cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Rick Quatro
Hi Doug,

Just to clarify, there is a way to make cross-references in text insets work 
in the resulting PDF file. It can be done with an inexpensive FrameScript 
script. Contact me offlist if you are interested.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing

cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Arnett, Keith
Hi Doug,

I can't speak to structured FrameMaker, but I have been using text
insets in unstructured FM for many years. Effective use of
cross-references isn't rocket science, but it does take a reasonable
amount of planning, care, and consistency of use.

Essentially, there are only two kinds of cross-references in a text
inset: 1) those that point to a location in the same text inset, and 2)
those that point to a location outside the text reference. 

Setting up #1 type x-refs is straightforward and follows the standard
procedure. When setting up #2, the key point to remember is that you
must *always* configure the x-ref to point to a cross-reference marker
in the target container file. As a general rule, you never create
cross-references directly from one text inset file to another.

For example, this means that if your text inset is used in both
and, and you want to create a cross-reference that points to the
Glossary at the end of each file, you will need two x-refs in your text
inset -- one that points to the Glossary x-ref marker in, and
one that points to the Glossary x-ref marker in 

Which leads to the application of conditional text tags. More than
likely you will not want both x-refs to appear in both places, so you
will need to create two condition tags and apply them appropriately in
your text inset. Then you must configure your container documents to
show the desired condition tag and hide the inappropriate one.

Successful management of cross-references rests on the consistent
application and tracking of these basic items. Problems creep in when
you accidentally set up a cross-reference to point to a marker that
appears to be correct, but actually resides in a different target
location, or through the misapplication of conditional text tags or
Hide/Show settings.

Obviously there are a lot of other considerations in implementing shared
content with text insets in unstructured FM. Please feel free to contact
me offline if you would like to discuss this in more detail.



Keith Arnett
Doc Team Lead - BPM 
Software AG USA, Inc. \ Fairfax VA
Mobile: 571-226-0430

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:59:26 -0400
From: "Eaton, Doug" 
Subject: cross references in topics used as text insets

Using FrameMaker 8 (unstructured). No FrameScript. No content-management

Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of content, we are
considering how to disassemble content in legacy documents into separate
topics that will be inserted as needed into container documents. There
will be three kinds of cross references in these documents: Topic to
Topic, Topic to Container, and Container to Topic. We will want to set
up XREFs to heading numbers, table numbers, figure numbers, and,
probably, page numbers, all of which use a two-level (for example,
"Figure 1-1. A Picture") format.

In addition, all graphics are imported by reference into the individual
topic documents. 

The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.

What is the best practice for achieving this using unstructured
FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker make this effort any

On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to handle xrefs in
a text inset is actually by using hypertext links rather than xrefs."
One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 

For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum and the
figure number followed by a text label. Is the best way to create a
hypertext link to insert the XREF to the figure name (no numerals--I'm
guessing that they won't necessarily update properly in the container
doc), convert that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a
character tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can almost
hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside the issue of
whether it is safer to put headings... also the topics or
in the container docs). Can anyone can recommend resources for resolving
this issue?

Doug Eaton

cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Combs, Richard
> a location outside the text inset (either to another text 
> inset or to the container, you _first_ create a 

Note to self: A comma is not an adequate replacement for a close
parenthesis. Make that:

"(either to another text inset or to the container)," 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom

cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Combs, Richard
Eaton, Doug wrote:

> Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of 
> content, we are considering how to disassemble content in 
> legacy documents into separate topics that will be inserted 
> as needed into container documents. There will be three kinds 
> of cross references in these documents: Topic to Topic, Topic 
> to Container, and Container to Topic.  
> The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.
> What is the best practice for achieving this using 
> unstructured FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker 
> make this effort any easier?

There are two overall issues with cross-references and text insets: 

1) Making the xrefs work in FM, i.e., resolve. Keith Arnett had some
good advice on that. But let me re-emphasize something he said, but
didn't dwell on. To set up an xref to a location outside the text inset
(either to another text inset or to the container, you _first_ create a
cross-reference marker at the destination/target (Special > Marker,
Marker Type: Cross-Ref, Marker Text: something meaningful that
identifies this location). 

If this target you just inserted is in a text inset, you need to update
it in its container (so the container "knows" about the new marker).
Then, when you select Special > Cross-Reference to insert the xref, set
Document to the _container_ doc in which the text inset with the target
marker resides, and set Source Type to Cross-Reference Markers. In the
list of markers, find that meaningful marker text you entered for the
target marker. 

