Re: [fpc-devel] Published record

2024-08-17 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 8/16/24 8:40 PM, Michalis Kamburelis via fpc-devel wrote:

If we could instead just put TVector3 in the published section, and
make it exposed in the object inspector (maybe adding some additional
code to use RTTI, but that is made *once*, not every time we need to
expose TVector3) this would be great :)

Seconding this, for pretty much the same use case: my 3D game engine 
also uses TVector, etc records (and objects! - stuff being allocated in 
stack or "inline" other objects/classes is incredibly important) and 
needs to expose them via RTTI/published and i have to use various kludgy 
hacks to work around a language limitation that IMO was already 
questionable back in the 90s when Delphi 2 was released (i might kinda 
accept it for Delphi 1 having to work in 16bit mode :-P).

Instead of having a proxy object, i "flatten" the fields using getters 
and setters so, e.g., a "property Position: TVector read FPosition write 
SetPosition" in the public section also has "property PositionX: Single 
read GetPositionX write SetPositionX" and similar for PositionY and 
PositionZ. Obviously with something like "property Transformation: 
TTransformation read FTransformation write SetTransformation" which has 
Position, Rotation and Scale properties (as TVectors) that get flattened 
to nine published properties so they can be accessed via RTTI (and thus 
have automatic serialization, deserialization, property editing UI, 
clipboard copy/paste, undo/redo support via property diffs, etc without 
having to do all that manually via code) it becomes kinda unwieldy fast.

Sadly i also do have to use proxy objects in some cases, e.g. i have a 
generic object "TDynArray" for dynamic arrays which is wrapped via a 
"TSerializableCollection" class so that the 
serialization/deserialization code can automatically 
write/construct/read published collections of objects.

It'd be very useful if the Run-Time Type Information could describe all 
the Type Information the compiler already knows about :-P


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] make OPT= OPTFPC= NEWOPT=

2023-10-07 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 10/6/23 16:11, Marco van de Voort via fpc-devel wrote:

OPT= always to my best knowledge

NEWOPT is opt only for later cycles and the rest, iow not for the first 
FPC bootstrap cycle (that might be started with an older compiler 
version).  So it is for additional options that are not supported by the 
bootstrap compiler, but are supported by the newer compiler.

It might be a good idea to have a wiki page describing all the variables 
that go in the makefile, i always end up using Google to search the wiki 
for make invocations of the the partial variables i remember.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] rtl_do_close is not called in the embedded and freertos targets

2023-08-21 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

Hi all,

I was looking at the RTL code to see if the embedded target could be 
used as a workaround for unsupported OSes (e.g. some custom kernel) and 
noticed that there are some global function pointers used as callbacks 
for system-specific functionality - which is neat.

However i also noticed that the do_close procedure in 
doesn't do anything (it is empty) and nothing calls the rtl_do_close 
callback (the other do_xxx procedures do call the equivalent rtl_do_xxx 
if they are set). I don't have any actual program to test that out, it 
was just something i noticed by reading the code but it seems like a bug 
to me as i can't see a way to close a file handle otherwise.

The code can be seen here:

My guess is that the code above should call rtl_do_close defined here: it is done in the other procedures in the file.

FWIW the code for freertos seems to be exactly the same - empty do_close 
despite there being a rtl_do_close callback (which isn't used anywhere).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] WebAssembly compilation problems - Wasm32 symbol xxx without index value error

2023-03-28 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 3/28/23 02:12, Michalis Kamburelis via fpc-devel wrote:

We're experimenting with compiling Castle Game Engine using FPC
WebAssembly target.
x3dcamerautils.pas(344,0) Error: Wasm32 symbol
value error

FWIW i experienced the same problem when trying to build my Post 
Apocalyptic Petra game some months ago as i posted back then:

Sadly i never found a workaround but it does sound like an issue with 
whatever generates the wasm code itself instead of the assembler - as 
mentioned in the message above, trying other assemblers produced 
different errors.

