Re: SiS video cards and GNOME 3

2010-11-08 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Sáb, 2010-11-06 às 21:32 +, Bastien Nocera escreveu:
> On Sat, 2010-11-06 at 11:12 -0600, Stormy Peters wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, Oct 18, 2010 at 10:00 AM, Bastien Nocera 
> > wrote:
> > On Sat, 2010-10-16 at 11:19 -0300, Jonh Wendell wrote:
> > 
> > > 2) Talk to SiS to solve the problem
> > >
> > > Ideas, suggestions?
> > 
> > 
> > Given the statements at:
> >
> > and the statements that used to be on Thomas Winischhofer's
> > page (that
> > page has disappeared now), you're better off talking to SiS
> > directly,
> > and making it clear that they will be made irrelevant in the
> > Linux
> > desktop business if they don't change their ways.
> > 
> > I don't think it's up to GNOME to ensure that decent 3D
> > drivers are
> > available for each and every video cards available.
> > 
> > The only thing that I can advise you is:
> > - Contact SiS yourself about this
> > 
> > Perhaps Jonh can draft a letter and we can get it reviewed and Jonh
> > can send it officially on behalf of the GNOME Foundation.
> > 
> > Thoughts?
> I think Jonh saw the amount of work that would be needed, above and
> beyond getting specifications, and dropped the idea.
> We already had a couple of e-mails between Jonh and myself about the
> content of the mail, and I gather he feels that the task is beyond just
> providing specifications, as the whole community behind the previous SiS
> drivers has left.
> Jonh, is that correct?
> Cheers

Yep, that's right. It's a lot of work that I cannot handle in my spare

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

contributions from new members

2010-10-18 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hello, folks.

This subject was already discussed here, but we still see the issue, so,
I'm raising it again.

Dear Membership Committee,

When someone applies to be a Foundation member[1], [s]he fills a form
with his/her list of contributions to GNOME.

The person [s]he informed as contact to support his/her application
should receive that info.

Once [s]he is accepted as Foundation Member, you also should send this
info in the announcement email (on this mailing list).

So, is it possible to do that? If you need man power, count on me to
help you guys on this task ;)

[1] -

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

SiS video cards and GNOME 3

2010-10-16 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hi, folks.

As some of you might already know, the average computer in Brazil is
shipped with SiS video card. Which doesn't have a proper X driver. So,
most people in Brazil will not be able to run gnome-shell. They will
simply not feel the GNOME 3 experience. (this includes myself, btw).

The answer "buy a better hardware" just doesn't work here. We're talking
about a development country (3rd world...).

The fallback for gnome-shell is just to stick with gnome panel/metacity,
which means GNOME 2 experience.

I really feel bad about this. In every conversation I have, people keep
asking/complaining about this issue.

So, I'm wondering if the Foundation could, somehow, help in this area.
Two ideas came up (not mutually exclusive):

1) Fund someone to writer a proper X org driver for SiS cards
2) Talk to SiS to solve the problem

Ideas, suggestions?

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - September 16, 2010

2010-10-11 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Seg, 2010-10-11 às 08:28 -0600, Stormy Peters escreveu:
> Hi Jonh,
> Thanks for the feedback. We are aware that not only is it more
> expensive to fly from some parts of the world but that it also means
> that it's a bigger burden for the individual. Especially when they are
> coming from a country with a lower cost of living too. So we worded it
> poorly in the minutes. We didn't mean to imply that some people need
> more justification but rather that if something stands out, we might
> need more information. For example, we would understand $1,000+
> airfare if we knew you were coming from Brazil to Europe.


> A question, have you actually gotten this feedback or do you just feel
> like you might? I understand that it does not feel good either way, I
> am just curious as to the magnitude of the problem.

No, no. It didn't happen. I just read the text and felt bad about that.

> And for what it's worth, I don't think the cost breakdown needs to be
> on the public wiki. I think the travel committee needs it but they
> keep a lot of other information private. Perhaps you could suggest a
> process change to the travel committee,

Will do it.

Thanks for the clarification,
Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Minutes Published - September 16, 2010

2010-10-11 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Seg, 2010-09-27 às 22:07 -0500, Brian Cameron escreveu:
> Minutes for Meeting of September 16th, 2010

>  * Sponsorship proposal process
>o ACTION: Stormy to update the hackfest wiki pages to make it
>  clear that The GNOME Foundation needs detailed information
>  about expenses included with proposals if they are asking
>  for GNOME Foundation sponsorship.
>  + Goals for attending: For example, why the sponsored
>travelers need to be there?
>  + Goals for event.
>  + Costs, broken down to the level of who is traveling
>from where. Particularly expensive travel costs
>should be justified. If, for example, on traveler is
>considerably more expensive than the others, there
>should be some clear justification.
>  + Potential sponsorship and income.
>  + Provide a write up after the event?

