Since the framework team needed more time to do a proper, thorough review of all the PLIP implementations we needed to adjust the time line for the Plone 3.1 release. This is the updated time line:

- 2008-02-18 : framework team completes reviews and sends recommendations
              to release manager
- 2008-02-28 : complete merging of accepted PLIPs

- 2008-02-29 : 3.1 prerelease tagged
- 2008-03-03 : 3.1 prerelease with installers released

- 2008-03-14 : 3.1 release candidate tagged
- 2008-03-17 : 3.1 release candidate with installers released

- 2008-03-21 : 3.1 final tagged
- 2008-03-24 : 3.1 final with installers released

Aside from shifting all dates this timeline also extends to period to merge all PLIPs to two weeks. As release manager I'll call on the PLIP implementors to help with the merges. Please don't start merging your PLIP until I have contacted you: if we merge everything at the same time the tree will become a mess.

The period between the first prerelease and the first release candidate has also been extended by a week. It is important that everyone does their very best to test everything as fully as possible. This is the period in which we need to iron out all our problems. Do not wait with testing until the release candidate! The release candidate should be as close to a final release as possible, all problems should have been found and fixed before then.

After six months the Plone 3.0 tree has stabilized a lot, and with the 3.0.6 release has reached a point where monthly releases are no longer required. Therefore from this point on the development focus for Plone will shift from Plone 3.0 to 3.1. I will open new branches of CMFPlone and ploneout for Plone 3.1 and all future work should be done there. (Of course all changes should be commited to trunk as well to make sure we will not suffer from regressions in Plone 4).

New releases for Plone 3.0 will only be made for security or critical problems. After the 3.1 final release we may stop making Plone 3.0 releases completely, unless there are volunteers to keep maintaining a 3.0 tree.

Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   It is simple to make things.                  It is hard to make things simple.

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