The errors also seem to be more of a symptom than a cause as, as you 
also figured out, trying to fix things just move the error around and it 
happens in various places that do not seem to have much in common.

But i didn't look further into it because i was busy with other stuff. I 
mainly wanted to make the wasm build for fun and perhaps to put it on 
the landing page if it worked fine but that was very low priority.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Is this supposed to work (generic)?

2023-03-28 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 3/26/23 14:30, Martin Frb via fpc-devel wrote:
>generic GenLinkedList = class
>  Data: D;
>  Next: T;
>TSome = class;
>TSome = class(specialize GenLinkedList);

AFAIK "specialize" essentially "pastes" the parameters (after some 
checking) so it'd be as if you had declared...

TSome = class;
GenLinkedList = class
  Data: Integer;
  Next: TSome;
TSome = class(GenLinkedList);

...which is perfectly valid Free Pascal code.

Also AFAIK the reason the others do not work is because when specialize 
is called, TFoo and TBar are not known to the compiler yet, but the 
forward declaration with TSome tells to the compiler that it is a class.

I guess it *is* a bit inconsistent that you can use the name of the type 
you are declaring during the declaration itself for classes - like "TFoo 
= class Foo: TFoo; end" - or target a type with a pointer before the 
targeted type is even known and yet specialization needs to know ahead 
of time everything, but that's how things are :-P


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Additional generic type constraints

2023-02-23 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 2/22/23 15:11, Sven Barth wrote:
Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel <>> schrieb am Mi., 22. Feb. 2023, 

 > Because Delphi doesn't have them and when constraints were
 > they were implemented for Delphi compatibility.

Can they be added? The original announcement ~13 years ago mentioned
that those could be added at some point. "object" and "operator X"
be quite useful for me.

Some additional constraints might be added. However I have none of them 
planned currently and enough other things to do.

I tried to use constraints at some point in my code but they proven too
limited in functionality - the biggest issue i faced was that i
use a specialization with a forward declared class (which is the entire
point of the forward declaration). For example i have a generic
collection that only works on TSerializable subclasses so i gave it
constraint, but in another unit i need to define a specialization
for it
before it was defined (so the class was available with a forward class
declaration) since that specialization also needs to be used by the
class itself. In general it seems like having constrained generic work
with a tree structure of derived types that use the generic itself is

Wouldn't storing a list of "specializations to confirm later in this
unit" work (with later being when the class is actually defined in the
unit)? The language already has forward declarations for a bunch of
other things.

Forward declarations can not be used for constraints, because a 
specialization of the generic might be used before the forward declared 
type is fully defined and the compiler *must* be able to check whether 
the parameter in question is compatible at the time the specialization 
is declared.


That is what the compiler does now, but can't it be changed to treat
constraints that use forward declarations as unconstrained (at least as
far as these forward declarations are concerned) until the moment they
are declared and validate those constraints at that point?

After all the code below does work if there is no constraint despite the
specialization being used before the forward declaration:

program Test;
   TProvidesFoo = class
 function Foo: Integer; virtual; abstract;

   // The following with a constraint could be instead:
   // generic TGetFoo = class
   generic TGetFoo = class
 Wrap: T;
 function GetFoo: Integer;

   TForwardClass = class;
   // Instead of making the test here, add it to a list to check later...
   TFCHasFoo = specialize TGetFoo;

procedure DumpFoo(FCHasFoo: TFCHasFoo);

function TGetFoo.GetFoo: Integer;

   // ...and when this is declared check the if any of the remaining
   // checks in the list will be valid or not and remove it from the list
   TForwardClass = class(TProvidesFoo)
 function Foo: Integer; override;
   function TForwardClass.Foo: Integer;

   FC: TForwardClass;
   HF: TFCHasFoo;

At the end of the day this isn't a major flaw, after all if the expected
functionality wasn't there (e.g. the generic code tried to access
something the type used in the specialization didn't provide) you'd
still get a compile error anyway, though it does feel a bit like there a
hole in Free Pascal's type safety here (e.g. imagine passing a type to a
specialization that happens to have the same function call so the code
compiles but the call does something different than what you'd expect).


