Rephrasing/Clarifying Page Numbering Question

2007-03-23 Thread
First, thanks to those of you who responded to my distress signal yesterday.

Clearly, from the responses I received, I had not clearly stated my problem.  
Guess that comes from being way too close to it and under the gun to get a 
boatload of deliverables out.

Anyway, let's see if I can make better sense of it today, as I still need the 
help on resolving my multiple page number types questions (brain teaser).

In my HEADER, I need the following (per our contract)
  Pages:  xxx (# of xxx)
 xxx = total page count of the pages in the document
 #   = the current page

The FOOTER needs to reflect the current page ...
  TOC, TOF, TOT, etc ... needs to be in small romans
  Chapter 1, page 1 (and following) ... needs to start with [restart with] "1"; 
however the header needs to keep a running tally of the pages.

So, let's say there were 10 pages between TOC, TOF, TOT, etc. -- numbered ii to 
When I begin Chaper 1, the footer needs to switch not only from small romans to 
Arabic numerals but also needs to [restart] number as "1" ... while the header 
needs to reflect a running page count as, for example, "Pages: 120 (11 of 120)"

I solved the xxx part of it with the suggestion to make a tag (which I made as 
a pargraph tag named LAST PAGE and made the text white) and put a 
cross-reference to the tag in my master pages header.

In desperation re the TOC, TOF, TOT pages, I created individual master pages 
where I hard-coded the footer for page numbers ii to x.  Not the best way to do 
it, but a shorter workaround for the moment.
At least the footers said what I want and the header did what I want.

What I still haven't solved is the restarting the numbering from "1" beginning 
with page 1 of Chapter 1.

On the book window, when I do Document > Format > Numbering ... for Chapter 1, 
I say continue numbering from previous and I'll get the "Pages: 120 (11 of 
120)" part to work.
What doesn't work is the footer part ... it reflects page "11" and I want it to 
be page "1" in the footer.

Will greatly appreciate anyone's thoughts or suggestions on this "brain teaser."

Many thanks in advance for your help / suggestions / thoughts.

>Message: 5
>Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2007 09:30:39 -0400 (EDT)
>Subject: Multiple types of page numbering?
>To: framers at
>Message-ID: <20070322093039.BXE20970 at>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>Does anyone know how I can solve the following problem?
>Document needs to have the typical page number with small romans for the TOC, 
>TOF, etc and Arabic numbering for the other chapters in the book.  (That's no 
>HOWEVER, the problem come in when our contract requires us to have the 
>following in the header:
>  Pages:  xxx (# of xxx)
>I got the header set up, but for the # it pulls from the number of the page in 
>the document numbering format.
>I'm sure there's a way to do what I want in FM, but I just haven't figured it 

Multiple types of page numbering?

2007-03-22 Thread

Does anyone know how I can solve the following problem?

Document needs to have the typical page number with small romans for the TOC, 
TOF, etc and Arabic numbering for the other chapters in the book.  (That's no 

HOWEVER, the problem come in when our contract requires us to have the 
following in the header:
  Pages:  xxx (# of xxx)

I got the header set up, but for the # it pulls from the number of the page in 
the document numbering format.

I'm sure there's a way to do what I want in FM, but I just haven't figured it 