[JOB OPENING] OASIS Seeks XML Standards Specialist/Technical Writer

2006-01-14 Thread Scott Abel
[JOB OPENING]  OASIS Seeks XML Standards Specialist/Technical Writer

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information 
Standards (OASIS) seeks a virtual part-time research assistant who can 
serve as a technical writer and XML standards specialist.  The 
individual will assist in the creation and maintenance of public 
information about structured information standards, providing support 
for XML.org, Cover Pages, and other OASIS web sites.  Candidates should 
possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, experience 
using (X)HTML editing tools, and familiarity with graphics 
applications.  Applicants with hands-on experience editing HTML/XML 
markup will be preferred.


About OASIS:
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information 
Standards) is a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives 
the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. The 
consortium produces more Web services standards than any other 
organization along with standards for security, e-business, and 
standardization efforts in the public sector and for 
application-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 
5,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual 
members in 100 countries.

OASIS is distinguished by its transparent governance and operating 
procedures. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a 
lightweight process expressly designed to promote industry consensus 
and unite disparate efforts. Completed work is ratified by open ballot. 
Governance is accountable and unrestricted. Officers of both the OASIS 
Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board are chosen by 
democratic election to serve two-year terms. Consortium leadership is 
based on individual merit and is not tied to financial contribution, 
corporate standing, or special appointment.


Posted by
The Content Wrangler
Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist
3421 Crystal Lakes Ct., Sarasota FL 34235
abelsp at netdirect.net  941-359-3416

Recent posts to TheContentWrangler.com

  ~ DITA OpenToolkit
  ~ Increased Innovation With Structured Blogging
  ~ Should SMEs Create Content?
  ~ The Case for the Darwin Information Typing Architecture
  ~ Avoiding DITA Roadblocks

[JOB OPENING] OASIS Seeks XML Standards Specialist/Technical Writer

2006-01-14 Thread Scott Abel

[JOB OPENING]  OASIS Seeks XML Standards Specialist/Technical Writer

The Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information 
Standards (OASIS) seeks a virtual part-time research assistant who can 
serve as a technical writer and XML standards specialist.  The 
individual will assist in the creation and maintenance of public 
information about structured information standards, providing support 
for XML.org, Cover Pages, and other OASIS web sites.  Candidates should 
possess excellent verbal and written communication skills, experience 
using (X)HTML editing tools, and familiarity with graphics 
applications.  Applicants with hands-on experience editing HTML/XML 
markup will be preferred.


About OASIS:
OASIS (Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information 
Standards) is a not-for-profit, international consortium that drives 
the development, convergence, and adoption of e-business standards. The 
consortium produces more Web services standards than any other 
organization along with standards for security, e-business, and 
standardization efforts in the public sector and for 
application-specific markets. Founded in 1993, OASIS has more than 
5,000 participants representing over 600 organizations and individual 
members in 100 countries.

OASIS is distinguished by its transparent governance and operating 
procedures. Members themselves set the OASIS technical agenda, using a 
lightweight process expressly designed to promote industry consensus 
and unite disparate efforts. Completed work is ratified by open ballot. 
Governance is accountable and unrestricted. Officers of both the OASIS 
Board of Directors and Technical Advisory Board are chosen by 
democratic election to serve two-year terms. Consortium leadership is 
based on individual merit and is not tied to financial contribution, 
corporate standing, or special appointment.


Posted by
The Content Wrangler
Scott Abel, Content Management Strategist
3421 Crystal Lakes Ct., Sarasota FL 34235
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  941-359-3416

Recent posts to TheContentWrangler.com

 ~ DITA OpenToolkit
 ~ Increased Innovation With Structured Blogging
 ~ Should SMEs Create Content?
 ~ The Case for the Darwin Information Typing Architecture
 ~ Avoiding DITA Roadblocks


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