Re: [fpc-pascal] Assign() vs AssignTo()

2016-02-13 Thread stdreamer
On 11/02/2016 17:13 μμ, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote: Hi, In TPersistent, we have two virtual methods. Assign() which calls AssignTo(). 1) Why are they both virtual? It seems like Assign() is what I call a template method, farming its work out to other helper methods - in this case, AssignTo().

Re: [fpc-pascal] Assign() vs AssignTo()

2016-02-11 Thread Dennis Poon
Martin Schreiber wrote: On Friday 12 February 2016 03:17:57 Dennis wrote: Is there any sample codes to copy published properties (via RTTI) ? e.g. psuedo code below for i := 0 to properties.count -1 do begin case properties[i].type of vtInteger : properties[i].AsInteger