Re: Some answers: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-12 Thread Emily Berk
Hey, Diane:

Thanks for being in touch.  Please see my answers embedded below.

At 11:04 AM 1/11/2008, Diane Gaskill wrote:
>Exactly how are you creating the PDF file?  Are you printing to PS and
>distilling, using Save As PDF, or what?

I started by printing to PS.  But after I'd gotten the Internal Error several 
times, I did try to Save As PDF.  Regardless of the technique, the result was 
consistently Internal Error.

>Exactly where in the process does FM crash?

It processes through some of the files, but only shows the page numbers, not 
the files it is processing.  And, it crashes pretty soon after it starts.

>Are you attempting to print the entire book or just one file?

The first time it happened, I was trying to PDF just one file.  I subsequently 
tried to PDF a different file.  Then, I tried to PDF the whole book.  Then I 
tried to PDF a different book, one that I knew had been created as a PDF 
successfully the last time I accessed it.  Then I tried to PDF a Word doc (from 
Word).  This last attempt to create a PDF was the only one that worked.

>What version of Acrobat do you have installed on your system?

>Did you install Acrobat after you installed FM (I hope)?
Yes, LONG ago.

>If you are printing from FM to PS and distilling, what printer driver are
>you using?
It says Adobe PDF in the Set Printer Name box.  Is that what you are asking?  
If not, please tell me how to find the answer to this question.

>Does FM crash on only one book or on all FM files?  How about a brand new
>file from scratch?
I'll try this.

>I assume that at one point, the files were printing normally.
Yes, for at least 2 years now.

>Can you think of anything you did that changed the system configuration since 
>that time?
Nothing changed in terms of system configuration that I know of.  It looks to 
me as if whenever FrameMaker loads, it looks at the Adobe site for updates, so 
it's possible that the system configuration did change, but not at my 

>Installed or deleted another program, etc?

>Without knowing any of this information, here are some possible solutions,
>from simple to complex.
>1. Reboot your system.  A full memory can cause all kinds of problems.
I tried this.  It made no difference.

>2. Wash the files through MIF (Save all of the files, including the book
>file, to MIF.  Delete the FM and book files.  Open the MIF files and save
>them to FM.)
Will try this.

>3. Try to PDF one file at a time.  The problem could be caused by one file
>in the book and not all of them.
I will try this.

>4. Create a brand new file in FM and enter some text manually. No graphics.
>Try to print it to PDF and see what happens.
I will try this.

>5. Reinstall FM, but do not install the distiller from the FM disk.
Dreading this, but I will try this.

>If none of this works, send me the offending files and I'll see if I can
>find the problem.
Not sure I can do that.  Tech doc on unreleased product; but I very much 
appreciate the offer!

>Hope this helps.
>PS.  Hey, what's with this "old" stuff?  I have 7 grandkids and I am have a
>few years behind me, but I will never be "old."
This week in particular, I am feeling OLD.

Emily Berk 


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Some answers: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-11 Thread Emily Berk
Hey, Diane:

Thanks for being in touch.  Please see my answers embedded below.

At 11:04 AM 1/11/2008, Diane Gaskill wrote:
>Exactly how are you creating the PDF file?  Are you printing to PS and
>distilling, using Save As PDF, or what?

I started by printing to PS.  But after I'd gotten the Internal Error several 
times, I did try to Save As PDF.  Regardless of the technique, the result was 
consistently Internal Error.

>Exactly where in the process does FM crash?

It processes through some of the files, but only shows the page numbers, not 
the files it is processing.  And, it crashes pretty soon after it starts.

>Are you attempting to print the entire book or just one file?

The first time it happened, I was trying to PDF just one file.  I subsequently 
tried to PDF a different file.  Then, I tried to PDF the whole book.  Then I 
tried to PDF a different book, one that I knew had been created as a PDF 
successfully the last time I accessed it.  Then I tried to PDF a Word doc (from 
Word).  This last attempt to create a PDF was the only one that worked.

>What version of Acrobat do you have installed on your system?

>Did you install Acrobat after you installed FM (I hope)?
Yes, LONG ago.

>If you are printing from FM to PS and distilling, what printer driver are
>you using?
It says Adobe PDF in the Set Printer Name box.  Is that what you are asking?  
If not, please tell me how to find the answer to this question.

>Does FM crash on only one book or on all FM files?  How about a brand new
>file from scratch?
I'll try this.

>I assume that at one point, the files were printing normally.
Yes, for at least 2 years now.

>Can you think of anything you did that changed the system configuration since 
>that time?
Nothing changed in terms of system configuration that I know of.  It looks to 
me as if whenever FrameMaker loads, it looks at the Adobe site for updates, so 
it's possible that the system configuration did change, but not at my 

>Installed or deleted another program, etc?

