Re: Supporting GTK+

2009-08-05 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On 08/05/2009 04:51 PM, Pierre-Luc Beaudoin wrote:
> On Tue, 2009-08-04 at 23:15 -0700, Bo Yang wrote:
>> Recently I’m working on GTK/DirectFB, and I found a coding mistake (I
>> think) at gdk/directfb/gdkgeometry-directfb.c:249.
>> When dx or dy is negative, the destination point is calculated wrong.
>> Directly use coordinates in dest_extents is just fine.
> Such emails would be more appropriate on, or

The problem is that the Gtk website say on this page


If you want to help the GTK+ project by donating money OR perhaps your
company wants to pay someone to develop GTK+, you can email the GNOME
foundation. Any donations to GNOME for GTK+ will ONLY be spent on GTK+.

* Contact the GNOME Foundation[1]

Where the URL [1] points to this list with said subject like. People
read "Support" and click (that's my empirical analysis of the situation,
but the number of emails like that received on this list just point to

Lust my $0.02

foundation-list mailing list

Re: One other question for the candidates

2009-06-09 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On 06/09/2009 10:34 PM, Richard Stallman wrote:

Here's a question that I would like the candidates to answer.

What do you think GNOME should do to support the
broader cause of free/libre software,
and the freedom of computer users?

I see one thing GNOME should *continue* to do: improve the awesome user 
experience, while still expanding the user base and maintaining GNOME 
status of Free/Libre Software.

I think today, when it comes to GNOME, it is the applications that 
matters. There is no doubt that GNOME is Free Software, but what matters 
to the users is to get things done, more than anything else.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Questions for the candidates

2009-06-03 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On 05/29/2009 01:17 PM, Susana Pereira wrote:

  1. For outgoing board members: what have been the upsides/good things
from your previous stint at the Board which you would  like to see
carried forward into this term ?

I was not previously member of the board.

  2. If you are a new candidate: what specific SMART
( goals would
you like to put for yourself? Or, in other words, how would you like
to measure yourself and, let others know how you are doing ?

I would say T: time. Getting things done when they should be and/or 
making sure they can be. This include updating the rest of the board or 
members of things in progress, including the various stages.
But seriously, do we need to spend time on that? I think we can have a 
more straightforward way to do things and get then done.

  3. What part of being a board member do you think will be most
difficult for you? How do you plan to compensate for that?

To be honest, I have no idea. Maybe everything. I'm a passionate hacker, 
and the board is a non-hacker duty. So that would be a change.

  4. Do you have any experience on management teams or boards at
non-profits? If so, can you give an example of a change you affected
in that role? If not, what makes you think that you will be a good
board member? What single change do you want to affect during your

I don't have any experience on management teams or boards at 
non-profits. Gotta have to start somewhere. I think my motivation is 
what will make me a good board member.

  5. What are the specific areas of the Foundation's focus and strategy
where you think you can contribute as a change agent ?

Change agent? Looks like one want a revolution. I'm not here for that, 
at least not a quick one. I think that at first, like any of the runner 
for the election that have never been elected, bring in new eyes, new 
ideas as how I can contribute.

  6. Do you think we need to make the being a member of the Foundation
feel more valuable, and how do you think we should do that? What would
you change about the Foundation to make it more useful to members.

First I see foundation members being mostly left out of the decisions. 
One of the things that could be done is to increase their involvement by 
having a foundation-member mailing list, with moderators (just in case) 
and no public archive that would be used to really discuss the matters 
that the members have. This is one idea.

As to be more useful to members, it is harder to say. Beside the 
sponsorship for GUADEC, I see little that the Foundation can do for 
individuals. For corporate members, that's the role of the advisory board.

  7. Do you have any plans on how can the board help bring the GNOME
platform and desktop in the top of opensource desktop and mobile
application development?

