Attending: David Glick, Alec Mitchell,Ross Patterson, Eric Steele, Erik Rose, Laurence Rowe, Matthew Wilkes
Absent: None

   * Raphael and Calvin.
* Raphael has informed Eric that he'll have to leave the FWT due to time constraints. * Calvin has asked for a leave-of-absence until 4.1, granted by Eric. * Eric: has extended the same offer to Raphael. He's indicated that he appreciate that option. * Alec: "I'm OK with that as long as there's some clear explanation of why they couldn't participate this time (despite having volunteered to do so) and of why that will not happen for the next release." * Agreement from the remainder from the FWT. They'd like to seek replacements if not comfortable with the reasoning. Eric will contact both.
   * Magic number score to pass is now a +4.
   * Theme PLIP
      * Matthew is uncomfortable with dropping base_properties use
* OOTB project listed base_properties as a standard of a good Plone theme * Basis for simple customization: simple CSS or forms/widgets (CSSManager) * Is this a discussion that really has to do with this PLIP? Removing base_properties is a PLIP in and of itself
      * This theme is special because it's the ootb default
* base_properties is really only particularly useful when using CSSManager * Limi, Veda, Joel, Rob Porter were mentioned as people to bring into the discussion * Matthew was nominated to take this question to the larger community, both because he was so passionate about the issue and he'd left the meeting and could not turn it down.
   * 9311, needs work yet. Ok to retarget for 4.x release? Probably.
* Laurence: 9309 monkey patch would likely be acceptable for inclusion in Zope 2.12.x * 9310: Very close, needs default fields to be added to new registration form. * 9310 and 9330: 9310 creates a new join_form. Who merges these? Recommended aclark do it as his is the less-involved one.

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