Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-12 Thread Paul Breneman

On 11/12/2018 7:05 AM, Santiago A. wrote:

El 02/11/18 a las 11:13, James escribió:
I've been programming for decades with Pascal, starting with Turbo 
Pascal, and for a few years now with Freepascal, and even wrote really 
complicated console windows programs with Freepascal that do windows 
function calls... But now I find that I would like to write a few 
windows GUI programs,  and well... I'm clueless... I never learned 
windows GUI programming and don't have a clue about how it's done, 
it's always been faster and easier to just keep doing what I already 
understand, but now I have a few applications to write what would be 
much better suited to a native windows application, so,   I am 
wondering if there are any tutorials out there, hopefully specific to 
Freepascal and/or Lazarus.  I need really basic stuff like how to open 
a message box, or how to use windows file open, or save-as dialog 
boxes.. etc.. even a hello world tutorial would be helpful... ok, so 
ZERO windows programming experience here...   Any advice on where to 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Tutorials? well, that is funny. Usually there are many tutorials the 
other way around, that is, young guys that master GUI and must learn 
real programming to go further.

I know where you are, because I was there many years ago when I moved 
from DOS programming to windows programming. Someone has posted that 
programming is programming, no matter GUI or not GUI. Well, yes and no. 
You must change your paradigm a little. I suggest you to try Lazarus.

Besides tutorials  and howtos people have posted, let me tell you how I 
changed my point of view. Hope it helps you, but I don't expect much, 
everybody has his own epiphany ;-).

I started to stop seeing programs as a lineal process. I saw it more 
like an iceberg, where the window you see in the GUI is the tip, 
whenever you e.i. click a button, the program goes down, gets results 
and returns to the tip.

In console programs, you read data one by by one, a prompt and stop 
expecting an input. If the input data is wrong you ask it again. 
Creating a window with many data allowing the user is complicated, you 
must control cursor keys etc, special keys to submit the full form etc, 
you must inspect keys pressed by user in a loop. That is the "easy" part 
in GUI, using a RAD you create the window in design time, you write the 
prompts for data, the font, the position the size, the colors, the 
order,  initial values etc, you run de program, and there it is. 
(Paradoxically the more you work with GUI,  the more you do in run time 
and the less in design time). The GUI is composed by a window and 
controls, that are anything on the window, a button, a text written, a 
bevel, a box, a check box, a menu,a progress bar, a date prompt... and 
hundreds of different controls.

The GUI programming is event driver. That is, the program, the windows, 
sits there doing nothing, and reacts to what user does. The user clicks 
a button, then the  program performs what it is expected to do and 
returns to wait for a user action. That applies to user clicking a 
button, or moving the mouse, or typing a key, or even moving a window. 
Usually every control has some events, a button a "onClick" event, an 
edit box  a "on selected text", and some controls, like a label, may not 
have events. The question is that many events are irrelevant to you, the 
GUI takes care of them, i.e., you press the key TAB and GUI moves to 
other control and you needn't to write a line of code. Or a check box, 
when clicked it toggles from checked to not checked for you etc. The GUI 
does a bunch of UI things for you. When you want the program to respond 
to an event as you want, you create a function and associate it with 
that event.

The even effect is accomplished with a queue of messages. That is, when 
user click a button, a message is sent to queue, the loop waiting for 
messages picks the message from the queue and then executes the action 
associated with the click event. Usually you don't have to worry about 
this, it is transparent to you. But it is important to understand that 
if your event takes a long time, the full GUI will be irresponsive until 
it finish, all effects in the GUI are messages in the queue and until it 
picks the next messages, nothing happens it is frozen. So, in long 
process, you may disable things in the window, to inform the user he 
can't do anything, and while doing real work tell the GUI to process 
pending messages, so the user doesn't think the program is frozen. You 
can also update the window to show progress, but you also must say GUI 
to process messages queue, because you updates are just messages to the 

A RAD like Lazarus, creates a form, a window, and lets you drop 
controls, resize them easily, change some properties, etc. 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-12 Thread James
Thank you!  I somehow missed the result of the function being the status I was 
looking for.   I guess the answer was so easy I couldn't see it  
-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of 
Alexander Grotewohl
Sent: Monday, November 12, 2018 11:10 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

This line:


What does it write when you select a file vs when you click x/cancel?

On 11/12/2018 4:31 AM, James wrote:
> I've been using the example below to use the Save-as dialog in my console 
> program, and it works great, but I would like to be able to detect if the 
> user pushes either the red X or the cancel button in the dialog.   I am 
> supplying a suggested default name, and what's happening is if the user 
> cancels or hits the red X, it just saves the file using the suggested default 
> name, but the correct behavior would be to not save anything.   I'm not sure 
> how this is normally done with GetSaveFileNameA.
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf 
> Of Alexander Grotewohl
> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:48 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
> Uses windows, commdlg;
> Var
>  TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
>  ret: array[0..100] of char;
> Begin
>  Writeln('Start');
>  fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);
>  TFileName.lStructSize:=sizeof(TFileName);
>  TFileName.hwndOwner:=0;
>  TFileName.lpstrFile:=ret;
>  TFileName.lpstrFile[0]:=#0;
>  TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;
>  TFileName.nMaxFile:=100;
>  TFileName.lpstrDefExt:='txt';
>  Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(@TFilename));
>  Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));
>  Readln;
> End.
> On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:
>> This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
>> GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but 
>> I think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
>> correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I 
>> just get an exit code = 1
>> James
>> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
>> Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
>> Type
>>  TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam:
>> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>>  TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>>  lStructSize: DWord;
>>  hWndOwner: HWND;
>>  hInstance: HINST;
>>  lpstrFilter: PChar;
>>  lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
>>  nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
>>  nFilterIndex: DWord;
>>  lpstrFile: PChar;
>>  nMaxFile: DWord;
>>  lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
>>  nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
>>  lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
>>  lpstrTitle: PChar;
>>  Flags: DWord;
>>  nFileOffset: Word;
>>  nFileExtension: Word;
>>  lpstrDefExt: PChar;
>>  lCustData: LPARAM;
>>  lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
>>  lpTemplateName: PChar;
>>  lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
>>  lpstrPrompt: PChar;
>>  _Reserved1: Pointer;
>>  _Reserved2: DWord;
>>  FlagsEx: DWord;
>>  End;
>>  POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;
>> Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; 
>> stdcall; external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';
>> Var
>>  TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
>>  PFilename              : POpenFileNameA;
>> Begin
>>  Writeln('Start');
>>  TFilename.lpstrInitialDir:=Pchar('I:\');
>>  Pfilename:=@Tfilename;
>>  Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(PFilename));
>>  Writeln('Finished');
>>  Readln;
>> End.
>> -Original Message-
>> From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf 
>> Of Ewald
>> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
>> On 11/03