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Additional generic type constraints

2023-02-22 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel
Because Delphi doesn't have them and when constraints were implemented 
they were implemented for Delphi compatibility.

Can they be added? The original announcement ~13 years ago mentioned 
that those could be added at some point. "object" and "operator X" would 
be quite useful for me.

I tried to use constraints at some point in my code but they proven too 
limited in functionality - the biggest issue i faced was that i couldn't 
use a specialization with a forward declared class (which is the entire 
point of the forward declaration). For example i have a generic 
collection that only works on TSerializable subclasses so i gave it that 
constraint, but in another unit i need to define a specialization for it 
before it was defined (so the class was available with a forward class 
declaration) since that specialization also needs to be used by the 
class itself. In general it seems like having constrained generic work 
with a tree structure of derived types that use the generic itself is 

Wouldn't storing a list of "specializations to confirm later in this 
unit" work (with later being when the class is actually defined in the 
unit)? The language already has forward declarations for a bunch of 
other things.


fpc-devel maillist  -

[fpc-devel] Wasm/embedded target compilation error

2022-07-28 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

Hi all,

I was trying to use the Wasm/embedded target to port a game i made some 
time ago[0] to WebAssembly to run inside a browser, but i am getting a 
bunch of errors that i can't figure out the issue. When compiling with 
the embedded wasm assembler i get errors like:

SndEmit.pas(171) Error: Wasm32 symbol 
without index value error
SndEmit.pas(171) Error: Wasm32 symbol 
without index value error

(more errors)

However i'm not sure if it is the internal assembler issue because 
using, e.g. llvm-mc-12 i get other errors like:

./Engine/Misc.wat:7340:3: error: symbol 

./Engine/Misc.wat:7670:3: error: symbol 

Trying other assemblers i get other errors too, e.g. wabt/wasa displays 
a bunch of "stream read error" messages and then fails to link.

Does anyone have any idea about what is wrong?

This is running on Linux with a custom built crosscompiler from latest 
git (last commit is 6915cd9b269649ca945a4fc952ee7dedb1b38b85 - Thu Jul 
21 14:01:50).

I've stripped out the game's sources to only contain the units that i 
try to compile, you can get it and try to reproduce the issue from here 
(the archive is ~660KB):

Just type ./ (the script uses -Awasm here but can be changed 
to try other assemblers). Note that obviously this wont build since it 
is missing any wasm-specific functionality since i never got to the 
point where the "cross platform" units compile properly to start writing 
the wasm-specific stuff.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Defer keyword

2021-05-10 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 5/11/2021 4:09 AM, Ryan Joseph via fpc-devel wrote:

On May 10, 2021, at 5:59 PM, Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel 

You do not need any special language feature for that, you can simply do 
something like


yes but we can't get back the reference. It's a small thing but making this 
possible as return type means we can chain the calls together and make it a one 
line statement. It's just a nice thing from Objective-C which we use heavily to 
manage memory and it works very well.

How about function ReleaseLater(Obj: TObject): TObject that simply 
returns Obj? (though TBH i can't say i am a fan of these chains from a 
readability perspective).

fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Defer keyword

2021-05-10 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

On 5/8/2021 8:27 PM, Ryan Joseph via fpc-devel wrote:

That was a bad example. It's for ANY class really.

o := TObject.Create.AutoRelease;

Then next event cycle the autorelease pool frees all the objects added to it. 
Very simple but effective however we can't do this in Pascal without a new 
permissive return type.

You do not need any special language feature for that, you can simply do 
something like


and have ReleaseLater and ReleaseQueuedObjects procedures in a shared 
unit like

procedure ReleaseLater(Obj: TObject);
procedure ReleaseQueuedObjects;

and have ReleaseQueuedObjects called on app idle. LCL already has 
something like that with TApplication.ReleaseComponent but, as the name 
implies, it is only for TComponent instances. However nothing prevents 
you from making your own, it is just a few lines of code and certainly 
an app with flow complex enough to need such a construct wont be 
bothered by a few additional lines for this.

