Hi all,

Much later than I expected (but that's another story), here is the
budget which I've prepared for the year 2007, which outlines where we're
expecting money to come from, what our targets are in that department,
and where we're planning on spending it.

Let me be clear - this is not accounts - this is a wishlist. Some items
on this budget are already out-dated (so I need to update it) - we have
a much better idea of how much GUADEC is going to cost and will be
bringing in in sponsorship, we know that we didn't hire a foundation
director of business development in March, so that line item can be
reduced, we're changing banks and will thus have much lower bank charges
for the rest of the year, and we now know exactly how many SoC projects
we have this year.

Overall, this is aout right, though - the foundation wants to contribute
in a few areas this year in particular - accessibility, community
development, independent software developers and outreach and promotion.

This comes down to three major wishes:

 - We have set aside budgets for a small number of mini-meetings for
teams working together. If you have a small team, and want to get
together for 2 or 3 days and would like to subsidise travel, then we
have some money for that. I have explicitly listed Accessibility, the
mobile initiative and an ISD miniconf (this might focus on the platform,
on documentation, or on some other subject). Those are ideas, and we
welcome proposals outside of those.

 - User groups are front & center in the budget. We will fund requests
for travel funds (but we will not be splashing out - if you're in
Brazil, and you want to invite someone from Europe, we'll probably ask
you if there isn't someone in the US or South America who would be
cheaper), we will fund requests for marketing materials and printing
(but again, this isn't a gift fund, and requests for print runs of
t-shirts which will be given away will probably be refused unless
there's some good justification - we're more open to advances to get the
printing done, followed by sales to recoup costs), we encourage event
organisation and participation, and will fund requests for travel to
attend conferences.

As I said, this is a work in progress, and our first goal is to manage
the foundation's finances in a sane manner and make sure that we're in
good shape next year and the years after. This is the first time that
we've made a budget for the financial year as far as I can tell.


Dave Neary
GNOME Foundation member

Attachment: GNOME budget 2007 v3.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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