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-12 Thread Alexander Grotewohl

This line:


What does it write when you select a file vs when you click x/cancel?

On 11/12/2018 4:31 AM, James wrote:

I've been using the example below to use the Save-as dialog in my console 
program, and it works great, but I would like to be able to detect if the user 
pushes either the red X or the cancel button in the dialog.   I am supplying a 
suggested default name, and what's happening is if the user cancels or hits the 
red X, it just saves the file using the suggested default name, but the correct 
behavior would be to not save anything.   I'm not sure how this is normally 
done with GetSaveFileNameA.

-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of 
Alexander Grotewohl
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses windows, commdlg;

 TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;

 ret: array[0..100] of char;


 fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);

 TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;

 Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));

On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:

This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but I 
think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I just 
get an exit code = 1


Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam:
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;
POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;

Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall;
external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';

 TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
 PFilename  : POpenFileNameA;


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf
Of Ewald
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:

So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal
in a console application?

First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
So, you'll need to:
- Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
- Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
 and CoUninitialize)
- Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
 etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
 look at

That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call,
and you're done :-)

Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could
be the case), you can either look into some other units or simply
define it

=== code begin ===
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam:
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-12 Thread Santiago A.

El 02/11/18 a las 11:13, James escribió:

I've been programming for decades with Pascal, starting with Turbo Pascal, and 
for a few years now with Freepascal, and even wrote really complicated console 
windows programs with Freepascal that do windows function calls... But now I 
find that I would like to write a few windows GUI programs,  and well... I'm 
clueless... I never learned windows GUI programming and don't have a clue about 
how it's done, it's always been faster and easier to just keep doing what I 
already understand, but now I have a few applications to write what would be 
much better suited to a native windows application, so,   I am wondering if 
there are any tutorials out there, hopefully specific to Freepascal and/or 
Lazarus.  I need really basic stuff like how to open a message box, or how to 
use windows file open, or save-as dialog boxes.. etc.. even a hello world 
tutorial would be helpful... ok, so ZERO windows programming experience here... 
  Any advice on where to start?
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Tutorials? well, that is funny. Usually there are many tutorials the 
other way around, that is, young guys that master GUI and must learn 
real programming to go further.

I know where you are, because I was there many years ago when I moved 
from DOS programming to windows programming. Someone has posted that 
programming is programming, no matter GUI or not GUI. Well, yes and no. 
You must change your paradigm a little. I suggest you to try Lazarus.

Besides tutorials  and howtos people have posted, let me tell you how I 
changed my point of view. Hope it helps you, but I don't expect much, 
everybody has his own epiphany ;-).

I started to stop seeing programs as a lineal process. I saw it more 
like an iceberg, where the window you see in the GUI is the tip, 
whenever you e.i. click a button, the program goes down, gets results 
and returns to the tip.

In console programs, you read data one by by one, a prompt and stop 
expecting an input. If the input data is wrong you ask it again. 
Creating a window with many data allowing the user is complicated, you 
must control cursor keys etc, special keys to submit the full form etc, 
you must inspect keys pressed by user in a loop. That is the "easy" part 
in GUI, using a RAD you create the window in design time, you write the 
prompts for data, the font, the position the size, the colors, the 
order,  initial values etc, you run de program, and there it is. 
(Paradoxically the more you work with GUI,  the more you do in run time 
and the less in design time). The GUI is composed by a window and 
controls, that are anything on the window, a button, a text written, a 
bevel, a box, a check box, a menu,a progress bar, a date prompt... and 
hundreds of different controls.

The GUI programming is event driver. That is, the program, the windows, 
sits there doing nothing, and reacts to what user does. The user clicks 
a button, then the  program performs what it is expected to do and 
returns to wait for a user action. That applies to user clicking a 
button, or moving the mouse, or typing a key, or even moving a window. 
Usually every control has some events, a button a "onClick" event, an 
edit box  a "on selected text", and some controls, like a label, may not 
have events. The question is that many events are irrelevant to you, the 
GUI takes care of them, i.e., you press the key TAB and GUI moves to 
other control and you needn't to write a line of code. Or a check box, 
when clicked it toggles from checked to not checked for you etc. The GUI 
does a bunch of UI things for you. When you want the program to respond 
to an event as you want, you create a function and associate it with 
that event.

The even effect is accomplished with a queue of messages. That is, when 
user click a button, a message is sent to queue, the loop waiting for 
messages picks the message from the queue and then executes the action 
associated with the click event. Usually you don't have to worry about 
this, it is transparent to you. But it is important to understand that 
if your event takes a long time, the full GUI will be irresponsive until 
it finish, all effects in the GUI are messages in the queue and until it 
picks the next messages, nothing happens it is frozen. So, in long 
process, you may disable things in the window, to inform the user he 
can't do anything, and while doing real work tell the GUI to process 
pending messages, so the user doesn't think the program is frozen. You 
can also update the window to show progress, but you also must say GUI 
to process messages queue, because you updates are just messages to the 

A RAD like Lazarus, creates a form, a window, and lets you drop 
controls, resize them easily, change some properties, etc. The RAD show 
you the events each control has, 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-12 Thread James
I've been using the example below to use the Save-as dialog in my console 
program, and it works great, but I would like to be able to detect if the user 
pushes either the red X or the cancel button in the dialog.   I am supplying a 
suggested default name, and what's happening is if the user cancels or hits the 
red X, it just saves the file using the suggested default name, but the correct 
behavior would be to not save anything.   I'm not sure how this is normally 
done with GetSaveFileNameA.