You could even use type helpers to make it look like a method :-P.


fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Allow object type property getter to expose a field as one of its base/parent types (patch included)

2020-08-11 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel
Any further thoughts on this? I am already using it in a new project for
quite some time now and it has proven to be very useful in several cases by
exposing read only views of the same container that is used internally by
classes without additional boilerplate and with fast access and rtti

TBH I've found it so useful that even if it isn't included I'll maintain
the patch myself (it is tiny and the relevant code doesn't seem to be
modified frequently anyway :-P), but I think it is a very useful feature
for everyone because of what it enables you to do (see example in my last
message). Not having it feels like going back to pre-generics FP or
pre-dynamic arrays Delphi; sure, you do not need the functionality, but it
is better when the compiler enables you to avoid busywork and let you focus
on more important parts :-P


On Sun, Jun 14, 2020, 04:00 Kostas Michalopoulos 

> On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 12:07 PM Sven Barth via fpc-devel
>  wrote:
> > I'm against it. It would essentially mean that you can't use the same
> > field for the setter or that you'd need to go through a method.
> > Exchanging one restriction (can't use a base class for the property) for
> > another (can't use the same field for the setter) isn't worth it
> > especially as you can avoid performance issues by using a getter method
> > that is declared inline (the only case where this won't help is if you
> > access it using RTTI, but one call more or less doesn't really change
> > much anyway).
> These two restrictions are not equal, using a setter method is much
> more common than using a getter that accesses the field directly. Also
> there is no exchange since you cannot use a property with a base type
> as a setter for the base field. None of this functionality already
> exists, this patch does not introduce any new restriction, it only
> removes an existing one (which is even inconsistent since in other
> places you can use values as their base type when the base type is
> needed).
> Performance-wise inlining doesn't always work (more often than not the
> compiler fails to inline methods, especially when nesting inlines) and
> so it cannot be relied upon. In addition, using a getter method does
> change the RTTI data which is a significant difference.
> To give you an idea on how i'm using this, i have a generic object
> type (not class) that provides a read only view of a collection and a
> mutable view that extends it, like this:
> generic TDynArrayView = object ...
> generic TDynArray = object(specialize TDynArrayView) ...
> This allows me to use a property like
> property Items: specialize TDynArrayView read FItems; // FItems is
> TDynArray
> that always provides direct access to the items but without the API
> allowing any modifications that ensures all modifications to the
> collection itself will be done through the methods of the class that
> provides the property but all accesses will have minimum overhead.
> The RTTI data is also important because i have a custom serialization
> system that tries to automate as much as possible with minimal
> hand-holding (i also use custom attributes for this). All objects are
> assumed to descent from a TRootObject object that provides functions
> like SerializeToStream/DeserializeFromStream and this does deep
> de/serialization (ie. serializes all objects, not just just the root
> one).
> This takes advantage of getter-only field-access properties to assume
> that they are meant to also be serialized and owned by the object
> itself (which is a safe assumption for most objects, custom attributes
> can be used to change the behavior) so when deserializing, it writes
> to those getter-only field-access properties directly. The implication
> of this is that the address of the field must be available and thus an
> getter function wouldn't work (before doing the patch i did try to
> take the offset of the field variable and store it in a custom
> attribute as a workaround, but it didn't work since parameters to
> custom attributes do not seem to be able to do that - and besides i'm
> not a fan of this since it adds extra noise to the declaration and
> custom attributes seem to be unable to have any statically allocated
> data and you need to allocate new instances just to access their data
> - though that is another issue that i have with custom attributes in
> general).
> What the above means is that i can have two objects like
> TSomething = class(TRootObject) ...
> TAnother = class(TRootObject)
> private
>   FSomething: TSomething;
> published
>   property Something: FSomething read FSomething;
> end;
> and then when i do Another.SerializeToStream(SomeStream) and
> Another.DeserializeFromStream(SomeStream) i can have the TSomething
> instance automatically be stored and recreated without any additional
> hand-holding boilerplate code (you need to provide a default Create
> constructor, but this is basically the same requirement like
> TPe