If you're conscientious and disciplined about inserting the target
markers first and then pointing xrefs to them in the _container_ doc(s),
and if you follow Keith's advice about conditionalizing if multiple
destinations are necessary, your xrefs will all work in FM.

2) Making the xrefs work in PDF. Xrefs within a text inset are not
converted into live links in PDF. This is a long-standing bug that,
AFAIK, still hasn't been fixed in FM8. The workaround that some of us
use is to produce a PDF as follows: 

(a) Open all files in the book, update the book, and save all files. 
(b) "Flatten" all the text insets, that is, convert them all to text. 
(c) Save as (or print to) PDF. 
(d) Close all the files _without_saving_. 

Obviously, step 4 is critical. Step 2 is tedious if you have many
insets. You can eliminate both the tedium and the risk of error by
scripting the whole process (e.g., FrameScript or FrameAC).

IMO, this is the best way to handle the problem. 

> On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to 
> handle xrefs in a text inset is actually by using hypertext 
> links rather than xrefs."

Rene's suggestion of using hypertext links is OK for a few links that
are pretty stable. But it doesn't scale well and quickly becomes a
maintenance issue (since you have to manually update the "hotspot" text
when the target changes in a way that obsoletes the link text). 

> One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 
> For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum 
> and the figure number followed by a text label. Is the best 
> way to create a hypertext link to insert the XREF to the 
> figure name (no numerals--I'm guessing that they won't 
> necessarily update properly in the container doc), convert 
> that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a character 
> tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can 
> almost hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I don't understand your description of the process, and I think maybe
you're confused about how to make hyperlinks. As with creating xrefs to
markers instead of paragraphs, it's a two-step process: 

(1) At the target/destination, insert a "Specify Named Destination"
Hypertext command (i.e., newlink) with a meaningful linkname. 
(2) At the spot you want a link, insert the text to link, format it as a
link (with appropriate char tag), and insert a "Jump to Named
Destination" Hypertext command (i.e., gotolink) that specifies the
linkname you gave to the target's newlink.

There's no reason to insert an xref and convert it to text -- you can
type "See Figure 7-3, 'Configuration Parameters'" faster than you can go
the xref route. 

In any case, the text that you use for the hypertext link -- whether
typed or inserted by your roundabout process -- is static. If the target
changes, the link text doen't update to match, as it does with xrefs.
This is the maintenance issue I mentioned. 

You can minimize maintenance by not including pgf numbers (as you
suggested) or page numbers in your link text (and by consciously
avoiding rewording headings/captions). But this makes the links
essentially useless to someone reading hard copy. And you'll still have
problems keeping the links in sync with their targets.

All in all, I prefer cross-references and the workaround I described

> I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside 
> the issue of whether it is safer to put headings..

Re: cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Rick Quatro
Hi Doug,

Just to clarify, there is a way to make cross-references in text insets work 
in the resulting PDF file. It can be done with an inexpensive FrameScript 
script. Contact me offlist if you are interested.

Rick Quatro
Carmen Publishing


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RE: cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Combs, Richard
> a location outside the text inset (either to another text 
> inset or to the container, you _first_ create a 

Note to self: A comma is not an adequate replacement for a close
parenthesis. Make that:

"(either to another text inset or to the container)," 


Richard G. Combs
Senior Technical Writer
Polycom, Inc.
richardDOTcombs AT polycomDOTcom
rgcombs AT gmailDOTcom


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RE: cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Combs, Richard
Eaton, Doug wrote:
> Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of 
> content, we are considering how to disassemble content in 
> legacy documents into separate topics that will be inserted 
> as needed into container documents. There will be three kinds 
> of cross references in these documents: Topic to Topic, Topic 
> to Container, and Container to Topic.  
> The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.
> What is the best practice for achieving this using 
> unstructured FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker 
> make this effort any easier?

There are two overall issues with cross-references and text insets: 

1) Making the xrefs work in FM, i.e., resolve. Keith Arnett had some
good advice on that. But let me re-emphasize something he said, but
didn't dwell on. To set up an xref to a location outside the text inset
(either to another text inset or to the container, you _first_ create a
cross-reference marker at the destination/target (Special > Marker,
Marker Type: Cross-Ref, Marker Text: something meaningful that
identifies this location). 