-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of 
Alexander Grotewohl
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses windows, commdlg;

TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;

ret: array[0..100] of char;


fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);

TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;

Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));

On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:
> This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
> GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but I 
> think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
> correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I just 
> get an exit code = 1
> James
> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
> Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
> Type
>   TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: 
> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>   TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>   lStructSize: DWord;
>   hWndOwner: HWND;
>   hInstance: HINST;
>   lpstrFilter: PChar;
>   lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
>   nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
>   nFilterIndex: DWord;
>   lpstrFile: PChar;
>   nMaxFile: DWord;
>   lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
>   nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
>   lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
>   lpstrTitle: PChar;
>   Flags: DWord;
>   nFileOffset: Word;
>   nFileExtension: Word;
>   lpstrDefExt: PChar;
>   lCustData: LPARAM;
>   lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
>   lpTemplateName: PChar;
>   lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
>   lpstrPrompt: PChar;
>   _Reserved1: Pointer;
>   _Reserved2: DWord;
>   FlagsEx: DWord;
>   End;
>   POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;
> Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall; 
> external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';
> Var
> TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
> PFilename  : POpenFileNameA;
> Begin
> Writeln('Start');
> TFilename.lpstrInitialDir:=Pchar('I:\');
> Pfilename:=@Tfilename;
> Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(PFilename));
> Writeln('Finished');
> Readln;
> End.
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf 
> Of Ewald
> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
> On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:
>> So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal 
>> in a console application?
> First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
> So, you'll need to:
>   - Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
>   - Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
> and CoUninitialize)
>   - Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
> etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
> look at
> vs.85%29.aspx#usage
> That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, 
> and you're done :-)
> Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could 
> be the case), you can either look into some other units or simply 
> define it
> yourself:

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread James
Thank you everyone who helped me with this.  I have both the Lazarus version 
and the FPC console version both working with a Save-As  dialog and message 
boxes for errors.  Basic functionality is working great with both methods.  
Since it's such a simple program, I'll tinker with it with both methods for a 
while and use it as a learning process.   I am encouraged by getting this to 
work in Lazarus, so it's probably time I took to time to learn more about it 
instead of always writing console applications, I can see where it would be 
great to have some buttons for options and things like that... and at the same 
time I am thrilled to have such capability in my console applications!  

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread James
Thank you for this example!  It works perfectly and I now have my console 
program putting up message boxes and opening a Save-As box as needed.


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of 
Alexander Grotewohl
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 11:48 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses windows, commdlg;

TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;

ret: array[0..100] of char;


fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);

TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;

Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));

On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:
> This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
> GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but I 
> think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
> correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I just 
> get an exit code = 1
> James
> Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
> Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
> Type
>   TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: 
> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>   TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>   lStructSize: DWord;
>   hWndOwner: HWND;
>   hInstance: HINST;
>   lpstrFilter: PChar;
>   lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
>   nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
>   nFilterIndex: DWord;
>   lpstrFile: PChar;
>   nMaxFile: DWord;
>   lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
>   nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
>   lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
>   lpstrTitle: PChar;
>   Flags: DWord;
>   nFileOffset: Word;
>   nFileExtension: Word;
>   lpstrDefExt: PChar;
>   lCustData: LPARAM;
>   lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
>   lpTemplateName: PChar;
>   lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
>   lpstrPrompt: PChar;
>   _Reserved1: Pointer;
>   _Reserved2: DWord;
>   FlagsEx: DWord;
>   End;
>   POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;
> Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall; 
> external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';
> Var
> TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
> PFilename  : POpenFileNameA;
> Begin
> Writeln('Start');
> TFilename.lpstrInitialDir:=Pchar('I:\');
> Pfilename:=@Tfilename;
> Writeln(GetSaveFileNameA(PFilename));
> Writeln('Finished');
> Readln;
> End.
> -Original Message-
> From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf 
> Of Ewald
> Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC
> On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:
>> So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal 
>> in a console application?
> First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
> So, you'll need to:
>   - Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
>   - Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
> and CoUninitialize)
>   - Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
> etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
> look at
> vs.85%29.aspx#usage
> That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, 
> and you're done :-)
> Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could 
> be the case), you can either look into some other units or simply 
> define it
> yourself:
> === code begin ===
> Type
>   TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: 
> lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;
>   TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
>   lStructSize: DWord;
>   hWndOwner: HWND;
>   hInstance: HINST;

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Martin Wynne

The Lazarus version is mostly working in Lazarus, but instead of everything 
happening before the form is loaded, is there a way I could make the form 
first, then just start processing everything, so that my messages I send to 
memo1 show up as it's processing?  I'm guessing I need to move my program from 
On-create to somewhere else so it runs after the memo box is showing... but I 
don't know where I would move it to.  Any suggestions?

Hi James,

Move your code to the form's OnActivate event.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Giuliano Colla

Il 03/11/2018 23:16, James ha scritto:

It’s not a snippet, that’s the entire thing.   It’s pretty simple, 
just a sequential set of events to fix a file.  It would be a great 
help if you could get me an example of how to make this work.
The simplest thing you can do is just to transform your application into 
a GUI application.

Try to do the following:

Start your Lazarus, then select Project->New Project -> Application

You get that way an empty form and a skeleton unit.

You'll find that in the var section there's de declaration of Form1, you 
may add there your var's.

If you want your user to pick up a file name from the file dialog, do 
the following:
Click on the Dialogs Tab, on the icon "TOpen Dialog", and then click 
anywhere on the Form.

