Thanks to all the hard work from the PLIP authors we have finished
merging all the PLIPs in the Plone 3.1 tree. A total of 16 PLIPs
have been merged:

 #184: Include more/improved portlets (Jon Stahl) 
 #195: Support product dependencies (Wichert Akkerman) 
 #200: Kupu formlib widget (Martin Aspeli) 
 #202: Support inline validation and editing for formlib forms (Martin Aspeli) 
 #203: Manage portlet assignments with GenericSetup (Martin Aspeli, 
       Geir Baekholt) 
 #204: Manage content rules using GenericSetup (Martin Aspeli) 
 #205: Flexibility Associating Portlet Types and Portlet Managers (George Lee) 
 #207: Allow Custom Portlet Managers (George Lee) 
 #208: Adapter-Based Local Role Lookup (Alec Mitchell) 
 #209: Add buildout to Unified Installer (Steve McMahon, Wichert Akkerman) 
 #212: Use jQuery Javascript Library (Florian Schulze, Martijn Pieters) 
 #213: Prepare for better Syndication (Florian Schulze, Derek Richardson) 
 #215: Include new KSS versions (Balazs Ree, Godefroid Chapelle) 
 #218: Increase Restrictions, and Ability to Change, Addable Portlet Types
       by Interface (George Lee) 
 #220: Improve browser layer support (Wichert Akkerman) 
 #224: CSRF protection framework (Wichert Akkerman)

Unfortunately 2.2 PLIPs did not make it in this release:

 #187: Working Out-of-the-box WebDAV (Sidnei da Silva)
    This was probably the most hotly debated PLIP. It does offer some
    very nice improvements for WebDAV but the initial implementation
    needed some cleanups and changes before it could be merged into
    Plone core. Sidnei has been working hard on those and has a cleaner
    implementation ready, but this needs a a new proper review. This
    already looks like an excellent candidate for Plone 3.2.

 #201: Improve the UberSelectionWidget UI (Florian Schulze)
    The user interface for the UberSelectionWidget needs more work
    before it is ready for us mere mortals. I'm hoping this will be
    finished on time for Plone 3.2.

    A few improvements to the sources that make the existing
    UberSelectionWidget a bit easier to use have been merged in the 3.1

 #224: CSRF protection framework (Wichert Akkerman)
    The changes to plone.session to make it use the new keyring manager
    introduced too many migration problems and test failures in a lot
    of other places and have been reverted. The other parts of this PLIP
    have been merged.

this week we will be focusing on stabilizing the tree, fixing any test
failures that have surfaced and testing, testing and testing. And the
good news is everyone can help! Just grab that Plone 3.1 ploneout
branch, make an instance and start playing with it. The PLIP authors
are not the only one having fun, *you* can have some fun as well!


Wichert Akkerman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    It is simple to make things.                   It is hard to make things simple.

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