Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 14 April 2014 05:19, Jim Campbell  wrote:
> Hi All,
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 7:45 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova
>  wrote:
>> On 12 April 2014 05:29, Sindhu S  wrote:
>> > On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 5:02 AM, Ekaterina Gerasimova
>> >  wrote:
>> >>
>> >> The board expects that you may have some questions or would like to
>> >> know more details about the problem, please read
>> >> and contact
>> >> the board at if you have any further questions.
>> >
>> >
>> > I want to ask questions.
>> >
>> > Was this situation visible or known before or at the time funds for Dev
>> > X
>> > Hackfest were being allocated?
>> No, it wasn't know. If it had been known, spending would have been
>> frozen by then and a budget for the hackfest would not have been
>> approved.
> The email and the FAQ do not address the impact of the spending freeze on
> previously-approved hackfests [0]. Could the board address whether
> previously-approved hackfests will proceed or not? It would also be helpful
> to address the impact of this "go / no go" decision on intended hackfest
> participants (regardless of whether or not they had been approved for a
> GNOME-sponsored travel stipend).

Hi, I assume that you would like me to expand on "All Foundation
members who expect to receive reimbursements within the next three
months have already been informed of the issue and most have responded
positively. The board will prioritise these pending reimbursements
over other expenses." from the first email in this thread:

The hackfests will proceed, and all the sponsored attendees were
informed on Tuesday-Friday last week that their reimbursements will be
later than expected.

There are currently two outstanding reimbursements which were due to
be paid last week, and these will be our priority as soon as we have
enough cash to cover operational costs for April.

There will be 18 reimbursements due for events happening now and at
the end of April. Of these 18 reimbursements, 2 have requested that
their reimbursements are sent as soon as possible and will be
prioritized next.

There will be an additional 19 reimbursements due at the start of
June. All of those that have replied have said that they are happy to
wait for reimbursements until the Foundation has more cash reserves.

The board is currently not voting on any event expenses, but will
continue voting on events to be designated as official GNOME events.
For example, the Location hackfest was approved at the last meeting
and it will currently not be affected by the freeze as no budget was
requested for the hackfest at the time.

> Also, in reviewing recent board meeting minutes, I do not see details that
> would give an indication of overall financial status. Even if they aren't
> disclosed publicly as part of the minutes, are things like "aging summaries"
> provided or discussed as part of a treasurer's report during the meetings?

There are a number of items in the minutes since October 2013 that
indicate that there has been no budget for the 2014 financial year.
Looking at the public minutes, it is mentioned in minutes from
2013-11, 2013-12, 2014-01 and 2014-02. The board spent 2013-03 meeting
for two hours on a weekly basis to ensure that the Executive Director
leaving will not affect the running of the Foundation. I did bring up
the lack of budget during some of those meetings as well. There is
also mention of the budget in private minutes from 2013-09 and

The treasurer is supposed to present the board with a monthly budget,
but this was not possible as I did not have the necessary information.
I pointed this out almost every time that there was a vote for
spending. As the treasurer, I did warn the board when votes came up
with that we did not have a budget for the expense. In general, votes
for hackfests and events proceeded, while votes for other types of
expenses did not proceed.

> Thanks,
> Jim
> [0]
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Ekaterina Gerasimova
On 14 April 2014 10:02, Dave Neary  wrote:
> Hi Kat,
> Has any thought been Hi en to charging an administrative handling fee for
> Women's Outreach? Clearly it is taking a lot of time to administer, it does
> not seem fair that the GNOME Foundation shoulder all of the financial burden
> of managing it.

Yes, GNOME charges participating organisations $250-500 per intern in
administrative fees, of which at least $100 usually goes on bank
charges. Most organisations pay $250.

When the GOPW started, the administration involved sending 30-60
payments per year. Once the OPW expanded to take in other
organisations, the administrative overheads included invoicing
sponsors in addition to sending payments. For example, in the 2014
financial year, I estimate that the Foundation would need to send
around 250 payments and send around 30-35 invoices. It was or will be
the Foundation's first time invoicing some of those companies, which
entails extra work in figuring out how to do it.