Now you have an OpenDialog icon on your form, which will not be visible 
run time. It's there just to let you set its properties in the Object 
Inspector. You may set there a default extension, an Initial Dir, a 
default file name, or whatever you think can be useful to the user. Or 
you may leave the fields empty so that the system defaults are taken. 
You may also set the OpenDialog File name from the invocation command 
line: in the initialization section (or in the OnCreate event of the 
form) you may add OpenDialog1.FileName := ParamStr(1).

Now from the "Standard" Tab click on the TButton Icon and click on the 
form. You get a Button on the form. Change in the Object Inspector the 
Caption to what you want, sort of "Select Input File".
In the object Inspector select the Events tab and then the OnClick 
event. Click on the three periods to the right, and you'll get in the 
source editor the skeleton of a new procedure (TForm1.Button1Click).

That's where all of your code goes. Typically:

If OpenDialog1.Execute then begin
  TapFileName := OpenDialog1.FileName;

You may add a Tedit (always fron the "Standard" tab) object to show your 
messages: your writeln becomes  Edit1.Text := 'Whatever'.

Where you need to ask the user for a new filename, you may just call a 
second time OpenDialog1.execute, to get it.

If you want to be kind to your user, you may add a "Close" button, to 
close the application when the user is done.
Just pick from the "Aditional" tab a TBitBtn, put it in your form, then 
in the Object Inspector select the "Kind" as "bkClose".

There's no more than that. You may now save your project, giving the 
program and the unit some name you like. Then play a bit with it, and 
adjust following your needs.

Hope that it helps.


Do not do to others as you would have them do to you.They might have different 

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Luca Olivetti

El 4/11/18 a les 17:29, James ha escrit:

I used System.Assign and now I have my program working in Lazarus,  I am 
exploring both options of making it a real windows application with Lazarus and 
a console program that can launch save-as.

The Lazarus version is mostly working in Lazarus, but instead of everything 
happening before the form is loaded, is there a way I could make the form 
first, then just start processing everything, so that my messages I send to 
memo1 show up as it's processing?  I'm guessing I need to move my program from 
On-create to somewhere else so it runs after the memo box is showing... but I 
don't know where I would move it to.  Any suggestions?

Oh, I thought you just wanted the program to work as a normal console 
(silent) application and just show the form in case of errors.

Try this: instead of OnCreate use Onshow, but don't put your code there, 
just this


then put the cursor on MyProc and press CTRL+SHIFT+C, now lazarus will 
automatically declare the MyProc method. You can put your code there.

It will be invoked asynchronously once the form has been shown.
The problem is, while your loop is running the form will be totally 
unresponsive, it won't even show the lines you add to the memo.
To avoid it you could either put your code in a thread (difficult) in 
order not to stall the gui, or simply call Application.ProcessMessages 
from time to time, e.g. when you add a line to the memo.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Bo Berglund
On Sun, 4 Nov 2018 11:29:23 -0500, "James"

>The Lazarus version is mostly working in Lazarus, but instead of everything 
>happening before the form is loaded, is there a way I could make the form 
>first, then just start processing everything, so that my messages I send to
> memo1 show up as it's processing?  I'm guessing I need to move my program 
>from On-create to somewhere else so it runs after the memo box is showing... 
>but I don't know where I would move it to.  
>Any suggestions?

In a Lazarus GUI program you can use a timer to handle this.
Just set it to say 1s delay and thenb enable it in Form.OnCreate:

TfrmMain = class(TForm)
 Timer1: TTimer;

procedure TfrmMain.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  Timer1.Interval := 500; //Default is 1000 ms
  Timer1.Enabled := true;

procedure TfrmMain.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject);
  //Put your code here
  Application.Terminate; //The application will disappear from view...

If you want your form to be responsive you also need this inside loops
in your program:

Otherwise the form will feel like a dead brick while the Timer
function runs...

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Alexander Grotewohl

Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses windows, commdlg;

   TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;

   ret: array[0..100] of char;


   fillchar(TFileName, sizeof(TFileName), 0);

   TFileName.lpstrFilter:='Text Files (*.txt)'+#0+'*.txt'+#0;


   Writeln('Finished with '+strpas(TFileName.lpstrFile));

On 11/4/2018 11:21 AM, James wrote:

This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but I 
think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I just 
get an exit code = 1


Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;
POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;

Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall; external 
'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';

TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
PFilename  : POpenFileNameA;


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Ewald
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:

So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal
in a console application?

First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
So, you'll need to:
- Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
- Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
and CoUninitialize)
- Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
look at

That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, and you're 
done :-)

Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could be the 
case), you can either look into some other units or simply define it

=== code begin ===
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread James
I used System.Assign and now I have my program working in Lazarus,  I am 
exploring both options of making it a real windows application with Lazarus and 
a console program that can launch save-as.

The Lazarus version is mostly working in Lazarus, but instead of everything 
happening before the form is loaded, is there a way I could make the form 
first, then just start processing everything, so that my messages I send to 
memo1 show up as it's processing?  I'm guessing I need to move my program from 
On-create to somewhere else so it runs after the memo box is showing... but I 
don't know where I would move it to.  Any suggestions?

James  Richters

-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Luca 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 6:15 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

El 3/11/18 a les 23:04, James ha escrit:
> Thanks for the suggestion...
> I put my code in the OnCreate event as you suggested, but when I try to 
> compile it, I get wrong number of parameters specified for call to Assign... 
> my code worked before, and I have no idea what other parameters it could want 
> or why it would be any different than my console application.
> I'm doing:
> Var
> TapFileName : AnsiString;
> TapFile  : Text;
> Assign(TapFile,TapFileName);
> Any ideas why this works in FPC but not in Lazarus?

Because Assign is a method of the form. Use AssignFile or System.Assign.
BTW: what I explained before is *not* how a gui application is usually written 
but it should work in your case.

fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread James
This is very interesting, thank you for the code on how to define the 
GetSaveFileNameA function.  I wrote a sample program to get it to work, but I 
think I have some syntax wrong, or maybe I'm not initializing something 
correctly.   It compiles ok, but it doesn't execute even my writeln's, I just 
get an exit code = 1


Program TestGetSaveFileNameA;
Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;
POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;

Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall; external 
'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';

   TFilename  : TOpenFileNameA;
   PFilename  : POpenFileNameA;


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Ewald
Sent: Sunday, November 4, 2018 8:06 AM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:
> So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal 
> in a console application?