>Without knowing any of this information, here are some possible solutions,
>from simple to complex.
>1. Reboot your system.  A full memory can cause all kinds of problems.
I tried this.  It made no difference.

>2. Wash the files through MIF (Save all of the files, including the book
>file, to MIF.  Delete the FM and book files.  Open the MIF files and save
>them to FM.)
Will try this.

>3. Try to PDF one file at a time.  The problem could be caused by one file
>in the book and not all of them.
I will try this.

>4. Create a brand new file in FM and enter some text manually. No graphics.
>Try to print it to PDF and see what happens.
I will try this.

>5. Reinstall FM, but do not install the distiller from the FM disk.
Dreading this, but I will try this.

>If none of this works, send me the offending files and I'll see if I can
>find the problem.
Not sure I can do that.  Tech doc on unreleased product; but I very much 
appreciate the offer!

>Hope this helps.
>PS.  Hey, what's with this "old" stuff?  I have 7 grandkids and I am have a
>few years behind me, but I will never be "old."
This week in particular, I am feeling OLD.

Emily Berk 

Some answers: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-11 Thread Diane Gaskill
Hi Emily,

Eeek, what a horrible story.  Doesn't bode well for Adobe support, does it?
Personally, when I have a question, I never ask support. I post the question
here.  I think there are about 5000 - 6000 Frame users on this list, many of
whom I have talked with for at least 10 years and some of them since 93 or
so whan I joined it.  We do have a few experts here.  And Adobe monitors the
list and answers questions from time to time as well.  I know of no better
place to get FM answers.

That said, I have both FM7.1 and FM8 on my system, have been using FM since
92, and I _think_ I speeke Engrish purty gud :-), so maybe I can help you.
An no long waits on the phone.  :-)

To familiarize myself with the problem, I need to ask some questions.

Exactly how are you creating the PDF file?  Are you printing to PS and
distilling, using Save As PDF, or what?
Exactly where in the process does FM crash?
Are you attempting to print the entire book or just one file?
What version of Acrobat do you have installed on your system?
Did you install Acrobat after you installed FM (I hope)?
If you are printing from FM to PS and distilling, what printer driver are
you using?
Does FM crash on only one book or on all FM files?  How about a brand new
file from scratch?

I assume that at one point, the files were printing normally.  Can you think
of anything you did that changed the system configuration since that time?
Installed or deleted another program, etc?

Without knowing any of this information, here are some possible solutions,
from simple to complex.

1. Reboot your system.  A full memory can cause all kinds of problems.
2. Wash the files through MIF (Save all of the files, including the book
file, to MIF.  Delete the FM and book files.  Open the MIF files and save
them to FM.)
3. Try to PDF one file at a time.  The problem could be caused by one file
in the book and not all of them.
4. Create a brand new file in FM and enter some text manually. No graphics.
Try to print it to PDF and see what happens.
5. Reinstall FM, but do not install the distiller from the FM disk.

If none of this works, send me the offending files and I'll see if I can
find the problem.

Hope this helps.


PS.  Hey, what's with this "old" stuff?  I have 7 grandkids and I am have a
few years behind me, but I will never be "old."

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Emily Berk
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:29 PM
Subject: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe
support, sigh

Hi FrameUsers:

I don't know why I thought this list was no more.  I'm glad that it is.
Please help me with my FrameMaker 7.1 (yes, I know it's old; I am too and
it's all the company I work for is willing to use and I need to be able to
generate this one little PDF sometime within the next decade).

Following is my latest tale of woe.

I always forget why I always get queasy before calling Adobe's tech support.

But then, once again, once my interaction with Adobe is complete, the
nightmare has only just begun.

Take today, for instance.  Well, it all started yesterday when I began to
get Internal Error crashes when I tried to generate a PDF, any PDF, on any
Frame file (not on Word docs) using FrameMaker 7.1.  Because I had a vague
recollection of what it was like to interact with Adobe support, I didn't
try that.  But I did try a LOT of other stuff.  For hours and hours.  All to
no avail.

So, I decided to try to sleep on the problem, which wasn't a successful
strategy for me.  I've had a number of these Internal Error issues come up
in the past and they never, ever, never go away on their own.

Since sleep did not come, I chose to begin my Adobe nightmare early.  Called
tech support and spoke with about 3 or 4 perfectly nice folks whose English
was very unclear.

They would have to ask their questions, oh, six or seven times before I
realized that they were asking, for the seventh or eighth time, what my
customer number or serial number or product  was.

Eventually, (I was on hold and/or being transferred and then asked redundant
questions about 45 minutes) I get to speak with someone about my problem.
He doesn't speak very good English, but I am given to understand that he
does not DO FrameMaker support.

So now I'm on hold again for another very long interval.

