Your Manager is ignorant, then.

   PDF with Comments is much easier to use than Word with Track Changes...
   and with Word, it's entirely possible to forget to turn on Track
   Changes, and then you have no idea who changed what without doing a
   (possibly manual!) file diff.

   Have you demoed a Shared Review, so that your manager can see how
   multiple reviewers can all make changes simultaneously (impossible in
   Word, as far as I know)? It's even nice for doing a group review in
   person, as everyone can markup as they go, stay in sync, and see
   if/when there's a conflict regarding proposed changes. The best Word
   can do with regards to that is serialized review, which is SUPER slow
   unless you have very conscientious reviewers.

   Sounds like tough times for you: tons of conversion and cleanup to suit
   someone's (poorly thought out) preference.

   Bummer. :(


   -------- Original Message --------
   From: Caroline Tabach <[1]>
   Date: Tue, July 11, 2017 11:07 am
   I sent a nice PDF, but the manager wanted Word.
   This is for review only



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