First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
So, you'll need to:
- Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
- Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
   and CoUninitialize)
- Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
   etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
   look at

That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, and you're 
done :-)

Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could be the 
case), you can either look into some other units or simply define it

=== code begin ===
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;
POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;

Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall; external 
'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA'; === code end ===

fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Ewald
On 11/03/2018 09:04 PM, James wrote:
> So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal in
> a console application? 

First off, the IFileSaveDialog is an interface, not a simple function.
So, you'll need to:
- Include the right units from freepascal (ActiveX and comobj
- Initialize and finalize the COM subsystem (see CoInitialize
   and CoUninitialize)
- Use the CoCreateInstance to instantiate an IFileSaveDialog,
   etc.. I've never used the IFileSaveDialog myself, so have a
   look at

That's the nice thing about the GetSaveFileNameA function: one call, and
you're done :-)

Now, if this function is not defined in the windows unit (which could be
the case), you can either look into some other units or simply define it

=== code begin ===
TOpenFileNameAHookProc = function(Wnd: HWND; Msg: UINT; wParam: WPARAM;
lParam: LPARAM): UINT stdcall;

TOpenFileNameA = Packed Record
lStructSize: DWord;
hWndOwner: HWND;
hInstance: HINST;
lpstrFilter: PChar;
lpstrCustomFilter: PChar;
nMaxCustFilter: DWord;
nFilterIndex: DWord;
lpstrFile: PChar;
nMaxFile: DWord;
lpstrFileTitle: PChar;
nMaxFileTitle: DWord;
lpstrInitialDir: PChar;
lpstrTitle: PChar;
Flags: DWord;
nFileOffset: Word;
nFileExtension: Word;
lpstrDefExt: PChar;
lCustData: LPARAM;
lpfnHook: TOpenFileNameAHookProc;
lpTemplateName: PChar;
lpEditInfo: Pointer;// Undocumented?
lpstrPrompt: PChar;
_Reserved1: Pointer;
_Reserved2: DWord;
FlagsEx: DWord;
POpenFileNameA = ^TOpenFileNameA;

Function GetSaveFileNameA(arg: POpenFileNameA): windows.bool; stdcall;
external 'comdlg32' name 'GetSaveFileNameA';
=== code end ===

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-04 Thread Sven Barth via fpc-pascal
Am Sa., 3. Nov. 2018, 23:56 hat Tomas Hajny  geschrieben:

> On Sat, November 3, 2018 23:04, James wrote:
> > Thanks for the suggestion...
> >
> > I put my code in the OnCreate event as you suggested, but when I try to
> > compile it, I get wrong number of parameters specified for call to
> > Assign... my code worked before, and I have no idea what other parameters
> > it could want or why it would be any different than my console
> > application.
> >
> > I'm doing:
> > Var
> >TapFileName : AnsiString;
> >TapFile  : Text;
> >
> > Assign(TapFile,TapFileName);
> I guess that System.Assign(TapFile,TapFileName); should work for you.
> > Any ideas why this works in FPC but not in Lazarus?
> Probably a conflict with another Assign with a different functionality and
> different syntax. I don't use Lazarus myself, but I'm sure it provides a
> way to show where Assign is declared and how.

That's why Delphi back with Delphi 1 already I think introduced AssignFile
as an overload of Assign.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Tomas Hajny
On Sat, November 3, 2018 23:04, James wrote:
> Thanks for the suggestion...
> I put my code in the OnCreate event as you suggested, but when I try to
> compile it, I get wrong number of parameters specified for call to
> Assign... my code worked before, and I have no idea what other parameters
> it could want or why it would be any different than my console
> application.
> I'm doing:
> Var
>TapFileName : AnsiString;
>TapFile  : Text;
> Assign(TapFile,TapFileName);

I guess that System.Assign(TapFile,TapFileName); should work for you.

> Any ideas why this works in FPC but not in Lazarus?

Probably a conflict with another Assign with a different functionality and
different syntax. I don't use Lazarus myself, but I'm sure it provides a
way to show where Assign is declared and how.


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

El 3/11/18 a les 23:04, James ha escrit:

Thanks for the suggestion...

I put my code in the OnCreate event as you suggested, but when I try to compile 
it, I get wrong number of parameters specified for call to Assign... my code 
worked before, and I have no idea what other parameters it could want or why it 
would be any different than my console application.

I'm doing:
TapFileName : AnsiString;
TapFile  : Text;


Any ideas why this works in FPC but not in Lazarus?

Because Assign is a method of the form. Use AssignFile or System.Assign.
BTW: what I explained before is *not* how a gui application is usually 
written but it should work in your case.

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread James
It’s not a snippet, that’s the entire thing.   It’s pretty simple, just a 
sequential set of events to fix a file.  It would be a great help if you could 
get me an example of how to make this work.




From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Ralf 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 5:57 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC


On 11/3/2018 1:20 PM, James wrote:

>And you can't just pop up a dialog window without having a window/form in the 
>first place.  

That’s probably my problem…  My idea of just calling up the windows-API to get 
the save-as dialog probably won’t work without a form, even though I was able 
to get message boxes working

>In general, the logic of a GUI based program (regardless if Windows, macOS, 
>Linux, etc) simply is different from a console program. Your console program 
>main loop simply  pretty much just becomes a procedure within the GUI main 

This logic difference is what is most confusing to me.   I just don’t know 
where to put my main program and I don’t know how to output things to some kind 
of text box.   I don’t want the user to do anything at all unless it’s 
necessary… so if everything is set up correctly, the program opens, does it’s 
thing, writes some status stuff to a text box and closes,  no buttons to push 
or anything…. If I get a GUI program to work, I guess I can put a percentage 
complete barograph somewhere.  If there’s an error, I need to stop and wait for 
acknowledgement of the error, or if the output file was not specified, I want 
the Save-As box to just open up on it’s own with out anyone pushing any 
buttons, and when the save-as box is closed the process completes on it’s own 
and the program exits without any further user intervention. 

