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The service manual work you describe below is exactly the sort of thing I'll be 
doing (lots of parts, with the added layer of fun that I then also use those 
part names in the narrative and procedural portions of the text). Unfortunately 
the work I do is all under U.S. DoD export control, so I can't take you up on 
the offer of providing any assistance with the conversion process (and why I 
have to be so vague and generic about the project). As it is, for "conversion" 
over to word, the source files we have to work with are so inconsistent in 
terms of nomenclature, structure, and layout that I think that my teammate and 
I are planning to just retype the thing from the PDF since we have to move or 
delete about 45% of the information to get it into the correct structure and 

I'm using unstructured FM because that is what I've used in the past. Several 
years ago my office inherited a ~1,000 page technical manual (TM) authored in 
unstructured FM8, which is when I was able to start using FM. At that time I 
kept the TM in the unstructured format so I could ask the original author 
questions. I hadn't considered shifting to structured for the current project 
simply because I've figured out how to use unstructured well enough to publish 
a few smaller TM and unstructured is close enough to Word in how I go about 
working on the TM that I feel like I'm improving my workflow while still 
staying in my comfort zone. As I've started planning this project I'm realizing 
that just because FM is more efficient than using Word, that doesn't mean that 
I'm actually using FM "correctly"! :P

Unfortunately I can't get any expert technical support within my organization, 
and the idea of paying for any sort of consultant to help our office set up the 
process would be a near-impossible feat in the current DoD financial climate. I 
could try to sign up for FM training, but the review and approval process would 
take *months* that I don't really have available in the project schedule. (I 
have to email our IT department on a yearly basis to remind them that I 
actually use FrameMaker and I'd appreciate it if they stopped auto uninstalling 
it from my computer during network scans.)  Sad to say that just having the 
ability to choose between FM and Word has been a major innovation for my 

Given your analysis about the weaknesses of unstructured FrameMaker to support 
the sort of work I need to do, I'm going to take some time to experiment with 
structured and see what I can do with it. Looks like I'll need to go back to 
the FM user manual and do a lot of reading on the basics (I tried to import the 
DTDs provided by higher headquarters 
( and got lost pretty quickly 
since I haven't read anything about structured for at least four years!) 

If I can't get structured to work out in the time allotted before we have to 
start work on the TM, I may go with plan B to solve the root nomenclature 
consistency issue. (Which is to use a limited number of variables for the 
really important names and then a carefully version controlled spreadsheet for 
the rest, printed out and taped next to my monitor. Not pretty, but it would 

If you (or anyone else on the list) can think of any (sigh) free online-based 
training or information resources for getting started with Structured FM10 I 
would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you very much for your thoughtful reply, just knowing not to use to many 
text insets will be a huge help!

Maeli Zacchetti

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Friday, December 12, 2014 1:00 PM
Subject: framers Digest, Vol 110, Issue 9

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Contents of framers digest..."

Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Text Inset vs. Variable Question (Jang F.M. Graat)
   2. How to Create Bibliography in FM? (Orly Zimmerman)
   3. Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM? (Robert Lauriston)
   4. Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM? (Alan Litchfield)
   5. RE: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
      (Syed Zaeem Hosain (
   6. RE: How to Create Bibliography in FM? (Craig, Alison)
   7. Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM? (Robert Lauriston)


Message: 1
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 19:52:01 +0100
From: "Jang F.M. Graat" <>
Subject: Re: Text Inset vs. Variable Question
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hello Maeli,

The move from MS Word to FrameMaker is good news, but why the choice for 
unstructured FM ? The type of document you are hoping to create would be 
ideally created in structured FrameMaker. Using huge numbers of variables in FM 
is going to make the author's life hell and is not going to make maintenance of 
the manuals much easier. Text insets in unstructured FrameMaker are extremely 
limited and may cause the system to break down as it needs to open 100s of 
files at the same time when updating the main document.

This kind of work is what structured FrameMaker is excellent for. Instead of 
text insets in the form of an entire flow in a FrameMaker file, you can reuse 
single words, table cells, paragraphs or anything else to be pulled in. With 
the attributes available in each element, you can easily link each item to an 
element in a database (or Excel sheet). In one of my projects, I am building 
service manuals that have 100s of parts lists, each containing up to 50 parts, 
each of which is pulled out of a single file that holds all the parts info. 
Updating this service manual is a matter of pressing one button and takes 5 
minutes. And with the built-in XSL engine in FrameMaker, attribute-based 
filtering and ExtendScript all in the box, i.e. without installing any third 
party procuct, there has to be a REALLY good reason not to use this product in 
the way it was intended.

