Hello !

I am new to this list and I hope someone can help me with a question about 
the FrameMaker Development Kit (FDK).

I am using the FDK to write a DLL which processes MIF files. I am familiar 
with the FDK read and write commmands,   "F_ChannelRead" and "F_ChannelWrite", 
but what I want to do is to read single lines from the MIF files in the same 
way that commands such as "fgets" and "fputs" work in standard "C". From the 
tests I have done it seems that "F_ChannelRead" and "F_ChannelWrite" only 
on blocks of memory/text of a specified size.

I have got my DLL working using "fopen" and "fclose" to open and close files 
and "fgets" and "fputs" to read and write lines of text from and to files, but 
I understand that these commands are deprecated in "FDK-land".

Can anyone help, please?

Thank you,

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