I had that problem many years ago as well, having literally written hundreds of 
console of TUI based programs, mainly on DOS, myself. And then switching some 
of them to a GUI program in Delphi (there was no Lazarus at that time) took 
quite a bit of rethinking of  a couple of decades habits in console/command 
line ways or even self written TUI programs.

I’ve been tinkering with Lazarus, and I managed to get a form with some buttons 
based on the examples, and I did make one button open the save-as box… but I’m 
clueless on how to make the save-as box only come up when needed and by a 
programming command, not because someone pushed a button.  I still can’t figure 
out how to write my writeln’s into a text box of some sort.I get the idea… 
instead of a sequential program the executes from beginning to end,  everything 
kind of all happens at the same time


Yup, all the windows (as in GUI) stuff happens all the time, at the same time 
as your actual program. I have no had a program myself where I had a dialog 
"come up out of the blue" (as you kind of describe it), but I have written a 
lot of data conversion programs that at some point required to open up an 
additional open or save dialog. A lot though depends on what the actual logic 
behind the actual processing of your console program is. A lot of times, it 
might take a bit of re-organizing.
I am a bit short of time, as I am dealing on and off all day with some CERT 
stuff, but I will see that I take a closer look at that program (snippet?) that 
you posted later today or tomorrow morning  and return a rough sample of a GUI 
"solution" for it...







fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread James
Thanks for the suggestion... 

I put my code in the OnCreate event as you suggested, but when I try to compile 
it, I get wrong number of parameters specified for call to Assign... my code 
worked before, and I have no idea what other parameters it could want or why it 
would be any different than my console application.

I'm doing:
   TapFileName : AnsiString;
   TapFile  : Text;


Any ideas why this works in FPC but not in Lazarus?


-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Luca 
Sent: Saturday, November 3, 2018 4:47 PM
Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

El 3/11/18 a les 21:20, James ha escrit:

> I’ve been tinkering with Lazarus, and I managed to get a form with 
> some buttons based on the examples, and I did make one button open the 
> save-as box… but I’m clueless on how to make the save-as box only come 
> up when needed and by a programming command, not because someone 
> pushed a button.  I still can’t figure out how to write my writeln’s 
> into a text box of some sort.I get the idea… instead of a 
> sequential program the executes from beginning to end,  everything 
> kind of all happens at the same time

Try this:

-put a memo on the form (say, memo1) and a save dialog.
-in the object inspector double click on the OnCreate event of the form.
-this will create a FormCreate method. Put your code there (including the 
opening of the save dialog if needed).
-in your code show diagnostics messages in the memo
-at the end of your code, if everything is OK, add


This way, if there are no errors the form won't show, otherwise it will show 
whatever you put in the memo.

Tip: if your code will take a significant amount of time put at the beginning


and at the end


fpc-pascal maillist  -
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Ralf Quint

On 11/3/2018 1:20 PM, James wrote:

>And you can't just pop up a dialog window without having a 
window/form in the first place.

That’s probably my problem…  My idea of just calling up the 
windows-API to get the save-as dialog probably won’t work without a 
form, even though I was able to get message boxes working

>In general, the logic of a GUI based program (regardless if Windows, 
macOS, Linux, etc) simply is different from a console program. Your 
console program main loop simply  pretty much just becomes a procedure 
within the GUI main loop.

This logic difference is what is most confusing to me.   I just don’t 
know where to put my main program and I don’t know how to output 
things to some kind of text box.   I don’t want the user to do 
anything at all unless it’s necessary… so if everything is set up 
correctly, the program opens, does it’s thing, writes some status 
stuff to a text box and closes,  no buttons to push or anything…. If I 
get a GUI program to work, I guess I can put a percentage complete 
barograph somewhere. If there’s an error, I need to stop and wait for 
acknowledgement of the error, or if the output file was not specified, 
I want the Save-As box to just open up on it’s own with out anyone 
pushing any buttons, and when the save-as box is closed the process 
completes on it’s own and the program exits without any further user 

I had that problem many years ago as well, having literally written 
hundreds of console of TUI based programs, mainly on DOS, myself. And 
then switching some of them to a GUI program in Delphi (there was no 
Lazarus at that time) took quite a bit of rethinking of  a couple of 
decades habits in console/command line ways or even self written TUI 

I’ve been tinkering with Lazarus, and I managed to get a form with 
some buttons based on the examples, and I did make one button open the 
save-as box… but I’m clueless on how to make the save-as box only come 
up when needed and by a programming command, not because someone 
pushed a button.  I still can’t figure out how to write my writeln’s 
into a text box of some sort.    I get the idea… instead of a 
sequential program the executes from beginning to end,  everything 
kind of all happens at the same time

Yup, all the windows (as in GUI) stuff happens all the time, at the same 
time as your actual program. I have no had a program myself where I had 
a dialog "come up out of the blue" (as you kind of describe it), but I 
have written a lot of data conversion programs that at some point 
required to open up an additional open or save dialog. A lot though 
depends on what the actual logic behind the actual processing of your 
console program is. A lot of times, it might take a bit of re-organizing.
I am a bit short of time, as I am dealing on and off all day with some 
CERT stuff, but I will see that I take a closer look at that program 
(snippet?) that you posted later today or tomorrow morning and return a 
rough sample of a GUI "solution" for it...