Hi, board. I particularly find this item a bit intimidating. I, for one,
living in Brazil, have my costs more expensive than anyone else for the
DevTools Hackfest. I'm considering dropping my name from the list[1],
just because I'm not comfortable in having to answer questions like:
"Hey, you are much more expensive than others, why do you deserve to

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2010-08-13 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Sex, 2010-08-13 às 14:43 +0200, Tobias Mueller escreveu:
> Hello everybody!
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is proud to present the new
> members:
>* Randal Barlow
>* Peter Hutterer
>* Florian Müllner
>* Garrett Michael LeSage
>* Djavan   Fagundes
>* Alexandro Silva
>* MilanBouchet-Valat
>* Flamarion Jorge
>* Friedel Wolff
>* Alejandro Piñeiro Iglesias
>* Ritesh Khadgaray

Wow, 3 Brazilians! Welcome Alex, Djavan and Flamarion!

Also, welcome Florian (I know you from libgami fame), great to see you
working hard on gnome-shell.

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: question for candidates

2010-06-02 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Ter, 2010-06-01 às 17:03 -0400, Richard Stallman escreveu:
> Here is a question for the candidates.
> To advance to the goal of freedom for software users, we need to
> develop good free software, and we need to teach people to value and
> demand the freedom that free software offers them.  We need to advance
> at the practical level and at the philosophical level.
> GNOME is good free software, and thus contributes at the practical
> level.  How will candidates use the user community's awareness of
> GNOME to contribute to educating the communityn about freedom?

Hi Richard and all,

Personally, in my talks about GNOME, often (depending on the audience),
before talking about GNOME itself, I talk about free software, its
principles, its benefits, its philosophy. Then I explain why GNOME was
created and how tied GNOME is with free software and the GNU project.

We should encourage people to do the same when talking about GNOME as a
project (in non technical talks). GNOME Marketing team is working on a
subproject called GNOME ambassadors: "We rely on GNOME Ambassadors like
you to spread the word of GNOME and teach people the advantages of using
a free desktop." (quote from This is
a great opportunity to do such task.

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: A few questions for the candidates

2010-06-02 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Ter, 2010-06-01 às 23:30 +0200, Vincent Untz escreveu:
> Hi,

Hi Vincent, hi all.

> 1) I've read with interest the mails from the candidates announcing
>they're running, and most (if not all -- I didn't double-check)
>include some motivations with examples of what they'd be interested
>in working on.
>Why are those tasks/ideas things you cannot work on while not being
>on the board?

Indeed I can help GNOME even not being in the board. That's what I
already do. The point is that I think I can help *more* by being part of
it. Why? Because I'd discuss directly in a small team that can actually
get things done (that's why that team exists btw).

> 2) What are your non-usual (ie, not code, not translations, not
>documentation, etc.) contributions as a GNOME Foundation member?
>(organizing events, pushing people to do things, finding sponsors,
>etc. are all possible answers)

This is already answered in my candidacy ;) I'll paste here:

I contribute to GNOME in

 - code, translation
 - spreading GNOME: I'm always giving talks in Brazil about
  GNOME and how to contribute.
 - kind of coordinate GNOME Brazil: motivating users, managing
  Planet, managing mailing lists, etc
 - now that you mentioned it, I remembered: I'm also trying to find a way to 
Brazilian people donate money to the Foundation in a 'more brazilian way'.

> 3) What is your opinion on the co-location of Akademy and GUADEC in
>2011? And if you think it was not the best choice, will you still be
>able to help it happen?

Personally, I'm not a big fan of this. Of course, I can live with that.
I think if we need to work together with other teams, we could do that
in a hackfest for example. GUADEC is the GNOME event, it's kind weird to
meet people around wearing kde shirts :)

> 4) How much free time per week do you think you will be able to allocate
>for the board? (I'm very well aware that this could be 0 for some
>weeks, and 100% of your time for other weeks; I'm just asking in

I think 10h-15h a week.

> 5) Are you okay giving up some of your current GNOME
>responsabilities/activities to join the board? (give up a maintainer
>hat, or hack less, or participate less in a specific team) Or do you
>think it won't be necessary and why?
>(I know it's a bit related to the previous question :-))

I'm aware of this, for sure. The area I could leave is translation, once
Brazilian team currently has great man power.

> 6) Will you be interested in being treasurer, president or secretary if
>elected? If yes, which role and why?

I'd prefer not to pick any of these positions right now. As I'd be a new
director, I think I need first to learn how things work in these areas.
I'd be happy to work in general activities, like to be close to the
Marketing team.

> 7) What do you think of the current GNOME Foundation budget? Had you
>read it at least once before reading this mail?
>(it's okay if you didn't look at it before, btw)

I think it's a bit confusing. Perhaps with GNUCash effort going on
things become easier to read and understand.

> 8) What do you think our next fundraising campaign should be about?
>(I'd love to not read 11 times the same answer, thanks :-))

Maybe not answering directly your question, but: I think we should be
more aggressive asking for donations directly in the desktop.
gnome-about should do this job for us. This is related to a thread
started yesterday in marketing list (which I've replied).

> 9) Will you be at GUADEC this year? (there's a board meeting and an
>advisory board meeting there)


> 10) Make or break question: what's your favorite french expression?

I pass... :(

> Thanks,
> Vincent

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

State of Foundation charter

2010-02-24 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hello, folks.