The foundation could work more to bring on board more major "industry" 
partners (several of them are already on the advisory board), educating 
and informing.
I have seen companies that seem to (be willing to) use GNOME and Gtk for 
their (mobile) platform, and I had never heard of them before (nor did 
other people that are actually in the field). These are the one that 
should be approached by the Foundation.

  8. Do you think the GNOME Foundation and the GNOME projects get
enough representation at events? If not, how would you fix that?

No. How to fix that? Better coordinate with the local members and figure 
out of way to help them. The GNOME Event Box has played a pivotal role 
in representing GNOME on shows and event, and I think it has gone around 
the world several time by now.
To fix that, I'd start by collecting the calendar of the event with real 
data, like attendance, target audience, needs, and start from there.

  9. What, in your view, are the top 5 requirements (from a strategic
perspective) for the GNOME communities world-wide ?

Without particular order:

-Presence: represent GNOME at local events (FLOSS or not) As answered in 
question 8, that's a place where the Foundation can and should help. Of 
course this might lead to tough decision due to the limited resources.

-Openness: be open to new contributors, new ideas. It is the 
contributors that make the project alive and kicking.

-Friendliness: make sure there is friendliness. One of the great asset 
of the Free Software in general is that it is founded on communities and 
that even if some compete in some aspect, they still share the same 
goal: going forward. And for that there is friendly cooperation.
And it must be added, friendliness with other FLOSS communities, 
including for the competing desktop.
(I still believe that the Gran Canaria Desktop Summit, GUADEC joint with 
aKademy is a great idea as to would help foster a collaboration on the 
foundations of Free Desktops)

-Proximity: be close geographically to the people. That mean more local 
groups with more local events (a group can be si

Re: What do you think of the foundation?

2009-05-31 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On 05/31/2009 04:27 AM, Dave Neary wrote:

In other instances, you suggested people paying a minimum 200euros of
their trip.  Your argument has been that foundation sponsorship should
not cover all the expenses of going to GUADEC.  You know what, it
*doesn't*.  Eating for a week at a conference costs a lot.

You're making me cry.

Not everybody live in a country where tuition for a year is 150 to 300 
EUR University. (students)
Not everybody live in a country where unemployment is 60% of your 
previous salary. (people that actually have time to contribute because 
they don't have a job anymore, can't actually even pay for their 
mortgage or rent as a consequence)
Not everybody live in a country where the cost of living is such that 
eating in a restaurant of some sort in, say, Turkey or Spain is actually 
not expensive (after factoring the first two cases in).

The issue Behdad is outlining is real.
I don't know how it can be solved or even if it has to be solved, but 
one thing I'm sure of is that it is real.

The foundation sponsoring definitely helps many people to take part of 
GUADEC, but it surely still will exclude some for some reason or 
another. It is a best effort, but with an ever growing number of 
requests, more than the actual budget, things don't get easier.

Also it should be noted that Gran Canaria is by far the most expensive 
destination I have seen for GUADEC airfare-wise. Turkey was not that bad 
after all.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: What do you think of the foundation?

2009-05-29 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On 05/29/2009 01:29 PM, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:

Is managed by the Foundation? I thought that site
still was Jeff Waugh's baby.

Lucas Rocha and Vincent Untz are now also co-editors. That mean 3 
volunteers take care of it.

foundation-list mailing list

Candidacy: Hubert Figuiere

2009-05-22 Thread Hubert Figuiere

Name: Hubert Figuiere
Nick: hub
Affiliation: None


I have been involved with Free Software for a decade or so, mostly 
working on the application side: AbiWord, gnote, etc.
I have attended several Free Software conferences as resources permitted 
and given talk on several occasion.
I have a true faith in GNOME and what it brings to users of Free 
Software, and I truly believe that's where the future is.