If this target you just inserted is in a text inset, you need to update
it in its container (so the container "knows" about the new marker).
Then, when you select Special > Cross-Reference to insert the xref, set
Document to the _container_ doc in which the text inset with the target
marker resides, and set Source Type to Cross-Reference Markers. In the
list of markers, find that meaningful marker text you entered for the
target marker. 

If you're conscientious and disciplined about inserting the target
markers first and then pointing xrefs to them in the _container_ doc(s),
and if you follow Keith's advice about conditionalizing if multiple
destinations are necessary, your xrefs will all work in FM.

2) Making the xrefs work in PDF. Xrefs within a text inset are not
converted into live links in PDF. This is a long-standing bug that,
AFAIK, still hasn't been fixed in FM8. The workaround that some of us
use is to produce a PDF as follows: 

(a) Open all files in the book, update the book, and save all files. 
(b) "Flatten" all the text insets, that is, convert them all to text. 
(c) Save as (or print to) PDF. 
(d) Close all the files _without_saving_. 

Obviously, step 4 is critical. Step 2 is tedious if you have many
insets. You can eliminate both the tedium and the risk of error by
scripting the whole process (e.g., FrameScript or FrameAC).

IMO, this is the best way to handle the problem. 
> On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to 
> handle xrefs in a text inset is actually by using hypertext 
> links rather than xrefs."

Rene's suggestion of using hypertext links is OK for a few links that
are pretty stable. But it doesn't scale well and quickly becomes a
maintenance issue (since you have to manually update the "hotspot" text
when the target changes in a way that obsoletes the link text). 

> One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 
> For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum 
> and the figure number followed by a text label. Is the best 
> way to create a hypertext link to insert the XREF to the 
> figure name (no numerals--I'm guessing that they won't 
> necessarily update properly in the container doc), convert 
> that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a character 
> tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can 
> almost hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I don't understand your description of the process, and I think maybe
you're confused about how to make hyperlinks. As with creating xrefs to
markers instead of paragraphs, it's a two-step process: 

(1) At the target/destination, insert a "Specify Named Destination"
Hypertext command (i.e., newlink) with a meaningful linkname. 
(2) At the spot you want a link, insert the text to link, format it as a
link (with appropriate char tag), and insert a "Jump to Named
Destination" Hypertext command (i.e., gotolink) that specifies the
linkname you gave to the target's newlink.

There's no reason to insert an xref and convert it to text -- you can
type "See Figure 7-3, 'Configuration Parameters'" faster than you can go
the xref route. 

In any case, the text that you use for the hypertext link -- whether
typed or inserted by your roundabout process -- is static. If the target
changes, the link text doen't update to match, as it does with xrefs.
This is the maintenance issue I mentioned. 

You can minimize maintenance by not including pgf numbers (as you
suggested) or page numbers in your link text (and by consciously
avoiding rewording headings/captions). But this makes the links
essentially useless to someone reading hard copy. And you'll still have
problems keeping the links in sync with their targets.

All in all, I prefer cross-references and the workaround I described
> I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside 
> the issue of whether it is safer to put heading

RE: cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-13 Thread Arnett, Keith
Hi Doug,

I can't speak to structured FrameMaker, but I have been using text
insets in unstructured FM for many years. Effective use of
cross-references isn't rocket science, but it does take a reasonable
amount of planning, care, and consistency of use.

Essentially, there are only two kinds of cross-references in a text
inset: 1) those that point to a location in the same text inset, and 2)
those that point to a location outside the text reference. 

Setting up #1 type x-refs is straightforward and follows the standard
procedure. When setting up #2, the key point to remember is that you
must *always* configure the x-ref to point to a cross-reference marker
in the target container file. As a general rule, you never create
cross-references directly from one text inset file to another.

For example, this means that if your text inset is used in both
and, and you want to create a cross-reference that points to the
Glossary at the end of each file, you will need two x-refs in your text
inset -- one that points to the Glossary x-ref marker in, and
one that points to the Glossary x-ref marker in 

Which leads to the application of conditional text tags. More than
likely you will not want both x-refs to appear in both places, so you
will need to create two condition tags and apply them appropriately in
your text inset. Then you must configure your container documents to
show the desired condition tag and hide the inappropriate one.