In practical terms, the money itself comes close to covering the hours
that our administrative assistant needs to spend on the OPW. Our
administrative assistant was at full capacity when sending an extra
30-60 payments per year, but the extra work which resulted in the
program expanding put her over capacity. The board is currently taking
on some of these tasks and other administrative tasks to ease the load
on our administrative assistant. This would normally be done by our
Executive Director, but we currently do not have one.

> Cheers,
> Dave.
> On Apr 12, 2014 1:32 AM, "Ekaterina Gerasimova" 
> wrote:
>> Dear Foundation members,
>> Due to a shortfall in the budget, the Foundation board voted on
>> 2014-04-08 to freeze all expenditure which is not essential to the
>> running of the Foundation. This freeze affects sponsorship expenses
>> which are unpaid at this time, but it does not affect the funds which
>> we hold for other organisations.
>> By keeping our expenditures to a minimum while we regain some delayed
>> revenue, we aim to have things back to normal within a few months. All
>> Foundation members who expect to receive reimbursements within the
>> next three months have already been informed of the issue and most
>> have responded positively. The board will prioritise these pending
>> reimbursements over other expenses.
>> The issue has been caused by a number of factors. These include
>> increased administrative overheads in the last few years due to the
>> increased turnover which has been caused by to the Outreach Program
>> for Women (OPW), and the associated payments going out while the
>> associated income has been slow to come in.
>> The board expects that you may have some questions or would like to
>> know more details about the problem, please read
>> and contact
>> the board at if you have any further questions.
>> ___
>> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Allan Day
Olav Vitters  wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:32:12AM +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
>> The board expects that you may have some questions or would like to
>> know more details about the problem, please read
>> and contact
>> the board at if you have any further questions.
> Could you slightly change this and clarify what "cash flow" means?

I agree that the FAQ is generating some misconceptions. I've attached
a revised version which I think is clearer - can we update the page
with it?


== What is the problem? ==

The GNOME Foundation has a temporary lack of reserves due to processing the 
funds for the Outreach Program for Women (OPW). As is typical for this type of 
program, sponsoring organizations send in money after funds have been sent out 
to end recipients. As the OPW has grown, this has created a temporary shortfall 
while we wait to receive payments. Since our financial reserves are currently 
in a depleted state, the board voted on 2014-04-08 to freeze Foundation 
spending that is not essential to the running of the Foundation. The board aims 
to have things back to normal within a few months.

== Does this affect organizations for whom GNOME handles funds? ==

No, the freeze and the budget shortfall do not affect organizations for whom 
GNOME handles money and donations. These organizations should not experience 
any changes or delays.

== What is the board doing to fix it? ==

Primarily, the board is working to bring in the funds that are needed to 
continue the work of the Foundation. This includes:

 * Invoicing our Advisory Board members for their annual subscription fees.
 * Invoicing our conference sponsors.
 * Following up on unpaid invoices more actively.
 * Taking on the Executive Director's administrative and fundraising duties.
 * Invoicing the OPW sponsoring organizations for the upcoming round 
 * Increasing our general fundraising efforts for the Foundation and its events.
 * Some of the OPW administrative workload is being shifted from Foundation 
employees to the OPW organizing team.

== How can you help? ==

If you have thought about donating to the Foundation but never got around to 
it, then this is the time when it will help the Foundation most. The Foundation 
accepts [[|Paypal]], 
[[|check and bank/wire 
transfer]] donations. You can also support the Foundation financially by using 
the [[|using the GNOME referral link on 

The Foundation is also currently looking for sponsors for GUADEC and 
GNOME.Asia. If you know of any companies, especially in France and China, that 
may be interested in sponsoring our two biggest conferences, please reach out 
to those companies or tell the board about them.

The OPW is also currently looking for more people to join the organizing team. 
Please contact the organizers for more details.

If anyone is familiar with Guile/Scheme, the Foundation would benefit from a 
custom printable invoice stylesheet for !GnuCash. Contact the board for a PDF 
of what it needs to look like.

== When will this be resolved? ==

The situation has already improved as some 2014 Advisory Board fees and 
outstanding invoices have been paid. The board expect more to be paid within 
the next 4 weeks. If there are no unexpected issues and no delays, the freeze 
should be lifted by July.