With the past achievements of the Foundation, I believe that the board 
is a great asset to GNOME as a project, and as I have never been member 
of the board (nor even a candidate), that I could bring fresh hands and 
If elected to the board I would do my best to serve GNOME's (and the 
Foundation's) best interest and help pushing it GNOME on the non-coding 


I'm based in Canada.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Travel Committee & Travel Policy: A proposal for consideration and feedback

2009-02-11 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Stormy Peters wrote:
> Proposed policy: Total transportation and lodging minus €200 or 15%
> (which ever is greater.) The amount to be agreed on before hand
> between the travel committee and the traveler. Documented on the
> application form.
> Please let us know your thoughts or if you'd like to help out on the
> travel committee.

What about "cash-flow"

If you demographics for travel assistance is people that don't have much
fund, they requiring them to pay upfront the airfare several month in
advance to eventually partially reimburse them later isn't very useful.
Cash-strapped is cash-strapped.

Not to be picky or antyhing but if today I'm offered to get sponsored to
go to a conference but have to pay upfront and wait several month to get
reimbursed, I'd refuse.

Just giving my feedback.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Gran Canaria tickets: Now is a good time

2009-01-15 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On Thu, 2009-01-15 at 18:07 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Having said all that, I think housing is a lower priority than
> flights.

When you have a budget to deal with the statement does not make sense.
As Pascal said, what's the point of flying there if you can afford


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Software relicensing, how is it done ?

2008-11-03 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 17:02 -0500, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> I am not here to deny anyone free use of Glade, that would include
> any company who might need to write a proper sdk for their GNU/Linux
> based embedded/handheld/realtime/insert-flavour-here platform.

Seriously, that even more reason for hoping the relicensing of
libgladeui as LGPL does not happen. Basically, what you are proposing,
is that Glade be licensed in a way that it would favor fragmenting GNOME
while removing freedom to their users. 

Linux and GNOME are not meant to be a cheap replacement to other
non-Free software. They are meant to be Free Software, empower users and
application developers. And I consider that these vendor that take Linux
and GNOME and make it proprietary in some way or the other are actually
riping off this work.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Software relicensing, how is it done ?

2008-10-31 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On Fri, 2008-10-31 at 16:03 -0400, Gregory Leblanc wrote:
> Licensing Glade under the LGPL means that we
> might, at some point down the road, have an IDE that doesn't suck,
> which we can use for hacking Gnome.  While I'm sure you don't agree, I
> would rather have some IDE, regardless of license, than to have no
> IDE, under a Free Software license.

No yet another BitKeeper-like situation. We have seen what it does.

BTW, there are already 6 IDEs that are Free Software: Anjuta, KDevelop,
CodeBlock, Eclipse, MonoDevelop and Emacs[1]. So why wasting time to
allow a 7th one that could be non-free instead of making sure the
existing one rock even more.

I'm very skeptical about the whole process of relicensing Glade to allow
non-Free derivative of it.


[1] I possibly miss some more.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Job Posting Board

2008-10-16 Thread Hubert Figuiere
On Thu, 2008-10-16 at 13:32 +0100, Calum Benson wrote:
> Any reason you didn't just set up a gnome-jobs mailing list?  There  
> are many things that wikis aren't particularly good for, and this  
> strikes me as being one of them.

Nor is a mailing list. Something we can pull with an RSS feed is
probably more appropriate.
At list the wiki page does not require to subscribe to it to read it.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: GTK and Adobe Flash

2008-05-19 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Mon, 2008-05-19 at 21:09 -0400, Richard M Stallman wrote:
> I don't think any of the free software flash players handles Flash 9.
> Gnash has partly implemented it, but not completely; its maintainer
> says that swfdec is less advanced.
> If that is true, it is a bad thing to use Flash 9, because you would,
> in effect, be pressuring people to use the non-free Adobe flash
> player.

Worse. Whatever is the state of the Free Software implementation, using
Flash is bad for Free Software, because Flash is not an open standard,
is a poorly documented format, and leverage non-royalty free
technologies like MP3, Sorenson Sparks, ON2 VP6, partial support of
MPEG4, etc.