Re: [fpc-devel] Advanced objects

2020-07-23 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel
There should be at least support for operators. I have a custom
dynamic array object type (i use objects instead of classes to avoid
unnecessary heap allocations) which would benefit a lot from such
support. I worked around not having management operators by putting
the data fields and core functionality inside a generic advanced
record which implements these operators and then using that inside the
object (so the values do get released automatically when the object
itself is released), but i also need support for at least the equality
operator as the dynamic array object has an IndexOf method that uses
that and it cannot be used with other dynamic arrays (so i cannot have
a dynamic array object which itself contains dynamic array objects
because i cannot provide a = operator for the dynamic array object
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Advanced objects

2020-07-22 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

I'd also like to repeat that question since i was just trying to use
management operators for a generic object type (not class, not record)
that i want it to automatically initialize/shutdown itself (right now
i'm doing it manually but i'd prefer it if the compiler would do that
for me) and found that bug too.


On Mon, Mar 23, 2020 at 10:43 AM Ryan Joseph via fpc-devel
> Checking in on old bug report for "advanced objects" which was marked as 
> acknowledged on the tracker. Was there ever any discussion of this and 
> possibility of it being applied? I don't think it caused any controversy so I 
> was hoping to get to use it some time soon. :)
> Regards,
> Ryan Joseph
> ___
> fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] Allow object type property getter to expose a field as one of its base/parent types (patch included)

2020-06-13 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel
On Sat, Jun 13, 2020 at 12:07 PM Sven Barth via fpc-devel
> I'm against it. It would essentially mean that you can't use the same
> field for the setter or that you'd need to go through a method.
> Exchanging one restriction (can't use a base class for the property) for
> another (can't use the same field for the setter) isn't worth it
> especially as you can avoid performance issues by using a getter method
> that is declared inline (the only case where this won't help is if you
> access it using RTTI, but one call more or less doesn't really change
> much anyway).

These two restrictions are not equal, using a setter method is much
more common than using a getter that accesses the field directly. Also
there is no exchange since you cannot use a property with a base type
as a setter for the base field. None of this functionality already
exists, this patch does not introduce any new restriction, it only
removes an existing one (which is even inconsistent since in other
places you can use values as their base type when the base type is

Performance-wise inlining doesn't always work (more often than not the
compiler fails to inline methods, especially when nesting inlines) and
so it cannot be relied upon. In addition, using a getter method does
change the RTTI data which is a significant difference.

To give you an idea on how i'm using this, i have a generic object
type (not class) that provides a read only view of a collection and a
mutable view that extends it, like this:

generic TDynArrayView = object ...
generic TDynArray = object(specialize TDynArrayView) ...

This allows me to use a property like

property Items: specialize TDynArrayView read FItems; // FItems is TDynArray

that always provides direct access to the items but without the API
allowing any modifications that ensures all modifications to the
collection itself will be done through the methods of the class that
provides the property but all accesses will have minimum overhead.

The RTTI data is also important because i have a custom serialization
system that tries to automate as much as possible with minimal
hand-holding (i also use custom attributes for this). All objects are
assumed to descent from a TRootObject object that provides functions
like SerializeToStream/DeserializeFromStream and this does deep
de/serialization (ie. serializes all objects, not just just the root

This takes advantage of getter-only field-access properties to assume
that they are meant to also be serialized and owned by the object
itself (which is a safe assumption for most objects, custom attributes
can be used to change the behavior) so when deserializing, it writes
to those getter-only field-access properties directly. The implication
of this is that the address of the field must be available and thus an
getter function wouldn't work (before doing the patch i did try to
take the offset of the field variable and store it in a custom
attribute as a workaround, but it didn't work since parameters to
custom attributes do not seem to be able to do that - and besides i'm
not a fan of this since it adds extra noise to the declaration and
custom attributes seem to be unable to have any statically allocated
data and you need to allocate new instances just to access their data
- though that is another issue that i have with custom attributes in

What the above means is that i can have two objects like

TSomething = class(TRootObject) ...

