
Thanks for your comments; I will summarize and repost this to the dev list for further discussion. Maybe I will even move this list to the "Plone Strategic Planning" workspace at openplans so that we can edit it collaboratively without creating chaos.


Martin Aspeli wrote:
Jon Stahl wrote:
Scratching my own itch (thanks to Hanno for suggesting I look at the component owner list in trac), I pulled together this list of current component owners, sorted into owned and unowned.


Archetypes                 nouri

I wonder how effectively Daniel can manage this, given that it's such a big piece of code. It'd be good to make sure we can form out bugs here to others as needed.

Catalog                    witsch
Content Rules              optilude
Control Panel              hannosch
Image Blob Support         witsch
Installer (Mac OS X)       smcmahon
Installer (Unified)        smcmahon
Installer (Windows)        dreamcatcher
Intelligenttext            maurits
Internationalization       hannosch
Javascript                 mj
KSS (Ajax)                 ree
Linkintegrity              witsch
Locking                    jfroche   Navigation/Folder listings optilude

I really wish I could give this to someone else... I don't "own" this in any meaningful way, and I think I become a bottleneck.

NuPlone Theme              limi

Limi is probably a bottleneck here. Unfortunately, we struggle to find people willing to own template/visual bugs.

OpenID support             davisagli
Portlets                   optilude
Search                     witsch
Spelling Error             hannosch
Transforms                 hannosch
Versioning                 alecm
Visual Editor (Kupu)       duncan
WebDAV                     dreamcatcher

This one tends to bottleneck, because not enough people know very much about WebDAV.


ATReferenceBrowserWidget Accessibility Calendar and time Content Types

This one really should have an owner, since it's so fundamental.

Discussions Documentation Infrastructure (kind of a broad area)

Right, we should rationalise this away.

Login and registration

This one badly needs an owner. I think Wichert was looking after it, but realised he couldn't keep up.

Permissions RSS RTL Upgrade/Migration Usability (also a pretty broad area)

Ditto - I think Wichert gave up on this one.

Visual and templates

This one is huge, and used to be Limi's.

Wiki support (Wicked)   Workflow   Working copy support (Iterate)


Are there owned components where the owner is not active?

Are there unowned components that are actually owned?

Which unowned components are the most critical to get owners for?

See above.

Are there unnamed components that need owners?

Are there unnamed components that have owners?

Should I take this discussion out to the dev list? ;-)

Please! If we can define what a component owner does, we can probably recruit some more.


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