These days, most modern programming languages have its own logo. The logo 
becomes a "brand", a unique visual identity for the language. It also acts as a 
"trademark", a recognizable image for the language. It also helps the community 
to have a single visual identity to distinguish them from other programming 
communities. I've seen it with many other communities, such as Swift, Python, 
Kotlin, etc.
Unfortunately, I don't see Pascal language –especially Free Pascal– to have a 
such logo. Yes, I know the FPC's official site got a running cheetah (a .gif 
file) named as logo. But, I don't think an animated picture is appropriate to 
be used as a logo. A logo should be simple, unique, recognizable and 
"iconizable" image.
So, I propose a new logo for Free Pascal. It's a simple cheetah's head. The 
proposed logo in various sizes (for icon) can be looked at here: 
https://pak.lebah.web.id/fpc/ I also attach the logo as a .png file, in case 
someone can't open my website.
If this proposal is accepted, perhaps it's time to rework the official FPC's 
website, using the new logo. It's time to make Pascal looks more modern, 
because it looks pretty old today. I also think the Lazarus' logo can be made 
better, but that's another discussion for another time.
What do you think?
Thank you.
–Mr Bee
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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