
I updated NuPlone this weekend, and while it's still not entirely finished, it should pretty much be "feature complete" in all browsers that are not IE6 (haven't tested IE7, but it's likely to have some issues too). It works well in Safari, WebKit, Opera, Firefox at the moment.

Kupu issues are fixed, and it's now at the point where I use it as the default when I test things and fix bugs. There are still some spacing that looks a bit off here and there, the prefs portlet[1], some of the new features like the portlet management, and a few of the widgets — but in general, this update fixes most of the major issues I could find. If you stumble over any other major issues, file bugs in the tracker and assign them to me.


[1] It is actually caused by Plone being silly about how that template is rendered (insane fill-slots etc), but I will look into that shortly.

Alexander Limi · http://limi.net

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