karen reached out to the Linux Foundation for their travel
solutions, and we're waiting to hear back
 * Collecting funds in Europe
  * Gathering donations and sending gifts from US to Europe is
currently a costly operation.
  * There is a organization called Wau-Holland-Stiftung that might be
able to help collect funds for Europe specifically that we have been
in contact with.
  * Still working on a list of requirements
 * Status of a11y bid proposals
  * The committee of volunteers to review the bid we received has been formed
  * They will send an summary/informed opinion to the board by the end
of the week
  * Once we decide on the bid, we will discuss with the company that
proposed it on a start date
  * The bid itself has a precise timeline and end date
 * LGM funds for GIMP
  * Michael Schumacher from the GIMP team wants to use the money we
hold for them to pay for travel and lodging for the GIMP team for
Libre Graphics Meeting.
  * Receipts have been attached to their mail.
  * '''ACTION''': Zana to transfer the money according to the request
for travel assistance for attending LGM from Michael Schumacher


Minutes of the Board meeting of April 16, 2013

2013-04-28 Thread Emmanuele Bassi

= Minutes for Meeting of  April 16th, 2013 =

== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, April 30th, 2013, 15:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Bastien Nocera
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Joanmarie Diggs

=== Regrets ===
 * Karen Sandler

=== Missing ===
 * Seif Lotfy

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * Events
   * Update on GUADEC 2013
* No updates from the papers committee
* The sponsors brouchure is ready
   * E-mail regarding GUADEC 2015 from Worldwideconventions.
* Seems to be spam
* They don't seem to be targeting our kind of conference
  * Update on GNOME.Asia Summit
   * No updates
  * Cross Desktop Collaboration Summit proposal status
   * We have received a report from Ryan
   * Needs to be published alongside with the KDE board
* '''ACTION''': Andreas to email the KDE eV board to agree on
publishing the Collaboration Summit results
  * Documentation hackfest sponsorship
   * Budget request: USD 9500 (worst case)
   * '''VOTE''': +1 Andreas, Joanie, Emmanuele, Bastien, Tobi - approved
  * Other upcoming events
   * GTK Hackfest
   * Budget request: USD 3000 for Tristan van Berkom's travel
   * The request is *very* last minute, even if it was sent to the
travel committee two weeks ago and put on the GNOME wiki for the past
   * '''VOTE''': +1 Andreas, Joanie, Shaun, Emmanuele, Bastien - approved
   * '''ACTION''': Joanie to send an email to Tristan to communicate
the vote of the board on his travel sponsorship request
 * We really need to sort out the travel committee and process
  * Should be discussed on the mailing list
 * Annual Report
  * Shaun sent the finances section to Karen for review and is
incorporating the feedback
 * Adboard meeting
  * Our last adboard meeting was in early February, it's time to start
schedule the next one.
  * Ideas for topics.
 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
 * Code of conduct
  * We recently had some incidents on the mailing lists and in
bugzilla where certain people where misbehaving. We have a code of
conduct, but it is only a recommendation.
  * Should the CoC be rewritten?
  * Does it need the official enforcement of the foundation?
  * This should be discussed on foundation-list, not by the board
  * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to raise the issue of the CoC enforcement
on board-list
 * Womens outreach update
  * Waiting for an official report from Karen
 * Status of a11y bids
  * Waiting for the recommendation from the review committee

== Discussed on the mailing list ==
 * RMS e-mailed the board about possible missing license notice in
gnome-shell, Andreas pointed him to the git tree where the license
file is.
 * Andrea Veri gave an update on his weekly items as a sysadmin.
 * Vincent Untz e-mailed and asked for meeting minutes from the last
couple of meeting. Emmanuele promised to send them to the foundation
list as soon as possible.
 * Tobias Mueller e-mailed the board and proposed a schedule for the
upcoming board elections.

== New Action Items ==
 * '''ACTION''': Andreas to email the KDE eV board to agree on
publishing the Collaboration Summit results
 * '''ACTION''': Joanie to send an email to Tristan to communicate the
vote of the board on his travel sponsorship request
 * '''ACTION''': Emmanuele to raise the issue of the CoC enforcement
on board-list

== Status of action items ==
 * All directors should discuss the first-response contact for emails
 * All directors should continue discussing the a11y team proposal on
the mailing list for the Accessibility FoG project
 * Andreas - To create a wiki page on the web services accounts holders.
 * Andreas to put together a GNOME supporter card for our donors
 * Andreas and Karen to contact Andrea about reliability of gobby,
restore from backups, etc.
 * Bastien will research what the status of the Banshee Amazon revenue
is and report back to Bertrand Lorentz
 * Emmanuele - Will audit the current donors and check that everybody
received their benefits.
 * Emmanuele to start a wiki page on the community feedback of GUADEC 2012
 * Emmanuele to send Zana the list of FoG donors that want a gift from
the Foundation
 * Emmanuele to send hackers up for adoption the list of donors that
want a postcard
 * Karen - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for FoG.
 * Karen - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James Vasile, etc.
 * Karen - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James
Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
   * This has been done.  Will close once the Foundation website is
updated, refer to bug #644932.
 * Karen - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at the
archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the
GNOME trademark. Know