I'm testing xrefs for DITA 1.2 topics (FM 12). Cross references to topics 
within the same file or in other files work fine, but when I cross-reference to 
a figure element (<fig>) inside a topic, the cross-reference text generates 
fine in FM but does not show up in any output formats (responsive HTML, PDF, 
webhelp, and so forth).

I think it has something to do with the way the hrefs are rendered or 
constructed. The href for the xref is of the form #<topic_id>/<fig_id> whereas 
none of the other xrefs that work have this compound href with the slash.

Any recommendations?

Robert Carel
Technical Publications Manager
O: 925.659.3200  |  M: 925.659.3267  |  twitter: @accelasoftware



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