I'm taking a look at , which
mentions it's still a draft, from Oct 2000!

Do we have a final version, or is it the final version so that it can be

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2009-01-21 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Qua, 2009-01-21 às 09:15 -0300, Bruno Boaventura escreveu:
> Hello everybody!
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new 
> members:
> - Aron Xu
> - Ignacio Casal Quinteiro
> - Jorge Pereira
> - Stéphane Raimbault
> - Vicente Macedo de Aguiar
> - Vinicius Scopel Depizzol
> If your name is on the list above, you're welcome!!! Feel embraced!
> Being part of GNOME Foundation you're contributing more with GNOME.
> If you aren't on the list, and you are close of one of them, please
> say "Welcome to GNOME Foundation" and embrace them.
> At your service,

Hey, Brazilian community rocks! This time 3 more Brazilians joined the
Foundation. I'm very proud of you: Jorge, Vicente and Vinicius, welcome!

nacho and Stéphane, a big welcome to you too!

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: New Friends of GNOME program launched!

2009-01-17 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Ter, 2009-01-13 às 17:36 -0700, Stormy Peters escreveu:
> Hi GNOME fans,
> We are excited to tell you that today we launch our new Friends of
> GNOME program. Now supporters can sign up to help the GNOME Foundation
> with recurring $10/month donations. 

Hello, two questions:

1) This page should be localised into other languages. I've looked at
Damned Lies but haven't found it.

2) How to add others hackers to the list?

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: New GNOME Foundation Members

2008-12-05 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Sex, 2008-12-05 às 18:05 -0300, Bruno Boaventura escreveu:
> Hello everybody!
> The GNOME Foundation Membership Committee is pleased to present the new 
> members:
> - Fábio Ricardo Nogueira
> - Licio Fernando da Fonseca
> - Mario Gonzalez

Hey, great news! Fábio and Licio, welcome aboard! Let's make GNOME
Brazil rock again in 2009. Looking forward to see more and more
contributions from Brazilian guys.

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

5º Brazilian GNOME Forum

2008-11-12 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hello, folks.

I'm writing this email just to say: Thank you, Foundation!

Our Forum happened between Oct 31 and Nov 1st, and was just wonderful,
amazing. Thanks to the GNOME Foundation and Latinoware staff, we could
join lots of GNOMErs, from Brazil, Chile and Peru.

I wrote about the Forum in my blog:

Izabel thanks specially Zana, for her attention with us. Thank you Zana!

We look forward to our 6º Forum, next year! Let's move on!

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

Re: Call for hosts for GUADEC 2009

2008-04-22 Thread Jonh Wendell
Em Ter, 2008-04-22 às 12:13 -0700, Ted Gould escreveu:
> On Tue, 2008-04-22 at 14:38 -0400, Adam Schreiber wrote:
> > On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 2:34 PM, BJörn Lindqvist <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Usa isn't the only country in North America. Maybe Canada or Mexico
> > >  has less strict rules about visas? It is not hard to imagine that the
> > >  Americans might feel that it is a little unfair that guadec always is
> > >  in Europe. Couldn't there be two conferences?
> > 
> > I too would appreciate another North/Central/South America based
> > conference if GUADEC can't be moved across the pond occasionally.
> > However, I suspect that because the GNOME summit is held in Boston
> > every year we will have to make due.
> It seems to me that the Boston Summit should turn into the "Americas
> Conference" and leave GUADEC as the "European Conference".  While I know
> that there are a lot of GNOME Folks in Boston, it would seem that moving
> it around the Americas would be reasonable.
> Now all we need is a cleaver acronym for it :)
>   --Ted

Oh, It would be really, really, amazing!

GUADLAC, as Behdad suggested. A GNOME Conference in Americas, with the
same structure as GUADEC (aka sponsorship).

/me wonders about a huge GNOME crowd here in Brazil... :-)

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

FISL - summary

2008-04-22 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hi, folks.

FISL - the biggest FLOSS event in Brazil - is over.

Thanks to Foundation, GNOME was represented there, with a talk and a
booth. Lots of people stopped at our booth to have a chat with us,
mainly asking for our presence in other events and asking how to

I would like to thank Foundation for the sponsorship, which allowed us
to cover this event.

I have written some posts in my blog about the event:

More photos:

Now we are looking forward to our V GNOME Brazilian Forum. News on this

Jonh Wendell

foundation-list mailing list

IV Brazilian GNOME Forum - Thanks

2007-10-01 Thread Jonh Wendell
Hi, folks.

I just want to say a big "THANK YOU", to the GNOME Foundation, which has
helped us in this event.

It was my first event as member of GNOME community, and i am very, very
happy with it. It was really very cool, in all senses.

We felt a strong receptivity from the people there, and a some of them
want to start contributing to the GNOME in some areas.

I'd like to thank Izabel too, who made all this possible ;)

So, guys, i am proud to be part of that nice community, and got more
than motivated to contribute more with the project, by developing or
spreading GNOME to all parts of Brazil!

PS: Bruno has blogged about the event:

As long as i get the new photos in my machine, i'll be blogging too ;)

Jonh Wendell

Linux User #114432

foundation-list mailing list