If you HAVE to work with unstructured FrameMaker, possibly because of some 
outdated regulatory principles, there are still options to automate the work 
using ExtendScript, but it becomes much harder to program - and harder to check 
if the results are OK. If you need support in getting the info from MS Word to 
structured FrameMaker and/or automating the process of pulling info from a 
spreadsheet into a structured FM document, I can offer those services. The nice 
thing about using structured FM is that this can be programmed without even 
having any real content available, so confidentiality issues can easily be 
avoided here.

Kind regards from Amsterdam


JANG Communication
Smart Information Design
Amsterdam - Netherlands
Cell +31 6 4685 4996

> I'm getting back to unstructured FrameMaker 10 (after two years of having to 
> use MS Word). So apologies if I don't use some of the correct terms or if I'm 
> misunderstanding some of FrameMaker's capabilities!
> I'm doing the planning work for converting a technical manual from MS Word 
> into FrameMaker 10. The system has over 100 parts, currently each part has 
> two to five different variations on the name scattered throughout the manual, 
> so a huge component of this conversion is getting the nomenclature down to a 
> single version of each part name. Since most of the names will change at some 
> point in the next year my goal is a single point of edit for each part name, 
> to save some headaches down the road.
> On previous projects I've used ~20 part name variables (created in a master 
> file, then applied to each *.fm file through a book update) and then inserted 
> that part's variable any time I need to use the part name.  For this project 
> with 100+ parts it seems like that could start getting painful, just in terms 
> of scrolling through a massive variable list.
> I was thinking that I could use text insets as another option, if it were 
> possible to import from a single cell in a table (e.g. excel file). That 
> would let me use the spreadsheet that I'd have to create anyway for planning 
> out the variables (and internal tracking of what name I'm assigning to a 
> given part number).
> In the past I've used text insets to reference repeated short paragraphs, 
> using a series of individual text documents to hold each paragraph. So I 
> guess I could do the same thing again, but then I'd end up with 100+ text 
> files, which seems like a different kind of inconvenient compared to the 100+ 
> variables.
> One major limitation: with my organization's network policies I cannot 
> install 3rd party software, and the review and approval process to purchase 
> extensions or supplements to Adobe's software would be so arduous that it may 
> as well be impossible. So I'm limited to what I can do without having to 
> install anything else.
> Any advice or suggestions would be appreciated! (Or even advice on 
> where I could go to read up on the various ways to effectively manage 
> nomenclature updates in unstructured FrameMaker.)
> Thanks,
> Maeli Zacchetti


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 20:34:27 +0000
From: Orly Zimmerman <>
To: "" <>
Subject: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

HI All,
I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I'm writing. I 
would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get all the footnotes on 
the last pages of the file or in an appendix file as opposed to on the page 
where the footnote was created.

I don't mind writing out the Bibliography entry (I understand that there are 
different formats - as long as I stick to one format, I just add them as I 
create the article). Now I'm up to 6 different bib's. I'll cite it from page 1, 
and then cite from page 3 (using an x-ref in Footnote style); so page 3 needs 
to go back to page 1 to see the footnote. This doesn't look right. And I will 
probably site the same footnote later on in the doc as well.

Any ideas?

Orly Zimmerman

-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 3
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 12:44:35 -0800
From: Robert Lauriston <>
To: Orly Zimmerman <>,
        "" <>
Subject: Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

Don't use the footnote feature. Create a bibliography_entry paragraph format 
including an autonumber, then use a cross-reference in running text. Then you 
can cross-reference the same entry as many times as you like.

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Orly Zimmerman <> wrote:
> HI All,
> I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I?m 
> writing. I would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get 
> all the footnotes on the last pages of the file or in an appendix file 
> as opposed to on the page where the footnote was created.


Message: 4
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:47:27 +1300
From: Alan Litchfield <>
Subject: Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed


FM has never really been that great with such tasks. If it is an article you 
are writing in which you are going to cite references and you want a coherent 
style, then I would suggest using bibTeX/LaTeX or bibLaTeX/LaTeX.

However if you are wedded to FM then you can export your text from FM as rtf 
and use one of the MS Word linked applications like EndNote. Newer versions of 
Word have a built in referencing engine that I have not used but others say is 
pretty good. Given that amount of work you may be just as well to go with the 
above suggestion or type and format the references by hand. At least in FM you 
can define paragraph and character styles relative to the reference formats.