Successful management of cross-references rests on the consistent
application and tracking of these basic items. Problems creep in when
you accidentally set up a cross-reference to point to a marker that
appears to be correct, but actually resides in a different target
location, or through the misapplication of conditional text tags or
Hide/Show settings.

Obviously there are a lot of other considerations in implementing shared
content with text insets in unstructured FM. Please feel free to contact
me offline if you would like to discuss this in more detail.



Keith Arnett
Doc Team Lead - BPM 
Software AG USA, Inc. \ Fairfax VA
Mobile: 571-226-0430

-Original Message-

Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2008 14:59:26 -0400
From: "Eaton, Doug" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: cross references in topics used as text insets

Using FrameMaker 8 (unstructured). No FrameScript. No content-management

Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of content, we are
considering how to disassemble content in legacy documents into separate
topics that will be inserted as needed into container documents. There
will be three kinds of cross references in these documents: Topic to
Topic, Topic to Container, and Container to Topic. We will want to set
up XREFs to heading numbers, table numbers, figure numbers, and,
probably, page numbers, all of which use a two-level (for example,
"Figure 1-1. A Picture") format.

In addition, all graphics are imported by reference into the individual
topic documents. 

The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.

What is the best practice for achieving this using unstructured
FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker make this effort any

On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to handle xrefs in
a text inset is actually by using hypertext links rather than xrefs."
One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 

For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum and the
figure number followed by a text label. Is the best way to create a
hypertext link to insert the XREF to the figure name (no numerals--I'm
guessing that they won't necessarily update properly in the container
doc), convert that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a
character tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can almost
hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside the issue of
whether it is safer to put headings... also the topics or
in the container docs). Can anyone can recommend resources for resolving
this issue?

Doug Eaton


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cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-12 Thread Eaton, Doug
Using FrameMaker 8 (unstructured). No FrameScript. No content-management

Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of content, we are
considering how to disassemble content in legacy documents into separate
topics that will be inserted as needed into container documents. There
will be three kinds of cross references in these documents: Topic to
Topic, Topic to Container, and Container to Topic. We will want to set
up XREFs to heading numbers, table numbers, figure numbers, and,
probably, page numbers, all of which use a two-level (for example,
"Figure 1-1. A Picture") format.

In addition, all graphics are imported by reference into the individual
topic documents. 

The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.

What is the best practice for achieving this using unstructured
FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker make this effort any

On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to handle xrefs in
a text inset is actually by using hypertext links rather than xrefs."
One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 

For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum and the
figure number followed by a text label. Is the best way to create a
hypertext link to insert the XREF to the figure name (no numerals--I'm
guessing that they won't necessarily update properly in the container
doc), convert that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a
character tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can almost
hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside the issue of
whether it is safer to put headings... also the topics or
in the container docs). Can anyone can recommend resources for resolving
this issue?

Doug Eaton


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Send administrative questions to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Visit for more resources and info.

cross references in topics used as text insets

2008-03-12 Thread Eaton, Doug
Using FrameMaker 8 (unstructured). No FrameScript. No content-management

Hoping to realize some efficiencies through the reuse of content, we are
considering how to disassemble content in legacy documents into separate
topics that will be inserted as needed into container documents. There
will be three kinds of cross references in these documents: Topic to
Topic, Topic to Container, and Container to Topic. We will want to set
up XREFs to heading numbers, table numbers, figure numbers, and,
probably, page numbers, all of which use a two-level (for example,
"Figure 1-1. A Picture") format.

In addition, all graphics are imported by reference into the individual
topic documents. 

The deliverables will be PDFs with (we hope) working links.

What is the best practice for achieving this using unstructured
FrameMaker? Will moving to structured FrameMaker make this effort any

On 3 March, Rene Stephenson wrote, "the sure-fire way to handle xrefs in
a text inset is actually by using hypertext links rather than xrefs."
One challenge I have with this is in creating the GOTOLINK spot. 

For example, we currently identify graphics with the chapnum and the
figure number followed by a text label. Is the best way to create a
hypertext link to insert the XREF to the figure name (no numerals--I'm
guessing that they won't necessarily update properly in the container
doc), convert that XREF to text, mark the converted XREF with a
character tag, and then insert the GOTOLINK command? (Whew! I can almost
hear the gnashing of teeth.)

I realize that this is a complex issue (even putting aside the issue of
whether it is safer to put headings... also the topics or
in the container docs). Can anyone can recommend resources for resolving
this issue?

Doug Eaton