On Wed, 20 Aug 2008 15:12:53 -0700, Andreas Zeidler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

hmm, i guess i must have somehow missed the discussion that lead to
that consensus (this is not meant to sound cynical or anything, btw).
there was some talk right after 3.1, and of course there were plans to
write things down in order to improve the process for the future.  i
might very well have missed parts of any more recent discussion, but
as a member of the (currently still active) 3.1 team, i'm wondering
why i don't really seem to know about this consensus.  or was it just
an "effective" one, i.e. one that sort of came up because the
discussion was never really finished?

That's what "consensus" means, at least in casual English. To be more precise, there wasn't a "we will do it this way, period" decision, but most people seemed to think it was a good idea, and I didn't see anyone express strong opinions otherwise.

Alexander Limi ยท http://limi.net

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