Attending: Eric Steele, Alec Mitchell, Ross Patterson, Erik Rose, David Glick
Absent: Calvin HP, Laurence Rowe, Raphael Ritz, Matthew Wilkes

* Break deadlines into chunks. Some of these need more review than others. * Alec will pick up #9309. Ask Vincent Fretin to guest-review. (Later note: He's said yes.) * Concern about failing tests. Some of this is due to things being fixed
   after PLIP branches were made.
* Really only comfortable judging PLIPs with two reviews. Some of the simpler ones are fine with just one. * 9250: Name change has been made. Plone 4 should use this somewhere. Tabs? Fieldsets?
 * 9258: Well tested, good package. Should dialog be inline/modal?
 * 9259: In favor.
* 9295: Fairly incomplete at this point. Difficult to review. Needs much
   polish, user testing. Basic UI concepts are good. No migration from
existing collections. Ross is working on benchmarks. Candidate for a minor
   release. We'll see where they are in 2 weeks.
* 9315: Has a destination in mind, just hasn't reached it yet. Suggest Alex find someone to help with the non-design parts of the PLIP (failing tests, repackaging of existing theme). * 9329: Needs a lot of UI work, but is on the right track. Also a candidate for a minor release if needed.
 * 9285: Mostly complete. Link needs to be changed.
* 9286: Needs new CSS style for hidden portlets. Needs migration for old static portlets. * 9376: Optimizations made in archetypes.schemaextender have rendered this moot.
 * 9186: In favor. Do we cover files with this as well? Generally
 * 9272: Don't need per item on/off. Eric updated review accordingly.
* 9284: This is really more of a bug to be fixed in CMF than something we
   should be patching in Plone.
* Eric will send out another email tossing shame and roses as appropriate. Also request some volunteers for guest reviews. * The above PLIPs were judged. Let implementers know that their PLIPs have been evaluated. They can refute any suggestions on list or in ticket.
   They'll have 2 weeks to complete the suggested changes.

After the meeting, we also waved through #9330.


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