== What is the board doing to make sure it does not happen again? ==

The board is examining the issues associated with administering a 
multi-organization OPW with two internship rounds per year. This includes:

 * Documenting OPW processes.
 * Sharing the invoice tracking duties between the board and OPW organizers so 
that unpaid invoices can be followed up more effectively.
 * Efficient invoicing for each OPW round by a team of board and community 
members, to ensure taht invoices are sent out no later than a week after 
internship acceptances are made.
 * Invoice paying dates will be agreed upon with each organization with the 
goal of having the payments come in before the first intern payments are due 
 * Invoice payments will be tracked on a weekly basis.

In addition, we will track the time spent by the Foundation administration on 
handling OPW and will re-examine whether the administration fees, which are 
currently $150-400 per intern after the cost of payment transfers, are 
sufficient for the increased demands on the administration's time.

As the Foundation cannot continue to shoulder the responsibility of paying 
interns out of the Foundation budget and wait for other organizations to 
reimburse us, OPW organizers will be communicating with the sponsoring 
organizations and the board expects that a solution can be found which enables 
the continuation of the outreach efforts without undue consequences for GNOME 
in the futu

Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Olav Vitters
On Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 12:32:12AM +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
> The board expects that you may have some questions or would like to
> know more details about the problem, please read
> and contact
> the board at if you have any further questions.

Could you slightly change this and clarify what "cash flow" means?

It seems a lot of people are reading this and assuming that we ran out
of money due to spending all our money on OPW. While in practice, it is
just the financial boring bit that the money on the bank account is
lower because the money hasn't been coming in as quickly as handing it
out. But that'll resolve once we focus upon it.

Or in brief: we are not the best with sticking with financial followup.

I think changing the wording would help a lot in changing the impression
that we spent too much money. A lot of people don't know about "cash
flow", etc.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Dave Neary
Hi Kat,

Has any thought been Hi en to charging an administrative handling fee for
Women's Outreach? Clearly it is taking a lot of time to administer, it does
not seem fair that the GNOME Foundation shoulder all of the financial
burden of managing it.

 On Apr 12, 2014 1:32 AM, "Ekaterina Gerasimova" 

> Dear Foundation members,
> Due to a shortfall in the budget, the Foundation board voted on
> 2014-04-08 to freeze all expenditure which is not essential to the
> running of the Foundation. This freeze affects sponsorship expenses
> which are unpaid at this time, but it does not affect the funds which
> we hold for other organisations.
> By keeping our expenditures to a minimum while we regain some delayed
> revenue, we aim to have things back to normal within a few months. All
> Foundation members who expect to receive reimbursements within the
> next three months have already been informed of the issue and most
> have responded positively. The board will prioritise these pending
> reimbursements over other expenses.
> The issue has been caused by a number of factors. These include
> increased administrative overheads in the last few years due to the
> increased turnover which has been caused by to the Outreach Program
> for Women (OPW), and the associated payments going out while the
> associated income has been slow to come in.
> The board expects that you may have some questions or would like to
> know more details about the problem, please read
> and contact
> the board at if you have any further questions.
> ___
> foundation-list mailing list
foundation-list mailing list

Re: Current state of Foundation finances

2014-04-14 Thread Allan Day
Matthew Garrett  wrote:
> GNOME exists because people contribute to it. OPW has demonstrated a
> strong track record of creating long-term contributors. The mere
> existence of OPW has caused people who might otherwise not be
> enthusiastic about contributing to GNOME to contribute to GNOME, even
> without the board spending any money on them. Spending money on creating
> the impression that GNOME is a safe space is an excellent way to
> increase the pool of potential contributors, and this has succeeded far
> beyond spending the same amount of money on full-time developers.
> So, by every reasonable metric, OPW has proven to be directly beneficial
> to the goals of the project. I'm sure that the board is willing to
> consider alternatives, as long as those alternatives are equally
> compelling. So far, I haven't seen any.

It has been beneficial in other ways too. One of the defining features
of the GNOME project is that we work closely with other projects, and
we work to promote Free Software in general. OPW is strongly aligned
with that, and I think it helps us to communicate our core mission to
the wider world. OPW has prompted major organisations to notice the
positive impact that GNOME has on the wider ecosystem. In short: this
initiative has really helped us to tell a positive story about what
GNOME is about and why it matters.

I personally feel proud that GNOME is so closely associated with OPW,
and I think that many others in the project feel the same way.

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