I found this it fpc-pascal mailing list archive (I do not read this mailing 
list, so I do not catch this discussion)
Because I think it is worth to continue, I move it into fpc-devel

/ ... I feel the definition
/>/ of SetFieldData/GetFieldData without a length/size parameter />/ and strings passed as pchar is causing all kind of problems:

/I agree/

/>/ 1) TStringField.SetAsString copies the string to a buffer />/ with size dsMaxStringSize so that datasets that don't figure />/ out the original length of the string can simply copy the />/ full Field.TDatasize (TBufDataset, TDbf, TMemDataset,...).

/>/ TWideStringField.SetAsString didn't which caused the crash />/ when the string is shorter than Field.Size. />/ TCustomSqliteDataset uses a StrNew(PChar(Buffer)); to get the />/ length of the string but fails sometimes (see 4).

/>/ 2) dsMaxStringSize isn't enforced for TStringField. Defining />/ a Field.size > dsMaxStringSize causes a crash in />/ TStringField.SetAsString. I haven't raised an issue on this, yet.
Yes, it is also reported by fcl-db test suite, see: 

/ 3) some of the speed advantage of memory based datasets is
/>/ offset by moving full Field.Tdatasize bytes in both set and />/ get fielddata
/ 4) pascal strings can contain #0 characters in the string.
/>/ When converting to pchar part of these strings is lost. />/
/Very good point. See also comments in 

/>/ What I propose is:
/>/ 1 to create overloaded versions of SetFieldData and />/ GetFieldData that include a length parameter, to change />/ TStringField.SetAsString and TWideStringField.SetAsWideString />/ to use these versions

/Or also create procedure TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; DataSize : integer=0);
which will do some checks like existing TField.SetData(Buffer: Pointer; 
NativeFormat : Boolean)
and call new FDataSet.SetFieldData(Self, Buffer, NativeFormat, DataSize);

This new TDataSet.SetFieldData will by default call existing "old" SetFieldData:
procedure TDataSet.SetFieldData(Field: TField; Buffer: Pointer; NativeFormat: 
Boolean; DataSize:integer);
 SetFieldData(Field, Buffer, NativeFormat);

So backward compatibilty will be retained.

TDataSet descendants, which will want, they will override this new SetFieldData 
method and will take advantage of them.
(in our case TBufDataSet will be adopted )
and to migrate the different datasets />/ to use these new versions. This way existing (user) code />/ using SetFieldData/GetFieldData will still work (and the user />/ still being responsible for buffer overruns...) and datasets />/ can correctly save and retrieve strings while improving performance. />/ 2 change the bufdataset internal storage for ftstring and />/ ftwidestring fields to include the string length so that />/ stored strings can be retrieved in full when containing #0 />/ characters and without having to copy systematically datasize />/ bytes.
Yes, so ftString will be stored like ftvarBinary, which has first two bytes length and 
followed by "binary string"

/ However this will introduce an incompatible binary
/>/ format for TFpcBinaryDatapacketReader. Having a second />/ FpcBinaryIdent would allow for both formats to co-habitate. />/ />/ If need be the discussion can be moved to fpc-devel.

/Yes ;-)))/

/And another theme not related to this subjects are Autoincrement fields, which 
are ATM read-only for all access
(BTW see also http://bugs.freepascal.org/view.php?id=17624 )
Here I have idea introduce at some level (TDataSet or TBufDataSet) virtual 
function (for example GetNextAutoIncValue),
which will be called just after append...post (may be in InternalPost if 
And descendants like TSQLQuery will be able override this method and provide 
their own mechanism for retrieving auto-generated values from SQL databases.
Like MySQL: select last_insert_rowid(), PostgreSQL: select lastval(), MSSQL: 
select @@identity, etc.
For other solution (introduce new property RefreshSQL ) read: 
ATM auto-increment fields are practicaly useless.
Ofcourse this are only very raw ideas ...


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