So whatever version of Flash it is, it is not good for Free Software, on
an advocating point of view.

But we are really sliding off-topic now.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-28 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Tue, 2008-04-29 at 08:48 +1000, Andrew Cowie wrote:
> Otherwise, if we're not worrying about budgets, then by all means.
> European summers are lovely.

Or elsewhere since we are not worrying about budgets in this hypothesis.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 15:12 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:43 -0400, Hubert Figuiere wrote:
> > On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:03 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> > > 
> > > Except that we have been advertising it as "GUADEC, The GNOME
> > > Conference" for the past couple of years.  Maybe we should make that
> > > official.
> > > 
> > > About GUADEC out of Europe, that's fine as long as the place is Ok for
> > > travel.  Bangalore has the same problem that US has.  Too far...  That
> > > said, I love to see GUADEC '11 in Morocco for example...
> > 
> > The thing is that so far, having it in Europe makes it more for European
> > people given the price of airfare. Note also that Summer is probably the
> > worst period to get cheaper travel, so all in all it seems to be made to
> > prevent people out of Europe from attending en masse [1].
> Not true.  Travel finances should not be a decision factor for any
> regular GNOME contributor.

But it is. Including with sponsorship is it currently mean advancing an
uncertain amount of money of an uncertain amount of month (like until 2
month after the conference). It may be easy for some, less easy for
other. FYI, today flying to Instanbul from the closest major airport
(YUL in my case) would cost me $1500. It is likely to be in a similar
ball-park for others in North America, at least on the eastern side.

Also the price of airfare also impact the involvement of corporate
entities that tend to have a somewhat fixed budget for this kind of
things, the more is the airfare, the less people are likely to come on
these grounds.

It is just the reality. The sponsorship mechanism is great but it is not
the golden hammer that makes everything go away.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 23:42 +0200, Dave Neary wrote:

> An aside: some of my preferred locations for GUADEC would be (planting
> ideas in the heads of possible organisers):
> Amsterdam
> Frankfurt
> Paris
> Brussels
> Geneva
> Milan

FYI, Akademy is in Belgium this year.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:03 -0400, Behdad Esfahbod wrote:
> Except that we have been advertising it as "GUADEC, The GNOME
> Conference" for the past couple of years.  Maybe we should make that
> official.
> About GUADEC out of Europe, that's fine as long as the place is Ok for
> travel.  Bangalore has the same problem that US has.  Too far...  That
> said, I love to see GUADEC '11 in Morocco for example...

The thing is that so far, having it in Europe makes it more for European
people given the price of airfare. Note also that Summer is probably the
worst period to get cheaper travel, so all in all it seems to be made to
prevent people out of Europe from attending en masse [1].

Given that a choice has to be made, I think it would be fair to try to
alternate between the various parts of the world. LGM seems to be doing


[1] the total reluctance for prominent members to reject any alternative
just make me thinks that's what it is. If you don't believe me, re-read
this thread and the one from last year when somebody ask "why not

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation and Mozilla Foundation join forces

2008-03-05 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Wed, 2008-03-05 at 23:02 +0100, Dave Neary wrote:
> Whjile I disagree with Mozilla's trademark policy for precisely its
> affect on the free software development community, their policy is not
> incompatible with Firefox as free software, in the same way as Sun's
> policy concerning Java does not prevent me from considering the most
> recent Sun JDK to be free software.

Sun JDK 6 is Free (as Libre) Software?


foundation-list mailing list

Foundation misattribution

2007-12-11 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Usually I don't care what slashdot can say, but this time they are
making statements that are not true.

and I quote:

"... and GNOME Foundation director Quim Gil's stonewalling of the
patent-free Ogg Vorbis / Theora format on behalf of Nokia. ..."

The way this will be interpreted by most readers is that the foundation
made the statement.

