Tanks to Helmut,
we now also have a FreeBSD with OS 9RC1
to test Free Pascal on:

The testsuite reveals no difference between
native OS8 or OS9RC1:

I will also try to test in cross configuration to see what happens.

On i386, I get:
but the difference is simply due to a change in installed libraries....

So FreBSD 8 and 9RC1 seem to be quite perfectly binary compatible....

Pierre Muller

FreeBSD compilation on 8.2 and test run on 9RC1 gives
no noticeable changes:

The two changes are simply due to the fact
that zlib shared library probably is also installed on the 8.2 VM and not on
the 9RC1.
The second change is due to the fact that on 8.2 the RTL
was compiled using DEUG=1 make option,
which changed the outcome of that particular test
about setting position of a stream to -1.

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