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Luca Olivetti

El 3/11/18 a les 21:20, James ha escrit:

I’ve been tinkering with Lazarus, and I managed to get a form with some 
buttons based on the examples, and I did make one button open the 
save-as box… but I’m clueless on how to make the save-as box only come 
up when needed and by a programming command, not because someone pushed 
a button.  I still can’t figure out how to write my writeln’s into a 
text box of some sort.    I get the idea… instead of a sequential 
program the executes from beginning to end,  everything kind of all 
happens at the same time

Try this:

-put a memo on the form (say, memo1) and a save dialog.
-in the object inspector double click on the OnCreate event of the form.
-this will create a FormCreate method. Put your code there (including 
the opening of the save dialog if needed).
-in your code show diagnostics messages in the memo 

-at the end of your code, if everything is OK, add


This way, if there are no errors the form won't show, otherwise it will 
show whatever you put in the memo.

Tip: if your code will take a significant amount of time put at the 


and at the end


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread James
>And you can't just pop up a dialog window without having a window/form in the 
>first place.  

That’s probably my problem…  My idea of just calling up the windows-API to get 
the save-as dialog probably won’t work without a form, even though I was able 
to get message boxes working

>In general, the logic of a GUI based program (regardless if Windows, macOS, 
>Linux, etc) simply is different from a console program. Your console program 
>main loop simply  pretty much just becomes a procedure within the GUI main 

This logic difference is what is most confusing to me.   I just don’t know 
where to put my main program and I don’t know how to output things to some kind 
of text box.   I don’t want the user to do anything at all unless it’s 
necessary… so if everything is set up correctly, the program opens, does it’s 
thing, writes some status stuff to a text box and closes,  no buttons to push 
or anything…. If I get a GUI program to work, I guess I can put a percentage 
complete barograph somewhere.  If there’s an error, I need to stop and wait for 
acknowledgement of the error, or if the output file was not specified, I want 
the Save-As box to just open up on it’s own with out anyone pushing any 
buttons, and when the save-as box is closed the process completes on it’s own 
and the program exits without any further user intervention. 

I’ve been tinkering with Lazarus, and I managed to get a form with some buttons 
based on the examples, and I did make one button open the save-as box… but I’m 
clueless on how to make the save-as box only come up when needed and by a 
programming command, not because someone pushed a button.  I still can’t figure 
out how to write my writeln’s into a text box of some sort.I get the idea… 
instead of a sequential program the executes from beginning to end,  everything 
kind of all happens at the same time

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread James
Thanks for the gersavefilenamea idea, I have used windows API function calls 
before in my Windows Console programs, so I thought I would try to get 
getsavefilenamea or ifilesavedialog to work in my console program.  So I 
thought I would start small and get message boxes to work on my console 
program, this was actually pretty easy, I just added the windows unit to my 
program and then changed my writeln's to 
windows.messagebox(0,pchar(TapFileName+' Not Found'),pchar('Error'),MB_OK);

And poof I get a message box when I encounter the error, and the program waits 
until I hit OK to continue.  Neat!  


So it's looking promising, that perhaps I can just keep it a console program 
that launches the save-as dialog somehow when needed.This idea appeals to 
me for several reasons, first, I need to write the status of things somewhere,  
it's easy to just have a writeln in a console application, but in a windows 
application, I have no idea how I would make some kind of text box to display 
this information.   Also, I want this program to start executing immediately, 
and if no user intervention is needed, I want it to launch, perform all tasks, 
and exit.  I just don't have anything to put on a form because the intent is 
that the user would only interact with this program if it encountered an error, 
or if the user needed to specify the output file name.


So my question is, how can I use Ifilesavedialog with just FreePascal in a 
console application?  I tried just accessing it the same as I did messagebox, 
but I just get an error stating the function is not found.   It seems like I 
ran across this before, I wanted to use a Windows API function that was not 
included in the windows unit and I was somehow able to add access to it on my 
own,  but I just can't recall now what function that was, or what program I was 
working on that needed it, or how it was accomplished.   Perhaps it is in the 
windows unit, or another unit, but I'm just not calling it correctly.   Current 
version of my program that uses message boxes for errors is below.




Program JobsList;

Uses CRT,Classes,Sysutils,windows;


   TapFileRemainder,TapFileHeader,TapFileJobsList : tstrings;

   TapFileName,TapFileData,OutputTapFileName  : AnsiString;

   TapFile: Text;

   TapFileHeaderActive: Boolean;

   StringCount: LongInt;


   If ParamStr(1)<>'' Then



 If FileExists(TapFileName) Then








   While not(EOF(TapFile)) do



 If TapfileHeaderActive then


   If TapFileData='Call [Subroutines]' Then


 Writeln('Subroutine Section Found');




   If Copy(TapFileData,1,15)='Tap File Name =' Then



 Writeln('Saving to: '+OutputTapFileName);







   If Copy(TapFileData,1,6)='[Job #' Then



 TapFileJobsList.Add('Call '+TapFileData);






   If OutputTapFileName='' Then


 {Do something to get filename from windows Save-As dialog}



   If OutputTapFileName<>'' Then


',TapFileHeader.count+TapFileJobsList.count+TapFileRemainder.count,' Lines to: 



 If TapFileHeader.count > 1 then

 For StringCount:=0 to 

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Ralf Quint

On 11/3/2018 7:00 AM, James wrote:

That is correct, I have only ever done console programming, but now I 
find I'm lost trying to do any kind of GUI programming.    I have a 
very simple program that works as a console application, but what I 
would like to do is have it use the Windows "Save AS' Dialog to allow 
the user to save the file using the windows GUI interface, so the user 
can navigate through directory structures and save the file.

I looked at a few tutorials and see how to make a form and put some 
buttons on it, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get the 
save-as box to come up and how to then use the given file name and 
path in the program for the actual write operation..  Here’s my 
console program.. it’s pretty simple, but I really don’t know where to 
even start to convert it into a GUI program.  On line 51, if the 
output file has not been defined yet, I want to launch the save-as 
dialog, then on line 54, assign whatever save-as returns to my 
OutputFileName Variable.

The main thing to keep in mind that the main program loop in a GUI 
program is to handle all the (internal) GUI stuff, not your console 
program loop. A RAD tool like Lazarus, will conveniently handle that for 

And you can't just pop up a dialog window without having a window/form 
in the first place.