Maybe it is time for another PR damage control?


foundation-list mailing list

Re: On Boston Summit organization and delegation [was Re: A question to candidates]

2007-11-28 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Thu, 2007-11-29 at 07:53 +1100, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> Perhaps a roaming Columbus Day weekend conference (still
> in the USA) would be a good thing?

s/USA/North America/ 

Canada do exist. And in that case Columbus day is Thanksgiving in Canada
so it might be wise to move the date a bit.


foundation-list mailing list

Re: OOXML [was Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07]

2007-10-31 Thread Hubert Figuiere

On Wed, 2007-10-31 at 10:19 +0100, BJörn Lindqvist wrote:
> Are you also Novell's representative on TC 45 if I may ask?

Jody no longer works for Novell. Novell has its own representative on


foundation-list mailing list

Re: noooxml petition

2007-08-31 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Anne Østergaard wrote:
> noooxml petition
> Read more about the petition on
> NO to the Microsoft Office format as an ISO standard I ask the national
> members of ISO to vote "NO" in the ballot of ISO DIS 29500 (Office
> OpenXML or OOXML format) for the following reasons:

Is this an official statement from the Foundation or a personal one?
Your mail sounds unclear about that.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Regarding OOXML and Microsoft patents

2007-07-14 Thread Hubert Figuiere

> This is no reason we shouldn't _try_ to implement OOXML.  As long as
> we are not forcibly stopped, we may as well try to implement
> everything that users want.  

This work is currently being done jointly with Sun and Novell in It is developed openly in CVS and is
license the same way as the rest of the office suite (ie it is free

For those who want to scream conspiracy theories, I'm one of the
developers for Novell and I don't have access to any "confidential" bit
of the specification. This means that whatever hole exists (and there
are) we have to assemble the pieces together on our own.

foundation-list mailing list

Re: GNOME Foundation Board Meeting Minutes :: 7/6/07

2007-06-11 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Richard Stallman wrote:
> However, it may be true that we don't have much of a choice in this
> matter.  Certain aspects of OOXML are patented by Microsoft, in the US
> and some other countries.  Microsoft offers a gratis patent license,
> on conditions that do not allow free implementations.  To change OOXML
> enough that we could distribute an implementation of it in the US
> would be a very big change.
> See


Can you quote your sources when you say that the patent grant from
Microsoft does not cover free software implementation?

The link above only talks about XPS which is NOT part of the OpenXML

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for invitations to be the host of GUADEC 2008

2007-03-22 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Alan Cox wrote:
>> But one thing is for sure - the travel costs for attendees is something
>> which will definitely be taken into account, and in general that will
>> exclude anything outside North America and Europe.
> That depends upon the time of year and location. The bit of North
> America which is civilised to visitors (Canada) can be very pricy in
> summer but very very cheap in winter [guess why]. This is a problem with
> OLS.


Also don't forget that Ottawa (since you mention the case of OLS) by
itself is not the best destination as, despite being the Nation's
Capital, its airport route is barely direct. Most of people will have to
fly through Toronto (YYZ) or Montreal (YUL), and depending in the
airline, they might a non negligible cost to add for this last leg to
Ottawa (YOW).

That said if there is any proposal for Canada (Montreal is IMHO a better
choice than Ottawa), count me in :-)

foundation-list mailing list

Re: A New GNOME Order

2007-03-06 Thread Hubert Figuiere
Esben Stien wrote:
> I fear we are not setting correct guidelines for GNOME applications.
> It would be very nice with a policy of separating the core and UI
> throughout GNOME. This does not only mean applications using
> libraries; this means using daemons as the core of every application.
> This is proper engineering and gives a very good and powerful base.

Sorry to interrupt the party here but I don't think this topic is within
the charter of the foundation-list...

Here is the list charter:
> This is a forum for discussion relating to the GNOME Foundation.

You are discussing about Gnome Application Software.


foundation-list mailing list