- Friends of GNOME <> ruler was a great
   success! We met our goal for hiring a sys admin. (My work was just to
   provide updated numbers frequently and to dent and twitter. And sending
   thank you notes to all our generous supporters!)
   - Talked to InitMarketing <> with Paul
   Cutler about how they might be able to help us with some of our marketing
   - Planned the Desktop Track at the Linux Foundation Collaboration
   Zonker <> and Dave
   - Attended the board meeting.
   - Met with Rosanna.
   - Met with Jonathan Corbet <> from <> to discuss partnership opportunities.
   - Met with Jeremy Allison, our newest GNOME Advisory Board member.
   - Had a meeting with the folks going to the events in Africa representing
   GNOME and some of the other board members.
   - Started a conversation on the mobile list about how best to use the
   funding from Nokia.
   - Had lots of exchanges with events looking for me to speak at them. (In
   all cases I asked for lots more info. In one case I offered to speak in
   exchange for a donation to the GNOME Foundation.)
   - Started working on my write-up for my 6 month evaluation.
   - Spread the word to recruit a few people for the GNOME press team.
   - Created the GNOME wish list <>.
   - Agreed to pay Texas Linux
nonprofit $100 booth fee. (Zonker and the Ubuntu team will be running
   GNOME booth.)
   - Followed up with a few potential GUADEC <>sponsors.
   - Sent and received a record amount of email!
   - Taking some vacation - going to the French Quarter
Festival<>in New Orleans!

Next week:

   - Catch up on email from vacation.
   - Attend the Linux Foundation Collaboration Summit and chair the Desktop
   Track along with Zonker and Dave Neary.
   - Continue to follow up with GUADEC sponsors.
   - Help Paul Cutler with prep work for the marketing hackfest.
foundation-list mailing list

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