On 12/12/14 9:34 am, Orly Zimmerman wrote:
> HI All,
> I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I?m 
> writing. I would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get 
> all the footnotes on the last pages of the file or in an appendix file 
> as opposed to on the page where the footnote was created.
> I don?t mind writing out the Bibliography entry (I understand that 
> there are different formats ? as long as I stick to one format, I just 
> add them as I create the article). Now I?m up to 6 different bib?s. 
> I?ll cite it from page 1, and then cite from page 3 (using an x-ref in 
> Footnote style); so page 3 needs to go back to page 1 to see the 
> footnote. This doesn?t look right. And I will probably site the same 
> footnote later on in the doc as well.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Orly Zimmerman
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Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140


Message: 5
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 13:25:08 -0800
From: "Syed Zaeem Hosain ("
To: "Alan Litchfield" <>,
        "" <>
Subject: RE: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Yes! I use bibLaTeX and LaTeX for articles like this too.

Of course, this is not WYSIWYG, and you have to learn LaTeX, but the PDF output 
is super clean and consistent indeed.

To edit LaTeX input files, I highly recommend TeXStudio - the virtually 
instantaneous PDF generation (with side-by-side clickable comparison to the 
source) makes it easy. Almost WYSIWYG in its speed.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Alan Litchfield
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:47 PM
Subject: Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM?


FM has never really been that great with such tasks. If it is an article you 
are writing in which you are going to cite references and you want a coherent 
style, then I would suggest using bibTeX/LaTeX or bibLaTeX/LaTeX.

However if you are wedded to FM then you can export your text from FM as rtf 
and use one of the MS Word linked applications like EndNote. Newer versions of 
Word have a built in referencing engine that I have not used but others say is 
pretty good. Given that amount of work you may be just as well to go with the 
above suggestion or type and format the references by hand. At least in FM you 
can define paragraph and character styles relative to the reference formats.


On 12/12/14 9:34 am, Orly Zimmerman wrote:
> HI All,
> I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I'm 
> writing. I would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get 
> all the footnotes on the last pages of the file or in an appendix file 
> as opposed to on the page where the footnote was created.
> I don't mind writing out the Bibliography entry (I understand that 
> there are different formats - as long as I stick to one format, I just 
> add them as I create the article). Now I'm up to 6 different bib's. 
> I'll cite it from page 1, and then cite from page 3 (using an x-ref in 
> Footnote style); so page 3 needs to go back to page 1 to see the 
> footnote. This doesn't look right. And I will probably site the same 
> footnote later on in the doc as well.
> Any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Orly Zimmerman
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Dr Alan Litchfield
PO Box 1941
Auckland, New Zealand 1140

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Message: 6
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 02:15:54 +0000
From: "Craig, Alison" <>
To: Orly Zimmerman <>, ""
Subject: RE: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

In your position, the first thing I would do is look for a bibliographic format 
used by a reputable journal in a relevant field of study/industry.

That way you don't have to decide what looks good, you just have to follow an 
accepted style.


Alison Craig | Technical Documentation Lead
Ultrasonix | 130-4311 Viking Way | Richmond, BC  V6V 2K9 |<>
T 604-279-8550 ext 127 | F 604-279-8559

[] On Behalf Of Orly Zimmerman
Sent: Thursday, December 11, 2014 12:34 PM
Subject: How to Create Bibliography in FM?

HI All,
I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I'm writing. I 
would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get all the footnotes on 
the last pages of the file or in an appendix file as opposed to on the page 
where the footnote was created.

I don't mind writing out the Bibliography entry (I understand that there are 
different formats - as long as I stick to one format, I just add them as I 
create the article). Now I'm up to 6 different bib's. I'll cite it from page 1, 
and then cite from page 3 (using an x-ref in Footnote style); so page 3 needs 
to go back to page 1 to see the footnote. This doesn't look right. And I will 
probably site the same footnote later on in the doc as well.

Any ideas?

Orly Zimmerman

-------------- next part --------------
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Message: 7
Date: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 09:07:39 -0800
From: Robert Lauriston <>
To: Orly Zimmerman <>,
        "" <>
Subject: Re: How to Create Bibliography in FM?
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8

This is covered in the FM manual topic "Create and maintain endnotes":

On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:44 PM, Robert Lauriston <> wrote:
> Don't use the footnote feature. Create a bibliography_entry paragraph
> format including an autonumber, then use a cross-reference in running
> text. Then you can cross-reference the same entry as many times as you
> like.
> On Thu, Dec 11, 2014 at 12:34 PM, Orly Zimmerman <> wrote:
>> HI All,
>> I have been given a task to create a bibliography for an article I?m
>> writing. I would like to use Framemaker, but I have no idea how I get all
>> the footnotes on the last pages of the file or in an appendix file as
>> opposed to on the page where the footnote was created.


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