Need semicolon-delimited list from FM table column

2006-06-15 Thread rebecca officer
There are probably more automated ways to do this, but this works:

1. select your column and copy it into a blank FM document to give you a 
1-column table
2. convert the table to paragraphs
3. select your text, search for the paragraph mark (\p), and replace them all 
with a semicolon.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> FIONA HANINGTON  15/06/06 10:58:49 >>>

I have a table in FM, one column of which contains Bug IDs (this is a release 
notes document). I need to be able to get the list of Bugs IDs in a 
semicolon-delimited list (plain text) that I can feed into our bug-tracking 

Can anyone tell me the best way to do this? (Preferably a way that doesn't 
require me to manually insert semicolons :-)

Please copy me directly on your reply: 
fionahanington at shaw dot ca

Thanks in advance!

Windows NT
FM 7.1

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Re: Need semicolon-delimited list from FM table column

2006-06-14 Thread rebecca officer
There are probably more automated ways to do this, but this works:

1. select your column and copy it into a blank FM document to give you a 
1-column table
2. convert the table to paragraphs
3. select your text, search for the paragraph mark (\p), and replace them all 
with a semicolon.

Cheers, Rebecca

>>> FIONA HANINGTON <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 15/06/06 10:58:49 >>>

I have a table in FM, one column of which contains Bug IDs (this is a release 
notes document). I need to be able to get the list of Bugs IDs in a 
semicolon-delimited list (plain text) that I can feed into our bug-tracking 

Can anyone tell me the best way to do this? (Preferably a way that doesn't 
require me to manually insert semicolons :-)

Please copy me directly on your reply: 
fionahanington at shaw dot ca

Thanks in advance!

Windows NT
FM 7.1

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