Hello Gnome-lovers,

This week-end is the FOSDEM weekend in Bruxelles.

We have a GNOME booth in main hall which is organized by Bertrand Rousseau
(Getting Things GNOME developer but not foundation member yet).

He's currently looking for some volunteer to man the booth during some
parts of the FOSDEM. We ask you to register there
http://live.gnome.org/Brussels2010/Stand . Putting a cross doesn't mean
that you have to stay the whole time but only that, if you leave the booth
(to attend a talk for example) you must find someone to replace you during
your absence.

We need at least two crosses in every row so please join us.

There's no need to be a foundation member to man the booth. The main job
is to sell t-shirts, answer questions about GNOME and be friendly. This is
a really cool job as it allows to take a more active part in the FOSDEM and
time generally flies quickly !

Thanks for your collaboration,


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