TAnother = class(TRootObject)
  FSomething: TSomething;
  property Something: FSomething read FSomething;

and then when i do Another.SerializeToStream(SomeStream) and
Another.DeserializeFromStream(SomeStream) i can have the TSomething
instance automatically be stored and recreated without any additional
hand-holding boilerplate code (you need to provide a default Create
constructor, but this is basically the same requirement like
TPersistent). I also have a THidden custom attribute which is used to
mark published properties that are not to be exposed to the UI.

Also note that i use both of the above cases with classes like

generic TItemCollectionView = class(TRootObject) ...
generic TItemCollection = class(specialize TItemCollectionView) ...

Which allows me to automatically de/serialize collections owned by
objects without any additional custom code (these two classes actually
wrap the TDynArray generic objects i mentioned above).

So basically as you see not only inline functions aren't equivalent
(they change the RTTI data, they can potentially be slower -
especially when considering value types like objects) but i'm actually
having two real use cases for this functionality.

I cannot think of a use case for the restriction you mention about
allowing to write to the setter (and again, that wouldn't make sense
logically either - you can "get" a base type value from a derived type
value, but nowhere in the language you can "put" a base type value to
a derived type value sinc

[fpc-devel] Allow object type property getter to expose a field as one of its base/parent types (patch included)

2020-06-03 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel

I'd like to add a small feature for property getters to allow
themselves be exposed as a base type of the real field. Example:

program ExposeDerivedAsBase;
{$mode objfpc}
  TBase = class
  TDerived = class(TBase)
  TSomething = class
FProp: TDerived;
property Prop: TBase read FProp;

The reasoning for this patch is to expose fields directly, without any
additional overheads while being able to hide the real type that the
object uses internally.

One use on a project that i'm currently working on is collections that
are implemented as two classes, one base class that provides a
read-only view of the items in the collection and a derived class that
provides read-write access (this is similar to how C# has List
implement IReadOnlyList but using a class instead). This approach
is actually implemented in two collections, one that uses
object types so that the collection data can be embedded inside other
types (as opposed to creating separate objects on the heap) and one
that uses class types that wraps around the object type (this is
mainly to be able to expose the collection to RTTI for a custom
serialization system i'm working on that relies on properties and
custom attributes for its functionality).

You can find a Mantis entry with the patch here:

This basically adds an additional check in
add_getter_or_setter_for_sym when the call to compare_defs doesn't
return an adequate value to see if the relevant defs are compatible
objects, which should not introduce any additional overhead in
existing code (initially i considered modifying compare_defs_ext but i
noticed that it is used in several places so i found this special case

Kostas Michalopoulos
fpc-devel maillist  -

Re: [fpc-devel] FPC 3.2.0RC1 released!

2020-04-01 Thread Kostas Michalopoulos via fpc-devel
Hm, for me the new compiler produces slightly slower results. The
difference is tiny, but consistent. I use my raytracing benchmark from here:

The results on my AMD Ryzen 3700X are:

FPC 3.0.4: 3.984 seconds
FPC 3.2.0RC1: 4.047 seconds

As i wrote, the difference is tiny, but over several runs it is pretty much

Note that these are for 32bit Windows executables. Also i'm using the
Lazarus-bundled build mentioned by Martin Frb above.

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM Florian Klämpfl 

> Am 31.03.20 um 05:55 schrieb Joao Schuler:
> > Just tested with my own neural networks API and I can confirm that it
> works!
> > Environment: WIN10 64bits AVX
> >
> > Tested with:
> >
> >
> >
> > In this test, there is a performance gain (speed) against 3.0.4 at about
> 9%.
> Do you have numbers in comparison with trunk?
> ___
> fpc-devel maillist  -
fpc-devel maillist  -