hi all,

the framework team has voted on all PLIPs submitted for inclusion into Plone 3.1. it's taken a bit longer than planned, and we'd like apologize for the delay. the following PLIPs have been accepted:

    #184: Include more/improved portlets
    #187: Working Out-of-the-box WebDAV
    #195: Support product dependencies
    #196: GroupUserFolder removing
    #200: Kupu formlib widget
    #201: Improve the UberSelectionWidget UI
    #202: Support inline validation and editing for formlib forms
    #203: Manage portlet assignments with GenericSetup
    #204: Manage content rules using GenericSetup
    #205: Flexibility Associating Portlet Types and Portlet Managers
    #207: Allow Custom Portlet Managers
    #208: Adapter-Based Local Role Lookup
    #209: Add buildout to Unified Installer
    #210: Improve UI support for objects on multiple workflows
    #211: Enable dashboard to be locked down
    #212: Use jQuery Javascript Library
    #213: Prepare for better Syndication
    #215: Include new KSS versions
    #216: Template overrides
    #217: Use Adaptation for Workflow Assignment
#218: Increase Restrictions, and Ability to Change, Addable Portlet Types by Interface
    #219: New site search implementation
    #220: Improve browser layer support
    #221: Use adaption for workflow history and status

the last one, #221, actually ended up with a vote count of 0, which was made up of one +1, one -1 and three "abstained". so while it wasn't positively selected, it didn't get rejected either, and since this is just about accepting improvement proposals (as opposed to the actual implementation), i suppose "in dubio pro reo" applies... :)

the following submissions have been rejected:

#199: Integration of ARFilePreview in Plone core (preview of office and other binary files)
    #214: Merge of CMFPlacefulWorkflow into CMFPlone/WorkflowTool

please refer to the framework team mailing list archive[1] for details about why we consider these PLIPs not to be suitable for Plone 3.1.

merry christmas (where it applies) & happy coding,


[1] http://lists.plone.org/pipermail/framework-team/

zeidler it consulting - http://zitc.de/ - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
friedelstraße 31 - 12047 berlin - telefon +49 30 25563779
pgp key at http://zitc.de/pgp - http://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net/
plone 3.0.4 released! -- http://plone.org/products/plone

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