And a guy picks up who DOES speak English.  And I explain my tale of woe --
no change on my end in terms of the software for at least 2 years.  The doc
is one I've been working on since last October at least.

I tell him the whole story and he lets me go on and on and then he tells me,
in his good English, that he doesn't know anything whatsoever about

But assures me that the guy who next picks up with both know FrameMaker AND
be able to speak English.  So I'm on hold again for -- not all that long --
maybe another 8 minutes, but time has been ticking away.

Then a

Some answers: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe support, sigh

2008-01-11 Thread Diane Gaskill
Hi Emily,

Eeek, what a horrible story.  Doesn't bode well for Adobe support, does it?
Personally, when I have a question, I never ask support. I post the question
here.  I think there are about 5000 - 6000 Frame users on this list, many of
whom I have talked with for at least 10 years and some of them since 93 or
so whan I joined it.  We do have a few experts here.  And Adobe monitors the
list and answers questions from time to time as well.  I know of no better
place to get FM answers.

That said, I have both FM7.1 and FM8 on my system, have been using FM since
92, and I _think_ I speeke Engrish purty gud :-), so maybe I can help you.
An no long waits on the phone.  :-)

To familiarize myself with the problem, I need to ask some questions.

Exactly how are you creating the PDF file?  Are you printing to PS and
distilling, using Save As PDF, or what?
Exactly where in the process does FM crash?
Are you attempting to print the entire book or just one file?
What version of Acrobat do you have installed on your system?
Did you install Acrobat after you installed FM (I hope)?
If you are printing from FM to PS and distilling, what printer driver are
you using?
Does FM crash on only one book or on all FM files?  How about a brand new
file from scratch?

I assume that at one point, the files were printing normally.  Can you think
of anything you did that changed the system configuration since that time?
Installed or deleted another program, etc?

Without knowing any of this information, here are some possible solutions,
from simple to complex.

1. Reboot your system.  A full memory can cause all kinds of problems.
2. Wash the files through MIF (Save all of the files, including the book
file, to MIF.  Delete the FM and book files.  Open the MIF files and save
them to FM.)
3. Try to PDF one file at a time.  The problem could be caused by one file
in the book and not all of them.
4. Create a brand new file in FM and enter some text manually. No graphics.
Try to print it to PDF and see what happens.
5. Reinstall FM, but do not install the distiller from the FM disk.

If none of this works, send me the offending files and I'll see if I can
find the problem.

Hope this helps.


PS.  Hey, what's with this "old" stuff?  I have 7 grandkids and I am have a
few years behind me, but I will never be "old."

-Original Message-
[mailto:framers-bounces at]On Behalf Of Emily Berk
Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 4:29 PM
To: framers at
Subject: The dreaded Internal Error error meets the dreaded Adobe
support, sigh

Hi FrameUsers:

I don't know why I thought this list was no more.  I'm glad that it is.
Please help me with my FrameMaker 7.1 (yes, I know it's old; I am too and
it's all the company I work for is willing to use and I need to be able to
generate this one little PDF sometime within the next decade).

Following is my latest tale of woe.

I always forget why I always get queasy before calling Adobe's tech support.

But then, once again, once my interaction with Adobe is complete, the
nightmare has only just begun.

Take today, for instance.  Well, it all started yesterday when I began to
get Internal Error crashes when I tried to generate a PDF, any PDF, on any
Frame file (not on Word docs) using FrameMaker 7.1.  Because I had a vague
recollection of what it was like to interact with Adobe support, I didn't
try that.  But I did try a LOT of other stuff.  For hours and hours.  All to
no avail.

So, I decided to try to sleep on the problem, which wasn't a successful
strategy for me.  I've had a number of these Internal Error issues come up
in the past and they never, ever, never go away on their own.

Since sleep did not come, I chose to begin my Adobe nightmare early.  Called
tech support and spoke with about 3 or 4 perfectly nice folks whose English
was very unclear.

They would have to ask their questions, oh, six or seven times before I
realized that they were asking, for the seventh or eighth time, what my
customer number or serial number or product  was.

Eventually, (I was on hold and/or being transferred and then asked redundant
questions about 45 minutes) I get to speak with someone about my problem.
He doesn't speak very good English, but I am given to understand that he
does not DO FrameMaker support.

So now I'm on hold again for another very long interval.

And a guy picks up who DOES speak English.  And I explain my tale of woe --
no change on my end in terms of the software for at least 2 years.  The doc
is one I've been working on since last October at least.

I tell him the whole story and he lets me go on and on and then he tells me,
in his good English, that he doesn't know anything whatsoever about

But assures me that the guy who next picks up with both know FrameMaker AND
be able to speak English.  So I'm on hold again for -- not all that long --
maybe another 8 m