I have a program that connects to (cisco) network switches with telnet. It uses Ararat Synapse for the network part. Now some switches were changed to a secure SSH connection and I wanted to reflect that in my program. I used Cryplib and all the stuff as mentioned here: http://cryptlib.sogot.de and logon with SSHLogon. But the connection fails. I used Cryptlib Spy to check what goes wrong and got the following output:

Cryptlib CL32.DLL version: 3.3.2
cryptAddRandom(randomData, -301);
cryptCreateSession(&session, CRYPT_UNUSED, CRYPT_SESSION_SSH);
  session = 316
cryptSetAttributeString(316, CRYPT_SESSINFO_USERNAME, value, 8);
cryptSetAttributeString(316, CRYPT_SESSINFO_PASSWORD, value, 9);
cryptSetAttribute(316, CRYPT_SESSINFO_NETWORKSOCKET, 212);
cryptSetAttribute(316, CRYPT_SESSINFO_ACTIVE, 1);
->function returns errorcode -32 ( = Bad/unrecognised data format )
cryptGetAttributeString(316, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_INT_ERRORMESSAGE, NULL, &valueLength);
  valueLength = 46
cryptGetAttributeString(316, CRYPT_ATTRIBUTE_INT_ERRORMESSAGE, value, &valueLength);
  valueLength = 46

Does anybody have an idea what to do here? There is the error -32 (bad/unrecognized data format) but I don't know why it appears and how to overcome it. I am not an expert in cryptocraphy and therefore can't imagine what is wrong. Do I need some extra cryptographic keys? If I use PuTTY I can connect to the switches without problem but on first startup of PuTTY I got a warning saying something about keys (which I don't remember exactly and it did not reappear).
fpc-pascal maillist  -  fpc-pascal@lists.freepascal.org

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