In general, the logic of a GUI based program (regardless if Windows, 
macOS, Linux, etc) simply is different from a console program. Your 
console program main loop simply  pretty much just becomes a procedure 
within the GUI main loop.


This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread Ewald
On 11/03/2018 03:00 PM, James wrote:
> That is correct, I have only ever done console programming, but now I
> find I'm lost trying to do any kind of GUI programming.    I have a very
> simple program that works as a console application, but what I would
> like to do is have it use the Windows "Save AS' Dialog to allow the user
> to save the file using the windows GUI interface, so the user can
> navigate through directory structures and save the file.
> I looked at a few tutorials and see how to make a form and put some
> buttons on it, but I'm still trying to figure out how to get the save-as
> box to come up and how to then use the given file name and path in the
> program for the actual write operation..  Here’s my console program..
> it’s pretty simple, but I really don’t know where to even start to
> convert it into a GUI program.  On line 51, if the output file has not
> been defined yet, I want to launch the save-as dialog, then on line 54,
> assign whatever save-as returns to my OutputFileName Variable. 

For the simple stuff like displaying a message box or acquiring a
filename, you could use the the common dialog boxes of windows
(comdlg32), for example:

I now see that this API has in fact been superseded by something
different, but it should give you an idea.

I do have to mention that things never stay "simple" though. Sooner
rather than later you'll find yourself in a situation where you need
more than just that basic functionality, and than you need to start
using something different altogether (unless handling the event loop
manually and fixing every last detail for every last use case of a user
out there is your thing :-) ). For that purpose I would recommend the
usage of some GUI toolkit: lazarus has been mentioned, similar things
include fpGui and MSE, others possible exist as well. If you like to
keep GUI and functionality apart from one another and have no problem
with the GUI being written for a large part in a different language,
have a look at Qt (possible with Qt4pas, if you insist on using pascal
for the GUI).

Anyway, enough on the toolkits out there, a google search will quickly
yield you a lot more than I can mention in this mail :-)

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-03 Thread James




-Original Message-
From: fpc-pascal  On Behalf Of Tomas 
Sent: Friday, November 2, 2018 8:16 PM
To:; FPC-Pascal users discussions 

Subject: Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC


On Sat, November 3, 2018 00:00, Bo Berglund wrote:

> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 06:13:40 -0400, "James"

> < <>> 
> wrote:


>>I am wondering if there are any tutorials out there, hopefully 

>>specific  to Freepascal and/or Lazarus.

>>I need really basic stuff like how to open a message box, or how to 

>>use  windows file open, or save-as dialog boxes.. etc.. even a hello 

>>world tutorial would be helpful...

>>ok, so ZERO windows programming experience here...   Any advice on where

>> to start?


> What did the programs you say you have written for so long do?

> Seems hard to believe you have not encountered reading and writing 

> files etc.




The original poster mentioned not having used GUI dialog boxes for file 
selection; I'm pretty sure reading and writing files is no problem for him.






fpc-pascal maillist  -   <>  

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-02 Thread Tomas Hajny
On Sat, November 3, 2018 00:00, Bo Berglund wrote:
> On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 06:13:40 -0400, "James"
>  wrote:
>>I am wondering if there are any tutorials out there, hopefully specific
>> to Freepascal and/or Lazarus.
>>I need really basic stuff like how to open a message box, or how to use
>> windows file open, or save-as
>>dialog boxes.. etc.. even a hello world tutorial would be helpful...
>>ok, so ZERO windows programming experience here...   Any advice on where
>> to start?
> What did the programs you say you have written for so long do?
> Seems hard to believe you have not encountered reading and writing
> files etc.

The original poster mentioned not having used GUI dialog boxes for file
selection; I'm pretty sure reading and writing files is no problem for


fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-02 Thread Bo Berglund
On Fri, 2 Nov 2018 06:13:40 -0400, "James"

>I am wondering if there are any tutorials out there, hopefully specific to 
>Freepascal and/or Lazarus. 
>I need really basic stuff like how to open a message box, or how to use 
>windows file open, or save-as 
>dialog boxes.. etc.. even a hello world tutorial would be helpful... 
>ok, so ZERO windows programming experience here...   Any advice on where to 

What did the programs you say you have written for so long do?
Seems hard to believe you have not encountered reading and writing
files etc.

Programming for Windows is basically no different than programming for
say Linux or any other operating system, the same code applies but the
compiler will translate to the proper syntax to call the operating
system without you having to bother

In order to do graphic programming you should look at FPC sidekick
Lazarus, which handles Rapid Application Development by letting you
design your forms interactively. And it does not limit the target to
Windows, same code can be used for Linux and other operating systems.


Message box:
ShowMessage('Message text to show');

File handling:
 F: file;
FileName: string;
 FileName := ;
 AssignFile(F, Filename);
 Writeln(F, 'text to write');

etc, etc, etc

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

fpc-pascal maillist  -

Re: [fpc-pascal] Windows programming tutorials for FPC

2018-11-02 Thread Marcos Douglas B. Santos
On Fri, Nov 2, 2018 at 7:13 AM James  wrote:
> I've been programming for decades with Pascal, starting with Turbo Pascal, 
> and for a few years now with Freepascal, and even wrote really complicated 
> console windows programs with Freepascal that do windows function calls... 
> But now I find that I would like to write a few windows GUI programs,  and 
> well... I'm clueless... I never learned windows GUI programming and don't 
> have a clue about how it's done, it's always been faster and easier to just 
> keep doing what I already understand, but now I have a few applications to 
> write what would be much better suited to a native windows application, so,   
> I am wondering if there are any tutorials out there, hopefully specific to 
> Freepascal and/or Lazarus.  I need really basic stuff like how to open a 
> message box, or how to use windows file open, or save-as dialog boxes.. etc.. 
> even a hello world tutorial would be helpful... ok, so ZERO windows 
> programming experience here...   Any advice on where to start?

I've just search on Google:

Looks useful.

Marcos Douglas
fpc-pascal maillist  -